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NFSMWres is a great tool. But...

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 08:32
by hansip87
Hey, check this tool guys.

This tool helped me a lot I want to play the NFSMW game about 1152x864 (lowest resolution where my LCD still not stretching the picture) ignoring the menu setting. But, one thing's certain. This tools needed me to click "The Launch Button" first. So it's kind a slowdown for me. Any ideas to solve this? Is it using a parameter to do that like safe mode does? thanks.

PS: Sorry for the English.. :wink:

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 17:23
by Skyline_man
Wrong link.

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 04:04
by hansip87
Oops.. Sorry.. I'll upload this myself then..

Try this.. Thanks..

Or, you can go to