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Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 01:59
by korge
ooh... The devious EA approach to the sleeper "while you weren't looking" patch. Haha, same for Red Alert 3 :lol:

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 03:08
by Naito
I'm not saying Need for Speed Undercover is not worth playing or that it is the most disappointing game ever, but I'm just saying it's not the kind of NFS I came to like. To be honest I never really played many NFS before NFS Underground. This is because, not that they're a bad game, but I found the laps too long and the tracks too repetitive. I basically went from The Need for Speed, skipped all the way through until NFS Underground came out, bought all the ones afterwards, except NFS ProStreet ( I never got in to it), and then purchased NFS Hot Pursuit 2, to see what this classic game was like. It was good, but not great - would have been better to have car customization. I guess it's just not my cup of tea.

Maybe it's time to pass the Need for Speed baton onto Criterion Games, because they did a brilliant job with Burnout Paradise, so imagine what they could do with NFS.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 07:38
by Nitrodemon McLaren
korge wrote:Most wanted's final release date was 2005. Cant count?
Maybe if you hadn't expressed yourself that way.

@DarrenR21373: I'm having the same problems with the game freezing yet I too am well above minimum system requirements... I need to try the tips I got, I didn't have any time to play yesterday.

@Naito: Although Criterion did do a great job with Burnout Paradise, I think they should keep making Burnout games and EA Black Box should keep making NFS games.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 17:39
by Kaerar
@Nitrodemon McLaren - EA Black Box should be hung from a tree, shot and then run over by a Buick. They have gone from a really good game (Underground 1, MW) to this pile of crap. This game has so much potential and yet its wasted on a half arsed money scrounge attempt.

Time to pass the batton onto Bugbear I think. If they could do to the NFS genre (both the exotic racing and the Tuner/Muscle street racing) what they did with Flatout 2/Ultimate Carnage (such a sweet looking and handling engine even now) then we would all be jumping up and down with praise and possibly whining about the lack of Honda's.

If you can have a game like FO2 running amazingly on most mid-range systems (with a lot of physics and rendering going on) then this abominable piece of trash should be able to run. How about EABB instead of focusing on how to have vinyls in gloss while having a matte paint setup (not exactly the most important thing in NFS) and actually making the cars feel like cars (play FO2 to understand this even with a keyboard) and the racing involving and fun, then we might be able to appreciate the time and effort that currently seems to have been wasted on sequins and top hats.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 07:16
by CMuscle1
I have not yet played undercover but from what ive heard doesnt sound too good. But as a long time NFS fan I can see EA's reason for making terrible games or assumptions of why in these past few years the games have fallen in popularity. For one they dont talk to us the gamers, I really think that would be important for them to do to have all possible view on how racing games should be. secound of all I think they wanna try to mix simulation with arcade to much and that doesnt work.. pick one or the other EA perferably sim! They spend to much on car detail and world detail when gameplay should be a main point in the game Carbon was a example of that for sure. They also dont mix what made their games great into the game. They might pick two things from previous games and then make up some new random stuff that is not so good,Undercover was a example of that with the MW and Prostreet mix. One huge thing finally is they lack AI Competiveness and apperance. Since NFS went into the Underground era the level of difficulty has fallen. UG2 I have lapped people on their supposably "hard" difficulty. The apperance of AI cars are terrible, riced out cars in every game since UG1, its like racing a circus. I think they just came up with a random customizer for AI and must of used that instead of at least picking out indivual AI racers that actually meant something to race if ya know what I mean. I dont know where EA is going but they need to seriously do some revisting to the roots plain and simple.

wow that was long :lol:

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 15:01
by reputated
agree with Kaerar. i have FO2 and man it rocks, although it may not be the best. the game still fun to play and very accessible in the sense that it's easy and fun. i havent played undercover yet so i cant comment on that. but here are ma thoughts-
i think a game is good not because of the graphics or the so called "REALISTIC PHYSICS" or some other things. i believe a game is good mostly because it's fun to play, not a resource hogger and mostly because it's designed in such a manner that it encourages you to play it more. i think the statements like 'We have gone deep this time' or ' going back to the roots' or something similar are just excuses. dont go back to the roots, EVOLVE! think of something new, innovative and captivating. think of the underground series, MW and the pre-underground series and you will understand what i mean. the best examples are Crysis, Devil May Cry 3, Flatout 2, Sims 2 etc.

PLZ make a decent game the next time ea, i hope

EA has done a good job in Crysis series and many other games, so i hope they do well in nfs too (which they used to do sometime ago). waiting......................

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 15:30
by Nitrodemon McLaren
I just tried a solution from Expertester to fix the choppy frame rate for the PC version. It works. Now I can play without it freezing all the time.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 17:48
by jeffareid
I finished the game a few days ago. The play gets better as the cars get faster, until they get almost too fast, more like Star Wars swoop racers than race cars. Being a racing game, the storyline involves disputes settled with cars instead of guns, but was OK. The GameTrailers review got the heat level aspect all wrong. The heat level in Undercover has almost no affect, other than to increase the odds of the cops showing up in free roam, or in a few of the career events, where the presence of cops is optional. You don't need to swap cars, and running with heat level 5 isn't an issue.

I didn't have any graphic issues, but I'm running at either 1600x1200 or 1280x960 (on a CRT). System specs, Intel Core 2 X6800 at 2.93ghz, ATI HD4870 video card, Sound Blaster X-FI. I do have the music turned off.

I made a video of South Blvd and Bank in the Zonda to give an idea of the speed of the tier 1 cars. There is a stutter at 45 seconds into this video, but that's because of Fraps. When not using fraps, I don't get any stutters.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 18:40
by DarrenR21373
Nitrodemon McLaren wrote:I just tried a solution from Expertester to fix the choppy frame rate for the PC version. It works. Now I can play without it freezing all the time.
Managed to fix my problems too - Expertester solution didn't work for me, but then again I didn't think it would, since my copy is shop-bought...

My fix - I downloaded "Defraggler" from - a free disk defragmenter that seems to work better than XP's built in one - defragged the HDD and all is sweet again :D

Although I'm pretty sure that Undercover caused the issues by itself where games crashed loading races...

Still, now it's running properly, and I've completed it, I thoroughly enjoyed the game! *** SPOLIER WARNING *** Though I found a loophole to allow me to take out the BMW M6 with my Veyron as opposed to the M6 you're given.***/SPOILER***

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 20:22
by Nitrodemon McLaren
Well, after using this fix which although doesn't fully fix my problems has been able to do quite an improvement - I've done some notable progress.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 23:36
by zedex
DarrenR21373 wrote:*** SPOLIER WARNING *** ***/SPOILER***
well... it's not really a loophole... you just press escape... and go to Cars > Garage and choose your usual Tier 1 car lol... i destroyed it with my R8 =b *not the best Tier1 there is, but it's just sooo sexy!!*

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 07:53
by Naito
reputated wrote: EA has done a good job in Crysis series and many other games, so i hope they do well in nfs too (which they used to do sometime ago). waiting......................
Sorry to wreck your rant, but EA did not develop Crysis, they merely published it. Crytek, who developed Crysis, are also known for Far Cry, which was published by UbiSoft. So how did EA do a good job? Maybe with publishing?

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 10:55
by - Rx7 -
Epic Fail by EA.

Played for about 30 mins then got bored of the whole thing. Good thing i didn't pay money for it.

Has a crapper customization system than prostreet not to mention crapper graphics aswell. Not as many cars as ProStreet

The open world was good coming back, but it lacked any kind of challenge, most of the time i was red lining on 6th gear, it needs some more roads.

Was hard to interact with the customization and menus.

=D> Grats EA

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 11:26
by Bojan
- Rx7 - wrote:The open world was good coming back, but it lacked any kind of challenge, most of the time i was red lining on 6th gear, it needs some more roads.
You probably didn't get to the master events. Those are quite a challenge. Too bad all missions aren't like that - or at least with a difficulty setting which would make AIs as fast.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 12:52
by - Rx7 -
Bojan wrote:
- Rx7 - wrote:The open world was good coming back, but it lacked any kind of challenge, most of the time i was red lining on 6th gear, it needs some more roads.
You probably didn't get to the master events. Those are quite a challenge. Too bad all missions aren't like that - or at least with a difficulty setting which would make AIs as fast.
- Rx7 - wrote:Played for about 30 mins then got bored of the whole thing. Good thing i didn't pay money for it.
I did not.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 14:18
by Skyline_man
I Just finished this game and i have to say, the cutscenes are Pathetic ! :| and so is the storyline of course.

The only thing i like about this game is the car physics, which is weird but still enjoyable, and the highway battles..some of them tbh, because most of them were very easy.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 19:09
by steve30x
I like the game but I ish they put an option in there to disable the motion blur. Ive always disabled motion blur because I dont like the effect no matter what game I play.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 20:37
by DarrenR21373
As I posted elsewhere - if you turn off World Effects (I think), you turn off motion blur 8)

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 21:14
by steve30x
DarrenR21373 wrote:As I posted elsewhere - if you turn off World Effects (I think), you turn off motion blur 8)
Yes if you turn down world effects down then motion blur will be lowered or disabled but this also lowers the other effects which I dont want. This lowers the graphics quality of the world. I want to get rid of motion blur and keep the other effects.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 02:20
by ipar
hi all i think the new n.f.s undercover is ace,it runs very well on my pc.the graphics are great the police chases are cool.the game reminds me of something between most wanted and underground 2.a mix of them both.
my system specs are-athlon x2 4600,2 gb ram,ati 3850.all setting set to medium and the res at 1280*1024.and with a avg frame rate of 30.
i dont understand why so many people dont seem to like it,for me its one of the best n.f.s games ever released.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 09:02
by 2fast4all
ipar wrote:hi all i think the new n.f.s undercover is ace,it runs very well on my pc.the graphics are great the police chases are cool.the game reminds me of something between most wanted and underground 2.a mix of them both.
my system specs are-athlon x2 4600,2 gb ram,ati 3850.all setting set to medium and the res at 1280*1024.and with a avg frame rate of 30.
i dont understand why so many people dont seem to like it,for me its one of the best n.f.s games ever released.
Its good you like the game, everyone has there own opinion. Like me, its alright, missing a lot of features and crashes frequently but I can live. To understand why people hate it so much is that you have to really really like the series, starting from the first one until now. Im assuming a couple of guy know the NFS series from there back of there head. I started from nfs3hp and played all up til now, but skipped nfshp2 just because. I know the series if going downhill but I will keep playing nfs until they stop making it. No matter how good/bad it is.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 13:28
by ipar
hi 2fast4all,yes its true to enjoy more and play it even with the bugs you would have to be a fan of the series.there is a few bugs in the game which i have noticed is there is some slowdown,and sometimes the scenery pops up out of no where when you sometimes go around a bend.still im enjoying it mostly because ive always been a fan.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 14:20
by Bojan
So career finished. Unfortunately it was in zherman so I can't really comment on the story, but as for the game - it is a worthy Most Wanted successor. Awesome driving engine (I'd say better than in MW) and amazing sense of speed really dominate over the few issues it does have (occasional low framerate and stuttering - especially in the third city, few annoying missions and AI which is often too easy). Car customization is the smoothest so far and even though there isn't so many parts available as we hoped for, it's much better to customize.

The online has been improved hugely though. Lobby system for ranked races now actually works smoothly - cycling through different car tiers is a superb idea. Haven't tried cops'n'robbers yet but I hear that's a cool game mode.

Oh and those of you complaining about being too easy. It starts easy, but the events will get tougher and tougher. Master events are all challenging and the events in the last city are pretty hard to beat.

One thing that's also spectacular in this game is the soundtrack! Give it a listen.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 15:44
by zedex
Bojan wrote:Oh and those of you complaining about being too easy. It starts easy, but the events will get tougher and tougher. Master events are all challenging and the events in the last city are pretty hard to beat.
that's the problem i have with people complaining about the game... if you quit after 30 mins finding it "too boring" then OF COURSE you wouldn't know the full potential of the game!

playing a game for 30 mins and stopping doesn't represent the whole game...

but i guess the graphic problem is a big turnoff so people tend to just stop playing early...

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 16:02
by ipar
yes sound track is ace,it suits the game perfectly.yes most people play 30 mins then get fed up,you need to spend more time playing it to really enjoy it and to see all the good points instead just looking at the bad points,which are not many bad points that i have noticed so far.
for me-
graphics- 9/10
music- 9/10
gameplay -7/10
