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Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 16:56
by Nitrodemon McLaren
Since when was NFS a children's game? Pfft, I see High Stakes as more kiddish than Most Wanted.Those were the games that defined NFS though and they satisfy adults too. They are for all audiences, like arabnight said.

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 19:46
by korge
"E for everyone" makes it childs play. Crazy dumb physics makes it childs play. Ugly bodykits that an adult who owns a real car would never buy makes it childs play.

You wouldnt understand since you probably cant buy an M rated game without parents consent.

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 21:19
by prince1142003
korge, wth? What's with the anger?

Since when does an E rating mean a game can't be any good? Yeah, I agree NFS games of late have had only one or two interesting features, and jumping through mountains of unpolished and unfinished and uninterested features just for a few good ones. But just because a game has unrealistic physics doesn't make it a child's game, just like realistic physics doesn't make a game an adult's game. Yeah, the bodykits have been on the worse, but that doesn't make it a child's game in any way.

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 21:25
by korge
Its the accumulation of the things that I posted. E rated games can be good. I bought World of Goo. But NFS is different situation. Almost every aspect of the games are almost deliberately aimed at a 10 - 16 y/o market. Playing their games reminds me of my 5 y/o brothers racing game. Only his is actually fun and it was only 20 bucks and the graphics suck.


So yes, it is a childs game in my eyes. And I refuse to take it seriously. Honestly, the acting in Undercover alone should make any non-teenager go "wtfh is this?"

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 22:48
by arabnight
ur srtill rampagin on stupidness no shiznit nfs is aimed for that age it's alwys been aimed for that age why do u think there is crazy kits and stupid gadgets n acrade mode physics, think..nfs is still good in diffrent ways and acting is getting better things take time when ur tryin something new ideas are always thrown in here not tryin to make a pure adult game if they did we would have another GT

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 23:26
by TheStig
Forza 2 was a E rated game (at least in europe), simply because there was no story and no movies with bad language and violence.

You can say what you want but the acting ISN'T getting better.
The only storymode I enjoyed was that of Underground, it had a funny plot (... is that your fantasy?)
U2 was.... pretty useless. in MW it was MWAH it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great eighter, Carbon was basicly MW over again but with even worse main caracters, it did have some humor in it in the beginning.
Undercover.... don't get me started, sure they hired more expensive actors but did they have to get soap actors? cause the acting for what I seen was pretty much rubbish, and the useless script made it even more unbearable, and I didn't even finish it... cause even the racing itself didn't give enough inspriration to continue finishing the game.
So please don't say the acting is getting better.
I rather not have a story then a rubbish one.

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 23:45
by arabnight
guess ur right haha i really dont care for store myself i enjoyed ps for that just race just do it

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 25 Mar 2009, 10:06
by Dr Houbenheimer
RedCarDriver wrote: ...UG2's visual tuning does affect performance. Better body kit parts = more downforce available = more grip; the downforce sliders actually do stuff and they are only unlockable when body kits and spoilers are put on.
How did I not know about that

And on the actual subject NFS is going downhill but thats no reason to ''put it to rest''-it's not doing too terribly

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 16 May 2009, 04:06
by MikeSPEED
Your all opinions are as crazy as the women you believe started developing the game after Underground. And as crazy as that may be we all have a right to our own opinion. So mine is I have actually enjoyed ProStreet more often then the previous releases. Now if I can only figure out a way to put my 87 Grand Nat'l in there we could have a thriil, at least for 9.8 secs. anyway \:D/

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 17 May 2009, 08:56
by Dr Houbenheimer
TheStig wrote:Forza 2 was a E rated game (at least in europe), simply because there was no story and no movies with bad language and violence.

You can say what you want but the acting ISN'T getting better.
The only storymode I enjoyed was that of Underground, it had a funny plot (... is that your fantasy?)
U2 was.... pretty useless. in MW it was MWAH it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great eighter, Carbon was basicly MW over again but with even worse main caracters, it did have some humor in it in the beginning.
Undercover.... don't get me started, sure they hired more expensive actors but did they have to get soap actors? cause the acting for what I seen was pretty much rubbish, and the useless script made it even more unbearable, and I didn't even finish it... cause even the racing itself didn't give enough inspriration to continue finishing the game.
So please don't say the acting is getting better.
I rather not have a story then a rubbish one.
with CARBON you forgot to mention the clothes - WHO THE HELL WHERE'S THAT &^@#*&^@!

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 18 May 2009, 22:05
by TheStig
I completely forgot about that... some had some decent to wear... I did like the Hawaii style the "big" guy was wearing... but who the hell came up with the doorman look on the bad guy, what did he do leave the hotel in a hurry..... :roll:

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 19 May 2009, 10:39
by Dr Houbenheimer
yeah Darius' clothes look like the guy who parks your car when you arrive at the hotel lol

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 28 May 2009, 13:09
by Kaerar
Lucky 13 wrote:PS was rubbish. You can't turn damage off, PS2 got left in the cold on damage ( :x) , PS2 got left in the cold on car & track content ( :evil: ) and the storyline had less depth than Underground's if that's even possible ( :evil: :evil: :evil: ). Then they screw up the nitrous system ( :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: ) and make visual modifications affect performance, I know that's the way it is in real life but come on, this is NFS! I've noticed that a spoilerless modded 350Z is all but useless because it spins out everywhere, thanks nothing EA for trying to combine NFS with Gran Turismo :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Lucky you hit on the best of the recent games and then whinge that the PS2 version was crap. Well it was because its an OUTDATED system. They had to cut tons of stuff because the unoptimised engine could barely run on the old console.

Oh and by the way, PS had the most accurate depiction of Nitrous in any arcade game so far. Much better than ALL previous NFS and UC with their recharging crap. The Physics were heavy but not too bad (though a combination of U1 and U2 are still the best, U2's without the bump turn speed loss). Hell the car list was even great, though it wasn't without it's texture glitches and stupid AI.

I still think that the NFS games should be released 3 yearly. That way the game could actually have an online community which has competitions and so on. Currently by the time you have got really good at the new one then next one is released. Also they should conduct open beta's so that they can get community feedback to fix problems instead of releasing a game, maybe 1 or 2 patches that don't fix the problems and then onto the next game. At the end of the day they won't have a franchise if they don't support the paying community. Lastly they need to incorporate addon cars and decals. An auto transfer system should be in place ingame so that you can have modded cars and decals/vinyl's and still play multiplayer online. Also modded cars aren't in ranked unless the dev team consider the car to be balanced ;)

The franchise should only be put to rest if EA can't buck up their act and get the right people to do the job (ie those that can code AND love cars!).

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 11:09
by <Jeroen>
I only played 3 NFs games: Hot Pursuit 2 and Undergound and Undergound 2. (Oh, I forgot about Carbon lol)
Hot Pursuit was amazing. I loved the handling and I still remember the intro film where you see Lambo vs Ferrari, Underground was good too, liked the customization and the night style racing. Undergound 2 was even more of the good Undergound brought me, with Suv's, more tuning and shops to find. It was great.

I played Most wanted at a friends and it was pretty good, but not as good as U2. Carbon was: meh, average game, nothing special, autosculpt was a gimmick. Prostreet and Undercover I didnt even bother buying.

And then came Shift, for which I had really high hopes, only to see an "old' game like Grid still kick its ass HARD! The physcis suck, the crashes suck, the cars are all over the place and the Viper makes a easy win as yuo just ram someone from behind and shovel him away. Grid has more camera angles, better feeling of the cars, doesnt hate on Ati cards as Shift does and ultimately is the better game.

Codemasters should take over from EA, and teach them how to make a REAL driving game.

Re: Need for Speed needs to be put to rest

Posted: 25 Oct 2009, 19:36
by ElvenAvenger
thinking that games with "E" for everyone=child games is just as smart as saying" NEXT EA GAME WILL BE SURELY DAMN OUT RIGHT BEST GAME"
Shift in my country is rated...3+.
means that apparently anyone can play it. including CHILDREN.
does it make the game worse?
(not to mention the fact that the second box with the code for elite series is 7+ for some reason)
18+ /whatever doesnt make the game better, or the buyer more adult.
all the bugs in Shift are fault of physics.
sometimes you hit someone lightly in the rear bumper and you see him look like a squished can of cola.
or hit something at 300 km/h and barely have scratches.
physics=same thing, bouncey stuff also physics failure.
they did all good but firetrucked up the physics at some point and now everything in the game suffers from that