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The 8th Gen-Consoles

Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 11:05
by ThunderScrambler
The new generation of consoles are finally here!
Sony's Playstation 4, Nintendo's Wii U and Microsoft's Xbox One are ready for the Console war.
But which one is the best? Which one will win the battle?
Vote now and leave a note why.

I go with the PS4. It is 100 euros/dollars/pounds less then the Xbox One and has no Used Games restriction,
no daily network check or something.
Even if there is a PS+ restriction for online, i think its better than a gold membership for Xbox because
it gives you free games, free themes and stuff. I also like the touchpad on the PS4 controller.

Re: The 8th Gen-Consoles

Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 13:18
by Bojan
I'm really tired of xbox live unavailability here in Slovenia and it seems like nothing will change with xbox one, so I'm going with PS4. Not to mention it's cheaper.