Two New Driver Experience Videos

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Two New Driver Experience Videos

Post by Bojan »

Two new Driver Experience videos are available in our Need for Speed SHIFT videos section, both in HD too.
Risk and Consequence. Every day we make choices based on rick and consequences. Sometimes the choices are relatively simple choices with little risk...sometimes the choices are major choices that require us to seriously think through the risk and consequences.

This film, Risk and Consequences, features three of the drivers (Chris Rado, Tommy Milner, and Vaughn Gittin Jr.) talking about Risks and Consequences on the track.

It's pretty cool to think about what choices drivers must make throughout a race. From the short time it takes to do a single pass in a drift battle to the two hours you're behind the wheel in one stint in a Le Manns race; there are lots of choices to be made.

Do I gear down for this turn or just push through? Should I give a little more throttle and get a bit closer to this guy I'm following even though I'm already going 78MPH sideways? Lots of choices.
The Zone features three of the drivers (Chris Rado, Tommy Milner, and Vaughn Gittin Jr.) talking about what's it's like to be in the zone. One of my favorite lines from The Zone comes from Tommy Milner:

"If you're in the zone, the only thing that's in your head is basically is just...what you're hearing in the car...what you're feeling from the car."

This is a very cool film! It's interesting to hear Chris, Tommy and JR talk about the zone because when they describe the feeling they get when they're in the zone, they all essentially say the same thing; the car becomes an extension of their body.
Need for Speed SHIFT videos section
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