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Custom vinyls

Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 02:21
Why don't more people make use of the vinyl editor? To busy using other racers as braking markers? There is SO much more you can do to the cars in the game than the 'stock' liveries. Get creative. I think I spend 70% of my game time doing custom paint and vinyls to every car I use. Anybody agree with me or have I spent too much time breathing methanol fumes?
Chip foose wannabee

Re: Custom vinyls

Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 03:25
by Hydro_PT
I would use more the vinyl editor if it was any good. But I think the whole system in SHIFT 2 is too limited. And the interface is not the best either. If it was something like World, I surely would spend more time painting my cars. But since it is not, I just grab a stock livery and go for it, or then paint the car with a solid colour.

Not to talk about the bug that happens to me sometimes: cars "swapping" vinyls between each other, and if you try to edit them, all custom cars will use that car's vinyl and lose theirs. Very annoying.

Re: Custom vinyls

Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 13:15
I found that by distorting the primitive shaped vinyls and using layering you can basicaly make any design you can imagine. I have an awesome GT500 thats silver chrome thats been made to look like a P51 mustang. Just like a WW2 fighter complete with teeth,eyes and squadron insignia. The works. Copied the layout off a picture of an actual P51. Took a long time but it was worth it in the end!