How fast have you driven yourself, or been driven?

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How fast have you driven yourself, or been driven?

No more than 70mph (110km/h) any more is illegal
75mph - 100mph (120-160km/h)
101mph - 120mph (161-190km/h)
121 - 140mph (191-225km/h)
141 - 155mph (226-250km/h)
155 - 199mph (251-320km/h)
200mph+ (320km/h+) (yeah riiiiight!)
I dont drive, or have only been driven at under 70mph (110km/h)
I am a racing driver :)
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Post by GT3x24x7 »

I've pushed the ol' R32 to the limiter at 180kmh quite a few times, to be honest, in that car it feels just like 100kmh - still a sense of complete control over the car. I don't really have any desire to remove the limiter and go faster - I figure what's the point?
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Post by T-Shine »

The fastest I've tried was around 230 km/h on the way home from a trip.
There was also a speedticket lying around a few days later.. It was not really worth it lol.
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Post by Grez~Supra_RZ-S »

I took both limiters off my car, its not the fact I want to go ridiculously fast (wait...actually yes it is lol), but the jap restrictor limited it to 112mph!!! Seems a bit ridiculous, so i had it removed (as well as the 150mph manufacturer restrictor)
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Post by GT3x24x7 »

Yeah, the Japanese have a law that all cars are limited to that speed. Prolly not a bad idea since they continue to make insanely quick machines!!
T-Shine wrote:... There was also a speedticket lying around a few days later.. It was not really worth it lol.
Ouch!! Was the ticket for the full 230?? How much was the fine? :cry:
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Post by UrQuattro »

Wow, any country I can think of shuold take away your license if they got you clocked that fast. I have to constantly shiznit my way out of 10-15 km/h + violations, but 230! You were lucky to keep your license... But I agree - if there is a chance of getting caught, it's not worth it. Unless you can runaway from cops. :)
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Post by GT3x24x7 »

UrQuattro wrote:... it's not worth it. Unless you can runaway from cops. :)
Yeh, good luck with that! With the hardware the cops are packin these days, that's gotta just about impossible...

And yeh - you'd lose your licence for sure in Aussie. The fine would be several thousand dollars too...
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Post by TheStig »

Over here.... 20 ft below seelevel... (holland..) you lose your license temp if you go 50 KM/h (30 MPH) over the speed limit on open roads and highways, I city;s the rules are harder.... not going to bother you with the details... :D
but I get your license back... in the worst case you have to take driving lessons again and pass the exams again....

(I had one of those students last month... easy money... :D

I often (*shame*) do speed on the highway...well the 206 maxed out at 180 Km/h.... as long as it's quiet.... don't want a undercover cop car behind me... cause with 180 I loose my license and my instructor license for a while.... and I don't want that...
with a camera you won't loose your license... just get a HUGE ticked...
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Post by T-Shine »

No, hehe, only 230 for a couple of seconds. And luckily that wasn't the speed on the fine.
And luckily (again) I wasn't driving lol. It was my uncle who payed..
Great guy, and even more childish than me. :lol: Donno if there's alot of uncles out there driving 230? :lol:

Of course you'd loose your licence in Denmark aswell, if you get caught at 230. :wink: We're not that crazy.
The government is but that's a totally different story..
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Post by KekumRulez »

Well, last summer I was driven about 220-230 kmp/h in a BMW 7-series (I guess it was a 745i, but I can be wrong).

Inside almost NO noise, just like we were cruising across a boulevard :D
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Post by UrQuattro »

I ran from cops once. I can give details if you are interested, but I don't want people to start doing it, becasue it's dangerous. Now I can look back and think it was stupid, back that I was pretty cocky about it. I didn't get caught obviously, but my speed was enough to lose a license for 2 years and have a 600USD fine.. that's for speeding only.. And it was in Estonia few years ago, and 600USD even today is an average salary, so it's a lot of money for a student!
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Post by KekumRulez »

Well, I'm interested in the story. If you still decided you don't want to share here, you can pm orso
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Post by Grez~Supra_RZ-S »

yea, it sounds interesting. Ive been lucky enough to never have to run, remember, its not illegal if you dont get caught ;) (lol just joking, speeding is dangerous, and should only be done if you know the limits your car can be pushed to)
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Post by UrQuattro »

Ok, in city of Tallinn (I was 19) we have a pretty long kinda of a highway deal (2 lanes, both ways, with division of approx 3 lanes width of grass) but it's not HIGH, but actually sunk into the ground by like 10 metres. It was blasted out by the Soviets in the 80's (i think before Olimpic Games - not sure) for a speed train or trolleybus service. It cutse through like a whole neighborhood and goes on for may be 5-7km. It's straigh with just an autobanish turns. So that's the place.

The story, I left the center of Tallinn, and was heading to our appartent that was at the end of that long road, i have to actually take an Exit like in US to leave that road, get on a ramp, if you know what I mean. So half way through, I am driving a pooooo 1.8 Jetta, and my girlfriend is saying that there is noone, it's nice how it'd empty (1am or so at night). So I floor it just for fun, and it getting to 170 or something, and than I pass a cop that right under one of the bridges that cross that long road. So I know he clocked me at that high speed, cuz I didn't see him and didn't slow down. What happened next was a dumb thing to do, and a very very lucky one. I know how to run in theory, because a few of my firends had done it, and more than once. So I get on the exit ramp in a less bright place, swtch off the headlights and go through the neighborhood that's twisty and has bad lights. I am driving 70km/h in 40 zone. I reach my appartment, park the car in a closed gate parking lot (we had a remote to open it), and just walk home. Done. I heard the serene, but nothing. called my friend who said he saw a couple of cop cars, but nothing else.
So the deal was that I acted very quickly, I knew my way around, and I knew exactly what to do in case it happened. So I had a plan, and I followed it to the dot. They key - switching off driving lights and driving through narrow twisty nighborhood that I knew very well. A closed private condo parking lot is a huge plus, becuase they can't just enter on theri will. I knew they were somewhere after me, but they never appeared in my rear view mirror.

My friends who ran, always switched off the driving lights, and either parked in a mall, or took a forrest round if it was somewhere on a highway...

BTW, since than, like in 2 mothns time, i got into an accident,doing like 30 km/h. Been taking the bus/getting rides for Jan/Feb (very COLD in Estonia) and overall, since than respect the limit much more. And I still speed, but only outside the city. In that accident though, It wasn't my fault, the lady drove on my lane and I got a total replica of EuroNCAP crash test. But when you hit a Mercedes, your VW gets the damage. Trust me ;)
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Post by KekumRulez »

interesting story!

But just as you said: don't try this at home! 8)
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Post by UrQuattro »

Yeah, I wouldn't drive in town too fast again. Thus no need for any adrenaline... Btw, i'll do track when it's summer, some rallying for fun in country side in winter, and kart racing on the weekends under roof. So I got my need for speed covered these days... ;)
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Post by Sp3aK »

I pushed my 1986 Volvo 240 DL Wagon up to 100mph, maybe 101.

The story: :) I was on a 2 lane road more-less in the middle of nowhere riding with a good friend of mine. He told me to punch it because he drove the road quite alot and he said there was never cops on it. So using my curiousity and youth and the reason for doing it, I did it. That made me have a much greater respect for the car, it road smooth and accelerated quite nicely. I'm about 90% sure I could have pushed it up to 120mph(the max on the speedo) but I was running out of road(there was a curve ahead that I didn't want to try and take at 100).

Another story: I was riding with that same friend in his stupid little Paseo and he wanted to go fast. He has been in many wrecks and gotten lots of tickets, so yeah, really smart. So we are on a highway basically and he guns it, pops it in 5th gear and about the time we get to 95mph the whole car starts to shake and we figure it's about time to slow down. heh.

ANOTHER STORY: this is the time that I got my first ticket. My dad and I were riding in seperate cars(he was in our family station wagon. Celeberty Wagon EuroSport 3.1 V6, me in my Volvo). Anywho. So we were crusing down the highway at about 70 and we come up on a speed change(back down to 55mph, from 65). So I see the sign, look down at my speedo and see I'm still going 70. I was going to slow down but I looked up and my dad was maintaining speed. So I shrug my shoulders figure he knows what he's doing and keep on goin. Bout 30 seconds later a state trooper goes by on the other side. I immediately start slowing down but i look in my reareview and see that he is already slowing down and about to pull a U-ie. So the firetruck pulls both me and my dad over at the same time -_- I get ticketed for 70 in a 55 and my dad gets 71 in a 55.

Couple little stories, they were entertaining for me.
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Post by Grez~Supra_RZ-S »

lol very entertaining speak, unlucky about the ticket. Thats a point, we could have a 'kill' section here, posting storys about cars we've raced and beaten. I had a good one the other day. I saw an old girlfriend of mine the other day who I havent seen for years with her new boyfriend. He started immediately bragging about his E36 318 coupe, and carried on for about five minutes, all while I was stood next to my crappy Rav4 (the supra was in the garage supposedly having a body kit fitted, but thats another story lol). Anyway, I felt it was needed to point out his cars shortcomings when his girlfriend walked away, but decided to with-hold the fact I had a supra. Being the arrogant person he is, he told me to meet him at the weekend for a race.....the look on his face when I pulled at the side of him in the Supra, and those famous last words 'er, I was only kidding about the race'.
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Post by UrQuattro »

must have been hard to keep the Supra ownership a secret when talking to him.. Looks like it was worth it. :)
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Post by Sp3aK »

haha nice grez. I got to race someone in my dads Suzuki Sidekick :D Little 5 speed, was actually quite a fun little vehicle. My dad and I drove the hell out of it. Anyways, i had a couple girl in the car with me and some ppl in a tarus pulled up next to me at a light and the guy motioned the whole, "Let's race thing". Obviously he was messing around cuz he was laughing the whole time so I just laughed a bit myself and asked the girls if I should race the guy. I did :) Took that damned suzuki up to about 6 grand before i'd switch gears too :D I did win. It was fun.

I only wish that I had enough money to afford a supra. At my dad's automotive shop theres a few nice cars sitting around. An 89 300zx (5 speed), a Mitsubishi Conquest(look it up on Ebay if you've never heard of it, also a 5 speed), when I went down this afternoon to get my oil changed there was a Z28 Camaro with an LT1 package in it(damn thing was an automatic, what a waste!). Plus a couple weeks ago there was a 90's series 300zx and a couple months ago I had the pleasure of riding on the test drive for a 2003 Nissan 350z(in real life they are such an awsome car).
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Post by americanwedding »

ok i took my 1993 tempo and got to around 100 and blew my friends 2000 chevy trailblazer straight out of the water
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Post by americanwedding »

will some one please send me the neon file i somehow deleated mine and that sux
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Post by UrQuattro »

you can't just post whatever you want in any thread, if yuo need smth, make a topic for it...
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Post by GioDeR »

I've been in 305 kmh with an Ferrari Testarossa :)
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Post by Grez~Supra_RZ-S »

hey GioDer, im not saying youre lying about this, but 305kmh = 190mph, and testarossas on a speedway top out at 180mph ;)
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Post by GioDeR » showed 305kmh on the meter :) and i know that one lies abit :D
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