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Lord J
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Post by Lord J »

silencestorm''s got a point... U2 was great... its just the loading times and crappy AI along with rediculous physics when barely touching a traffic vehicle is to me what made it suck as well as the unneccessary addition of the SUVs...

although it was fun customizing the cars to pretty much the teeth... it was kind of stupid that you had to make a car look very ugly to get a high star rating for magazine covers n crap...and despite all of these still sold pretty well and was quite popular...

As for are you kidding me?...NFS?....realism?... if you want realism then hope that the guys at polyphony digital make a gran tursimo 5 with customizing street cars into street racers or somethin....or if forza can make somethin like that...realism and NFS mix about as well as oil and vinagar (sp?) or milk and orange juice...:lol:
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Post by Bojan »

Let me just point out something here that most of you are forgetting about. In a lot of NFS communities people are screaming how NFS should be realistic, how NFS should use real addon car parts, how NFS should this and that. The reality is that the recent NFS games sold in 10million+ copies. Now if all those buyers went online and complained about all these things, I'm sure EA would give in to these wishes.
But these communities consist of max 1000 people and calculate what percentage of buyers that is yourself. I'm sure they do listen to us and take compromises whereever they can - but why buy licenses for official car body parts if 99% of the people (including me) don't care about them. It's about the same about other hard-core ideas the community gives. They know what people will buy more than anyone here.

Also NFSU2 was (leave 2furio - and others' - opinions to themselves) was a huge hit and also a high quality game (gamerankings shows an average score of 84% for PC version which is a lot above average).

Now don't get me wrong, I don't say that they should sell the same thing over and over again - that imo is bad for the industry as it slows real development down. But if they beleive the same type of game will sell best, then that is what they'll do. Game production costs have gone up extremely and producers don't like to take any chances.

Just think of this a little and most of all don't spam these forums with inaccurate information.
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Post by Flameking »

sure it is fantasy driving 200mph+ in game. but back then, nfs 2, there was a logical reason why were speeding that high. Exotics, pure straight and speed tracks. Some fantasy involved and some realism involved at the same time.

Now, we bash it all the new releases because EA breaks this balance, added more "fakeness" into the game.

Most Wanted helicopters for example; they come down and hit your car. >_>, make roadblocks out of the blue; meaning they're fly past you over the hill and bam, you smash into it cuz it parked and made a 2 second roadblock.

In Hot Pursuit 2, they at least dropped some barrels and stuff but not this insaneness to hit you.

I could go on and on about how it's going away from the balance btw ;)
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Post by silencestorm »

2furio wrote:1. Stop being such a noob and stop with the "screaming" and random emoticons all over the place.
2. You have no idea what you're talking about.
3. NFS UG2 was not a hit and it was poorly put together.
4. Lastly, don't base your information on crappy sites who are either:
- Noobs who have no idea what they are talking about or
- Ricers who couldn't wait for spinner and trunk audio who believe those items actually made their cars go faster.

I've stated on the previous page why UG2 was a poor excuse for a NFS game, I'm not going to repeat it.

well it seems some ppl can`t handle the truth, but thats ok, i understand the mental level of those who can`t, its way out the planet offense....and you say i don`t know what im talking about:?: :?: :?::?:

man if i wouldn`t know what i was talking about,,you wouldn`t be seeing all the facts and support that i have in my comments,,!!!!!!FACTS AND SUPPORT!!!!!,,SOMETHING YOUR COMMENT DON`T HAVE :!: :!: :!: , so don`t say that unless you can prove your excuse yourself...trunk audio and spinners:?:?:?:?::?:,,,well i dindt like the spinners but i did liked the audio,,and who though it would make their car go faster,,you:?::?:,,,cause that is the first time i heard that :D :D :D :D

Bojan wrote:

Also NFSU2 was (leave 2furio - and others' - opinions to themselves) was a huge hit and also a high quality game (gamerankings shows an average score of 84% for PC version which is a lot above average).
thank you...i agree with you...even thouhg some ppl can`t handle that fact...nfsu2

was one of the great games EA realesed as nfsu i can prove this all ove again if you still have doubts
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Post by prince1142003 »

well, the whole point of tuning your ride is to make it go faster. NFSU2 wasn't about tuning your ride, it was about pimping it. there's a huge difference.
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Post by GT3x24x7 »

Bojan wrote:Let me just point out something here that most of you are forgetting about. In a lot of NFS communities people are screaming how NFS should be realistic, how NFS should use real addon car parts, how NFS should this and that. The reality is that the recent NFS games sold in 10million+ copies. Now if all those buyers went online and complained about all these things, I'm sure EA would give in to these wishes.
But these communities consist of max 1000 people and calculate what percentage of buyers that is yourself. I'm sure they do listen to us and take compromises whereever they can - but why buy licenses for official car body parts if 99% of the people (including me) don't care about them. It's about the same about other hard-core ideas the community gives. They know what people will buy more than anyone here.

Also NFSU2 was (leave 2furio - and others' - opinions to themselves) was a huge hit and also a high quality game (gamerankings shows an average score of 84% for PC version which is a lot above average).

Now don't get me wrong, I don't say that they should sell the same thing over and over again - that imo is bad for the industry as it slows real development down. But if they beleive the same type of game will sell best, then that is what they'll do. Game production costs have gone up extremely and producers don't like to take any chances.

Just think of this a little and most of all don't spam these forums with inaccurate information.
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Post by TheStig »

silencestorm can you please stop using the emoticons everywhere, it is annoying and make the whole post hard to read, and it also looks like a 5 year old has been behind the computer!
and please make the post abit easier to read, so ditch the ,,,,, etc. it makes it easier for all of us.

Bojan is right NFS U2 was a big succes sales wise, but the lifetime of the game was really short, the only thing that keeps the game running are sites like these with showrooms and garages to show of your work. if that didn't exist the game would in 99% of the homes be covered with dust, or a one way ticket to the bin.
I refuse to call it a quality product, cause IMO it simply wasn't.
If I remember right I even said in my first review, that it was abit of a disapointment, cause that's what is was to me.
U1 was a quality product, I think it was a really good game. it had everything a good game needed.
U2 was partially what U1 should have been, but it was a rush job, I have to give them credit for implementing new things that where well thought of, like the outruns, they where fun and everytime exiting. cause you never know how long it would take to beat them and you got the chance of being beaten everytime.
And some aspects of the tuning and upgrading was very well done, although alot of parts where simply overkill cause there where just to many. the effort they put in building horrible roofscoops that a carnaval paradecar builder wouldn't even use. would have been better used for other things.

I will make a list of pro's and cons (IMO!!!)

- carlist in general, the list consisted of alot of popular streetracing cars!
- Outrun, nice feature.
- buying seperate performance parts, and finetuning them
- the showcase mode for the mags was a nice add, I like to get my cars to look good on the pics.
- The free roam. although this is a double issue, cause it was good and bad at the same time. why?? I'll tell you the good part here. Because free road was new it was exiting. it was a nice big world. and you could drive around finding other racers (pro no2)
- the car sounds where just mind blowing! I give EA huge credit for that!

- Overdone styling parts and point system, I like to style the cars, but 90% of the mods made me puke even looking at them. (and I am not even talking about the hydro's or spinners, but "normal" bodyparts)
- Utterly annoying storyline with useless movies,
- a irritating ricer, wannabe player/pimp attitude of the guy who helps you tuning your ride..wich made me sick to my stomach.
For those who forgot... the voice that tell you: YOOO!!! MAN you wanna hit da... You wanna get more POWA into da engine...
That wigga was just to annoying to be taken serious...
Same for the small pieces of text before entering a race.. all written in slang.. I hate that Da this and Yo that. I want nomal english, I don't live in the bloody ghetto!
Sorry got carried away.
- The races in general, they where implemented in the free road badly! there was no real sence of speed, or feel of a good race, they where often to long and to boring or to annoying (lot of weird corners and such)
I mean do any of you remember 1 race they used to race offline or online that you remember the name of? I do for U1, my favorites where Olympic square, atlantica and more. but for U2.. I remember none.
- Online play: U1 had a huge online community, but U2?? it was mostly empty or you where up against cheaters! but I think it also had to do with the fact that there where not interesting and challenging tracks in the game.

You won't hear me saying that MW was a failure, I liked the game, what I still do, and I still race the cops sometimes. MW was IMO a big improvement over U2, although they made some similar mistakes (the hugely long tracks.) it did over a longer lifespan (atleast for me) and some nice racetypes. but they also left out some good things from U2.
but in general I find MW to be a good game. U2 a not totally bad game but not good by far. U1 was a great game!

But Bojan, admit that EA doesn't give a sh*t about what the community or the nfs players in general think. they only think about 1 thing and that is more bling on their bankaccount!

As for Carbon, I am sure I will play it and I am sure I will own it. cause I have all NFS games to date. and I won't give any real critisism about it untill I play it, cause that is the only way.

As for the bodykits, yeah I would like to see some real existing kits, but I don't mind a good own created kit by EA they did design some nice kits but if you look at MW, they tell us that they hired pro carpart designers for the kits. I really wonder wich looney home they got some of those guys. cause some where just horrible! (mostly the exotic kits) and why the full kits?? some kits had a great front but a badly designed rear bumper (for instance the first kit for the SL500... loved the front, but the vertical exhaust.. I mean why???)
but they also made some nice kits, for instane the kit for the Monaro (1st one) and the Golf (1st one) and more that I can't think of now. so they can make realistic kits that do look good..

So I don't need real kits I will be just as happy with some nice kits that EA came up with.
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Post by Flameking »

TheStig wrote: the car sounds where just mind blowing! I give EA huge credit for that!
heh. it was mind blowing for the time and its better than have all the cars sound 1 way but if you listen to them now, in Most Wanted most cars sound similiar to others.

Ex. Since when does a luxury car (Cadillac CTS) sound like a economy car (Cobalt SS)


not accurate EA and btw, the new eclipse sounds nothing like the old eclipse, yet they recycled the engine sounds from UG2 to MW
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Post by Truestar »

I enjoy the variety of engine sounds. However, it kind of disappeared in Most Wanted. I could take a RX-7 and make it sound nearly like the Cadillac CTS.

Although it would take longer, I'd like nearly every car to have it's distinct sound. :)
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Post by krist »

In my opinion both geners of NFS can be put together (exotic races vs street style) but just MW was the experimental version of that game...they are trying to get the right mix going...

I honestly think everything will be better when we get actual TRACKS out of the city...and at night you can be able to go back to the city and drag and stuff...during the day you are on the mountains and stuff but at night you are the notorios street racer...see both types of cars (Modified vs Exotic) can fit into both areas...its really the environment that matters...

It wouldnt bother be speding down a snowy mountain with a modded CRX...still feeling the classic NFS feeling...

Imo thats where NFS shined, NFS High Stakes was its peek IMO... :?
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Post by TheStig »

If someone thinks that I don't like tuners in general they misunderstood me.
I love exotics but I also love to race with a "normal" like a Celica or a Imprezza. or racing a Mustang or any other Muscle car.
I am all for a good mix of cars.
the only thing I don't like is the huge Boy racer scene that comes with tuning and tuner cars, and with that comes the annoying ghetto style of talking and writing. and is incorporated with in the current NFS games.

For me NFS High Stakes was the peak of the NFS games to date. it had really exiting tracks to race on. and some really nice cars (although there where only like 15 cars)

But this is not about NFS HS. it is about NFS C.

I am sure the NFS C carlist will have a pretty impressive carlist with alot of good cars, be it that they are recycled from MW or a UG game.
But it doesn't matter if the cars are recycled if they are good cars :wink:

I surely hope they worked on the tracks in the game. what I learned as a NFS fan after all these years is that a games lifespan and online popularity is linked to how good the racetracks are.
If you look at NFS 3 and 4 they shared a lot of tracks but they are also 2 of the most popular NFS games ever. (online community wise, before Bojan comes with sales numbers :wink: ) OK they both have a lot of modding options wich prolonged the lifespan of the games dramaticly, but if they had lousy tracks the fun would be over soon for most.
Underground 1 had alot of good tracks. they where good in lenght (1 to 1.5 minute in general) . if you look at this discussion board there are topics where players competed with each other in a laptime race to see who could do the fastest laps.
(GT3 and I where 2 of a list of players that competed.)
For the current 2 games there wa no such thing and I assume that is simply because there where no exiting tracks.

so I truly hope EA will work hard on the racing. alhough MW was more about racing it was about mostly about the pursuits! and the races came in second. although the blacklist system was done nicely. I liked that all oponents where diffirent and had a cararcter with it. that made it more personal.

I don't care much if it is daylight or night. as long as the racing is intens!
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Post by krist »

^ Its amazing how i agree ith every word...

At least now i know a person who loved High Stakes :lol:
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Post by 2furio »

Well, another reason why NFS3 and HS are still popular is because of the downloadable content. I mean, you can get whatever car you want in the game and you can even add more tracks. That's why HP2 and PU are gaining popularity, thank goodness to the committed community. And if Arushan will successfully crack MW, I presume it will also gain more popularity from the classic NFS fans.

Speaking of downloadable content, didn't EA say in future NFS games, there will be downloadable content? Seems they forgot about that...
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Post by DarrenR21373 »

^ Very true.

I remember downloading a user-created tool which allowed you to do anything you wanted to any car you could download (specs-wise). For excample, you could alter the max revs, weight, etc.

For example, I remember editing the Lotus Esprit (in NFS 3, I think it was) so that weighed 150KG and it was unbeatable - as long as you didn't crash, cos it would fly away like a piece of paper! I also created cars that could do 3,000MPH.

This is the sort of thing that has been lost from later games in the NFS series.
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Post by TheStig »

I wouldn't be suprised if the download is only for the X360 with a Live connection and you have to pay extra for it. they did that with more games that are multy platform.

as for NFS 3 and 4, true the download stuff is important but the original tracks are still really popular. I downloaded some of the original maps (most popular ones) with improved detail and gfx but in the same style, I never liked the changed versions where they made a forest it weird city or a desert etc. I wanted the original look and found them and they looked stunning (like a new game... :D.. that was 2 years ago)
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Post by ToKyO_Dr1ft »

No EA wouldn't do that. Because the most players of nfs don't have a xbox360 or don´t play online on it. And i would like if they released a demo version forPC because i don't have a xbox360 :)
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Post by ToKyO_Dr1ft »

forget what i said about the demo version for PC
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