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Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 10:22
by t3ice
Hmm..there are many reasons for that :

1. PSU is not stable enough.
2. Drivers are old..or outdated.
3. Graphic is heating up and restarting to prevent possible damage.
4. Graphic card has some error in the bios.

Thats all..i can think of right now..
But im pretty sure its mostly the PSU ..
What kind of PSU are u using..and whats the power?

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 16:14
600 watt okia, and i hae the newest forceware, and its not like on every game, just a select few.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:13
by Cpt.Razkit
I have a question, whats a good VGA Card for $200?

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:29
pci-e or agp?

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:32
by The Gravedigger

He's after a PCI-E card, and for the money that 7900GS is probably the best he can get for the money.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:40
gs? isnt GT much much better?

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:41
by xHaZxMaTx
It's also $60 more.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:42
by Cpt.Razkit
Im lookin for a cheap good card that will work for my dad for a few years... He needs an upgrade from a 6600LE

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 00:34
by darknight788
id get a 6800 GT they are relatively cheap atm and provide some good performance

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 00:58
by PSZeTa

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 16:32
by weedman173
I need some help on how I could cool my graphics card. When it get to high tmperatures games start to get a little jumpy. I was thinking to have a fan in the back of the case pulling air in and another fan blowing down right near that and just close it off so that it blows cold air from my room directly onto the graphics card.

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 22:08
by PSZeTa
Fans are simple:

Front, side and bottom are intakes. Back and top are exhausts.

Just put a fan under it to get the air circulating.

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 06:36
by WonkaVW
Start by putting an exhaust fan in the back of the case. Follow this with an intake fan in the area under the hard drives, in the front of the case. This will pull cool air through the front of the case, up and over the graphics card exhausting it through the back. An ideal setup is 2 fans in the back exhausting with one as intake in the front. If you're still getting problems, cleaning out the gfx card fan is a good idea, possibly taking it off and applying artic silver 5 to it (google this).

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 20:51
by weedman173
Ok, well I have one fan on the top of my case exhausting and one on the side of the case exhausting. I have na fan in the back or front, so Ill give those a try.

Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 04:08
by darknight788
i got a question for everybody, when you are done on your comp do you turn it off completely or do you leave it running, i leave mine running and that means the videocard is still going to be at idle temp 46 ~ degrees celcius. my question is does it hurt the card to leave the comp idle and have it always warmed up or or is it better to turn off the computer completely and let the card cool down

Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 05:49
probobly turn it off. So heres my question, i am going to be building a new pc this winter, and i want to get a video card that i can play any game full settings, now, will the 7950GT be a whole lot better than the 7900GT? (I will just get one of themand then next year probobly i will SLI the other one.) FYI i am going to have 2gb RAM, amd athlon X2 dual core, and asus a8n32.

Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 22:41
by PSZeTa
darknight788 wrote:i got a question for everybody, when you are done on your comp do you turn it off completely or do you leave it running, i leave mine running and that means the videocard is still going to be at idle temp 46 ~ degrees celcius. my question is does it hurt the card to leave the comp idle and have it always warmed up or or is it better to turn off the computer completely and let the card cool down
If running it at idle would hurt, putting it under load would probably blow it up. Don't worry about it.
NFSBLUECIVIC wrote: i want to get a video card that i can play any game full settings, now, will the 7950GT be a whole lot better than the 7900GT? (I will just get one of themand then next year probobly i will SLI the other one.) FYI i am going to have 2gb RAM, amd athlon X2 dual core, and asus a8n32.
7950GT is a overclocked GT core with an extra 256MB of RAM.

Didn't you look up any benchmarks?

Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 03:14
by xHaZxMaTx
Is this a good deal?

Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 03:37
by darknight788
i'd say especially since they can rival the performance of a 6800 GT, id get it if i were you, just looked on ebay and found a 6800 GT for 86.00 dollars :shock:

Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 03:50
by xHaZxMaTx
Umm, a 7600GT rivaling the performance of a 6800GT? Wouldn't it exceed the performance of a 6800GT?

Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 04:19
by The Gravedigger
Yes it exceeds the 6800GT, it can even go as far as to challenge the 7800GT (at least the XFX version could anyhow), it can show up an X1800GTO in some games anyhow...

EVGA have always been known for some pretty insane overclocks, or as they sometimes call their cards, superclocked. The card you're going for there should be more than sufficient to be able to play games like FEAR on max (in-game settings, minus soft shadows) and still get a decent framerate.

So I'd say go for it, oh and if I remember right I think EVGA also has a lifetime warranty.

Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 08:09
by t3ice
Yeah EVGA has a life time warranty..once u register ..also I think they also
cover overcloacking

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 07:56
by darknight788
looks like i need to get one so i can overclock it a ton and play all my games at max settings :twisted: most likely a 7950 tho is what id be looking at

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 09:32
by t3ice
hmm ........
I'd wait for the 8800 which i heard comes with liquid cooling and INSANE
clock speeds...

I also heard it supports full Directx 10 technology ;)

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 18:21
8800????? i have never even heard of the 8 series? when are they coming out?