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Post by RazoR_MKD »

Pabl0z wrote:Why does it suck?
Cuz i hate it,u just pick a hero and fight with stupid recpies,i hate it,the game is so DEAD
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Post by Sweet-16 »

obviously you guys don't get the point of rpgs. but i won't even start. it's entertaining enough to see ignorance at it's best. you guys just stick to you're pansy racing games and simulators, and we'll stick to our rpgs.
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Post by spartan.dk »

You know, I've been a victim to an MMORPG... I spent hours on end, playing, playing, trying to reach level 99, when I was at 95, I thought to myself, what a waste of time I've been doing... and then the server shut down because of a lawsuit. Yeah, I owe alot to that shutdown because I'd be afraid of what I'd be at if I continued wasting my life on such an endless useless game, where all you do is run around stabbing stuff for no reason, there's no GOAL to an MMORPG, being the highest level? No one gives a shiznit, all you're going is living a fake life that doesn't have an end. All you're doing is collecting "rare" stuff and selling it and gaining money and blah blah, not like you're doing anything to suceed in that character's life. Once you gain alot of money, you go to yourself, you're already a high level character, what's the point? You can't level anymore because all the monsters won't give enough expererience. And then if you just continue leveling, most don't realize is that you're just wasting your time clicking and moving around a digital world for no reason, since you're just running around stabbing random stuff without a goal or anything. At least playing racing games and simulators, there's a goal, finishing a race etc. Halo, there's a goal, you finish the campaign, and play against others on multiplayer through the internet, you actually win the game, not like you're leveling or anything towards a goal, every game is different on the Xbox Live, there's CTF, assault, slayer, but in MMORPG's all is the same. You go to this dungeon, there's a different monster. You go to another dungeon, there's a different monster, but what's the difference? You're working towards an endless goal, so why not quit just now so that you won't continue wasting your god damned loser life on such a retarded game such as MMORPGs. You find it surprising how much things you're gain back once you've cought on with your life again, and not some bunch of crappyass digital pixels that you're running around in.
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Post by Cpt.Razkit »

I could never play a MMORPG because I would never be able to spend my own money on it. I never tried WoW but i have watched a few people play it, but i dont see why people would want to play it for how long some people play it...
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Post by prince1142003 »

i played diablo2 for a long time. god, that game was addicting.... but it got boring after i ended up as a level 60 necromancer with an aura-skill granting weapon that severely injured anything near me....
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Post by WhereIsTheNsx »

lol @ what i started

i play because i have friends that play, and they have friends that play, and we all get together and level up characters and defeat monsters. i was always a fan of warcraft. i love strategy games, i think of the game as a online fps with spells armor and attacks instead of guns and ammo, ther is strategy involed in the game. not enough to make it immposibly hard, but just enough where you have to coordinate actions and work as a team, i like that, makes you feel like a general in a mid-evil battle field.
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Post by M@r!n0 »

i know some victimis of MMORPG..the play a version of worcraft called DOTA...they sit all daylog and all nightlog played dota, at schoole they weren't learning anymore, they are not geting out of the house , they don't have girlfirend and so on...YES, MMORPGs are bad... :twisted:
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Post by Dragster »

If you can't play a MMORPG/RPG game within limits of sanity, go and get some help... I played WoW and gave up because of all the freaks I encountered...
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Post by RazoR_MKD »

Hey i play dota and i had a girlfriend,but i hate WOW and other RPGS
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Post by 99k »

I used to hate WoW, seemed boring but then 1 time I got a chance to go on it. It was great, as I got to lvl 24 I stopped playing for 1-2months. Then i managed to get to lvl 38. I quit for around 3-6months and then got upto lvl 39. Later my wow stopped working and then I thought meh the hell with that.

I have an account on guildwars and on CoV (city of villains)
And btw I don't obsess on them because I enjoy playing GARRYS MOD!!!
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Post by prince1142003 »

there's a video game rehab clinic opened somewhere in Europe for MMORPG addicts who can't seem to quit... sadly, i know a few people who've lost everything because of their addiction to MMORPGs... a friend got landed in jail for stealing because he didn't have money to pay for his internet connection....

but, like with everything, this is just one person. as with every group, there's always those black sheep among us that react differently to things. and the black sheep can't be taken as an example of the whole.
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Post by WhereIsTheNsx »

lol @ video game rehab, that is nutz (sadly I'm thinking i should join).....

my girl is mad at me cuz i blew off a date with her for the movies to play wow with my friends. am i wrong for that??? First off... i already saw superman, second, we always go to the movies (Is it just me or is this guy searching for excuses) third, I never ask but for one day off from her. Am I a bad guy? Plus I got some pretty good rare items and a level up (This is just sad).
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Post by spartan.dk »

If you love your girlfriend enough, you'd spend time with her rather than playing some stupid video game, and that's a mistake you did. You'd rather play some stupid video game, rather then spending the time with your girlfriend, which if you keep doing this, I assure you she's going to break up with you if you keep up like this.
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Post by Toshiro »

Spartan speaks the truf.

A game over your girl?
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Post by Calibra_14 »

The game u need to play is ur girlfriend :D
Modern talk :P
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Post by Stereo »

Well, games are really getting out of hand... My friend just turned Emo because of Gaia Online... A few days ago he was normal now he's mumbling to himself and sticking his eyeballs to the screen with scotch tape. -_- Tells me "Whatever..." when I say something. Its really pissing me off because he's becoming less of a friend now. I tell him something 3 times and hes staring at the laptop screen cracking himself up because of people cybering... May really sound weird but it does weewee me off quite a bit.
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Post by 99k »

OMFG, ok games are fun but that is just seriously odd. Everytime I walk into my bros room hes on wow, I don't get why he still plays it, hes lvl 60 and keeps doing the same insatnce, hes got the armour set he wants, his epic mount, why keep playing?
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Post by WhereIsTheNsx »

i don't know why your brother keeps playing, maybe he's trying to be the best?
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Post by fireneeb »

You cant be the best on those games. And even if you do, who gives a shiznit. Just so when you walk into a room some nerd gawks at you and is like "w00t th4t guy is t3h 1337, h3 pl4ys s!x h0urs a d4y and pWns u5 a11!"
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