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Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 18:15
by Gussy
i can only save my vinyls in P8-format...8:8:8:8 is not

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 18:38
by Omni
What the.. :shock:

OK, this is what I get....


Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 19:07
by UrQuattro
PALETTE RGB 256 colors. That's what mine saves under. Oh, and it has to be Photoshop 7 or 8.

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 19:32
by Omni
Tried Palette 256 colors too, error is gone, but he still doesn't import the vinyl... >_<

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 19:51
by UrQuattro
SAVE the project. I had the same mistake, dude, read page 1!!!

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 20:13
by Omni
d0h, I saved the project..... It's just not working, don't know what's wrong :?

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 20:19
by UrQuattro
u have to tell more! how do i know?
"it's just not working" isn't enough to help you.
U know it doesn't import? how do you know? U don't get the error message... Than it must import. When I import mine - it doesn't look like anythin happens. Than I SAVE, start the game, get into the Car and customize it with that vinyl (I pick Custom Vinyl). U are certain it doesn't import bacause: u go into game and in a place of the vinyl you modded is the original one, or the game crashes? If you can clarify ur problem, may be u can solved it faster.

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 20:24
by Ultron
but if you open one of them - Photoshop imports it's pallete and anything u'll be further importing into that file will automatically convert into the right palette...

No idea what you mean photoshop doesen't convert imported images in the right palette

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 20:35
by Omni
When I import mine - it doesn't look like anythin happens.
Same here, but also in the game there's nothing changed, so I really don't know what's wrong. I can only pick the original vinyl....

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 20:44
by UrQuattro
yeah, well that sucks. i can't say much more.. i import the vinyl, and vinyl_mask, then click SAVE, then start game and it's there. Although couple of times it crashed, cuz i put white and color on same vinyl.. but that's another story. So too bad, may be someone knows more.

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 20:50
by The Gamer
pacodog wrote:i import the vinyl, and vinyl_mask,
vinyl_mask :shock: What is that? and how to make mask?

I import only the vinyl but nothing happend in NFSU.

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 20:53
by Omni
Ooooooowwwww f**k! The mask :shock: Forgot the mask, sorry! :D

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 21:27
by ExCLuSiVe
Made a vinyl for it , im starting to understand the program but colored vinyls are still a little to tough to create

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 21:28
by UrQuattro
now who is the Duh!! Lol, that happens, glad to help m8!

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 21:39
by ExCLuSiVe
Still waiting for some1 to create a FNF vinyl :P
I tried making one but it just keeps crashing on me , i made the decal that whas on the supra in fnf 1 . 2 bad though

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 22:05
by The Gamer
As I Import the Vinyl and The mask from it, i look into the game and i dont see that the vinyl is Imported. strange :cry:

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 22:25
by ExCLuSiVe
Look the past posts , you got to save the file after importing

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 22:32
by The Gamer
Yeah, I did that to, but no results!

The Vinyls arent in NFSU :S

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 22:36
by ExCLuSiVe
i found out that so far with this program only the vinyls that have a standard color , like the sponsor decals etc have white , the unique " autozone " has red , only those can be edited! if you edit for example a lighting 2 vinyl , it depends on you to generate a color for it , those things just keep crashing on me . Anybody found a way around it ? lemme know

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 23:04
by Gussy
and, is there a way to create those "multicolored" vinyls? which includes several different layers which can have different colors?

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 23:14
by ExCLuSiVe
Another 1 i made :D a little fnf kindda vinyl . is there a place i can upload it to the site ? :) would be cool

Gussy : still trying to figure that out myself , there should be a way but for now it just keeps crashing (for me atleast)

Like this vinyl ? 8)

Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 00:24
by CustomZ02
Here's mine so far...............

Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 00:43
by TonicX
someone need to make a little tutorial about these vinyls editing.

Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 00:44
by TonicX
Which file should I open with BinTex

Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 02:30
by ExCLuSiVe
sweeeeet subaru :) check this out , finally managed to get a fnf decal working ;)