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Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 08:20
by Sir Ibi
Hey, nice work there Hazmat... you're 3D work is coming along nicely.. did you use blueprints for this?

Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 15:54
by xHaZxMaTx
Blueprints? Hmm... I wouldn't really call ita blueprint, just a scaled drawing. But I only used that for the basic shape of the whol thing, I just eye-balled the rest of it.

Posted: 15 Jul 2006, 01:36
by Sir Ibi
i guess you really don't need blueprints to get the smaller details... nice work nontheless. :D

It's been a while since i fired up 3DS Max, so I thought i'd have a quick shufty..

This is still work in progress, hope to add a lot more details soon, and also expand it outwards and create the scene outside the room too.

Image Image Image

The scene is still bare at the mo, expect some more updates soon.

Posted: 15 Jul 2006, 01:39
by Calibra_14
Great work Ibi
Great skillz too
Keep it up

Posted: 15 Jul 2006, 06:57
by xHaZxMaTx
Looks like a room on a ship (sea-going or otherwise).

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 12:50
by t3ice
K im new here but , Ive got some renderings myself.....please comment

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 12:53
by t3ice
oh yeah these to......

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 01:54
by korge
Nice low poly models.

And welcome to the boards.

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 04:51
by t3ice
Somethings better than nothing right :wink:

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 05:25
by BKize_GT
Aside from the jaggies, I like those :)

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 13:04
by ViperJay
LOL, I can't stop laughing and I hope I'll make you laughing too, because you can see one of my first 3d works in the first page (yes I's been a long time I haven't post here), a chessboard...and now, after 1 YEAR AND 8 MONTHS...I'll show you my latest work...

....another chessboard :mrgreen:


P.S: the site is in italian

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 21:21
by Sir Ibi
aah... nice, the good old chess board, a beloved favourite of the 3D artist, tho i never actually modelled a chessboard scene... hmm, might give it a bash some time soon.

@t3ice: Nice models dude, i really like Formula car, and banshee.. sweet work. :D

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 03:19
by Lucas_Pukas
Jesus ibi, your skills grow daily :P!

Im really intrested in going into room design etc
any good tutorials you recommend?
or does just a lot of practice in 3dsmax help :) ? Cause i dont really use it that often :\

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 07:50
by t3ice
3dsmax max good enough....

Well some good site
can be found by Googling it

BTW How do u mean by high poly models....
do u mean more smoother meshes...or more polygons....?

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 08:39
by Sir Ibi
Low poly models would mean something that could be rendered in real-time, i.e. in games, but of course nowadays thats changing, and higher and higher poly models are being rendered in games.

For sites, tutorials, etc. -->

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 10:52
by vellu
High-poly modeling can be very time consuming aswell. It takes longer to refine the models, and sometimes the scenes get so complex rendering even a single frame may take a while.

For example this interior I've done took over TEN MINUTES to render (just this one frame). Real time it's not...

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 11:06
by t3ice
WOW!!thats really amazing ....I'm way out of ur league.

But what kind of lighting is that...I used a skylight for my pics and it
takes minimum an hour to render.....just one frame.

Also according to what u all are saying the formula 1 car
should be high poly...Imo

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 11:48
by xHaZxMaTx
If you can see the polys, it's not high-poly. ;)

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 19:34
by vellu
t3ice wrote:But what kind of lighting is that...I used a skylight for my pics and it
takes minimum an hour to render.....just one frame.
Basic 3DSMax omni lights. Seven to be exact; five on the roof lamp, one on the floor lamp and one acting as "sun" outside. The lights themselves have no effects and are easy to render plus just "simple" ray-traced shadows (which is actually the biggest problem with the scene, the shadows are way too sharp, a more advanced lighting engine would be required to address that, but it would indeed bump the rendering time to hours instead of minutes).

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 23:20
by ViperJay
Vellu...great work man!
Yes you may use another type of shadows, as the area shadows, to have a more realistic effect, but as you already would take you little chessboard was rendered in less than 20s with normal shadows, and for that pic (with area shadows) I needed 2m 45s...more than 8 times the other rendering eh eh

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 23:43
by korge
vellu wrote:High-poly modeling can be very time consuming aswell. It takes longer to refine the models, and sometimes the scenes get so complex rendering even a single frame may take a while.

For example this interior I've done took over TEN MINUTES to render (just this one frame). Real time it's not...
The Sims 3 8)

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 14:44
by t3ice
Ok heres my ongoing work..right now.

This is supposed to be a Nvidia 7900 GTX graphic card...

Which I was planning to buy , but every one thought I was crazy.

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 15:36
by Pabl0z
Hey that looks pretty neat!
I thought it was real when looking at the small pic :D.

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 18:53
by vellu
Good work so far. Model seems detailed enough already, just a matter of texturing it propely.

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 22:48
by SliM_880
yea t3ice i love that alot... good job..