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Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 16:05
by ibanezyaya
wow..... so many new records comes out
nice ride VG_Speed :D

I think I will start work on the time attack again on tonight :P XDDDDDDDDD
PSiTorque wrote:HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL...well im back 8)

nyc to see that there are NEW competitors here

i welcome y'all! :lol:

sup Bauke? so wat can u say about that "wallhugging" thing? 4 me its not a prob..\

i can improve my time doin that...but still a nyc clean driving still the best 4me :D

well ayl try to race some tracks l8r...coz im just renting some PC here in the Phillipines

go team PSI

hi PSiTorque, nice to meet u ....

BTW , did ur team have a web site for introduce ur team?

can an overseas players join the team for UG2? :)

Posted: 03 Jan 2005, 20:02
by ibanezyaya
my AE86 @ Freemont record updated.....


Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 00:16
by Bauke777
1. 23.35 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
2. 23.57 - VG_Speed - Corolla
3. 24.17 - Skroting - Corolla
4. 24.37 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
5. 24.57 - Bauke777 - Corolla
6. 24.61 - Zlia - Corolla (tuned)
7. 24.63 - ibanezyaya - 240sx
8. 25.05 - ibanezyaya - Celica
9. 25.46 - Mistral - Corolla
10. 25.92 - PSiCambio - Corolla
11. 26.14 - XxAmadaeusxX - Corolla
12. 26.94 - ibanezyaya - Skyline
13. 27.25 - XxAmadaeusxX - Celica
14. 27.53 - Bauke777 - Supra
15. 27.56 - Mistral - RX8

Lower Eastside
1. 49.17 - ibanezyaya - Skyline

1. 34.44 - VG_Speed - Corolla
2. 35.56 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
3. 35.65 - Zlia - Corolla (tuned)
4. 35.79 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
5. 35.83 - Bauke777 - Corolla
6. 36.14 - Claer - Corolla (tuned)
7. 38.37 - Claer - Focus
8. 38.83 - Bauke777 - Focus
9. 40.28 - Bauke777 - Supra
10. 40.78 - ibanezyaya - Skyline

Resort Loop
1. 50.52 - VG_Speed - Corolla
2. 52.21 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
3. 52.37 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
4. 53.23 - Bauke777 - Corolla

Happy new year and all the best wishes for 2005 every1!

Hey you guys, haven't checked the forum for a while, so now I have to do some homework ;) and I haven't got any new times of my own. But I have to say this first: shyt u guys r faaaaaaaaaaaaaast... 8) Hope I can still get anywhere near ur times, u guys r knocking me off the charts :( And VG_Speed: what is up w/ u man??? Nice driving dude
Skroting wrote:I drive online as well as offline, and to be able to compete online you have to use some walls. Therefore I also use the walls offline because I don't bother learning two ways of driving each track. In this context I'd like to mention that I disfavour the tracks where lots of wallbanging is a pure necessity for quick racing.
I appreciate ur honesty in the wallriding drivingstyle, and have to agree on ur point about the online racing. Cuz online, ur losing lots of precious seconds, if u don't use walls on some tracks. Ooh and I certainly dislike the tracks that actually need wallriding to keep up w/ the others. As far as I'm concerned EA could "punish" wallriding some more by slowing the car down by half of its speed. Or put more edges on the walls that forces a full stop to the car, but I guess that takes off the whole arcade feeling...
PSiTorque wrote:HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL...well im back 8)

nyc to see that there are NEW competitors here

i welcome y'all! :lol:

sup Bauke? so wat can u say about that "wallhugging" thing? 4 me its not a prob..
Erm, yea ur not the first who wouldn't mind... And yea lots of more freaks that try to be the fastest. Ain't it good to know ur not alone :D
PS: nice comeback on the Freemont track 8)

Look, here it is: the rules for the first post:
GT3x24x7 wrote:
  • All times should be:

    Run Offline - Online times are not reliable.
    Cheat-Free - C'mon, what are ya? A sissy?
    10 Laps - To allow the best comparison of race times.
    Provide Proof - A snap of the stats screen will do nicely
So we already know lots of ppl prefer these rules. We didn't have any rules for nitro and walls. It does eliminate the chance of someone sneakily using nitro...

:!: What do the other competitors (-to-be) think??? Follow on the exising rules or stay w/ our old ones? :!:

Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 13:19
by Bauke777
1. 23.35 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
2. 23.57 - VG_Speed - Corolla
3. 24.17 - Skroting - Corolla
4. 24.37 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
5. 24.57 - Bauke777 - Corolla
6. 24.61 - Zlia - Corolla (tuned)
7. 24.63 - ibanezyaya - 240sx
8. 25.05 - ibanezyaya - Celica
9. 25.46 - Mistral - Corolla
10. 25.92 - PSiCambio - Corolla
11. 26.14 - XxAmadaeusxX - Corolla
12. 26.94 - ibanezyaya - Skyline
13. 27.25 - XxAmadaeusxX - Celica
14. 27.53 - Bauke777 - Supra
15. 27.56 - Mistral - RX8

Lower Eastside
1. 49.17 - ibanezyaya - Skyline
2. 51.36 - Bauke777 - Corolla

1. 34.44 - VG_Speed - Corolla
2. 35.56 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
3. 35.65 - Zlia - Corolla (tuned)
4. 35.79 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
5. 35.83 - Bauke777 - Corolla
6. 36.14 - Claer - Corolla (tuned)
7. 38.37 - Claer - Focus
8. 38.83 - Bauke777 - Focus
9. 40.28 - Bauke777 - Supra
10. 40.78 - ibanezyaya - Skyline

Resort Loop
1. 50.52 - VG_Speed - Corolla
2. 52.21 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
3. 52.37 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
4. 53.23 - Bauke777 - Corolla

ibanezyaya wrote:hi Bauke777, Lower Eastside is the track after Resort Loop in Qucik Race. Well this record is not so fast, it still have many improvement space it in. cus I crash some .....
Improvement space WHERE??? You can gain tenths after the traffic circle, lift a little so u can take the left-right corner clean w/ about 190 km/h and get the last corner right to exit it w/ 190 km/h... Where else???

Look, here it is: the rules for the first post:
GT3x24x7 wrote:
  • All times should be:

    Run Offline - Online times are not reliable.
    Cheat-Free - C'mon, what are ya? A sissy?
    10 Laps - To allow the best comparison of race times.
    Provide Proof - A snap of the stats screen will do nicely
So we already know lots of ppl prefer these rules. We didn't have any rules for nitro and walls. It does eliminate the chance of someone sneakily using nitro...

:!: What do the other competitors (-to-be) think??? Follow on the exising rules or stay w/ our old ones? :!:

Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 14:34
by VG_Speed
Hi Bauke!

For me it would be:

Run Offline - Online times are not reliable.
Cheat-Free - C'mon, what are ya? A sissy?
10 Laps - To allow the best comparison of race times.
Provide Proof - A snap of the stats screen will do nicely.
Allow ther use of Wall-Riding & Nitro.

I think we should use the wall-riding because, as Shroting says, we always use it in our daily competitions. About the nitro, the reason is quite simple: if this is a HotLap Competition, then we should be as fast as possible. Having outstading times here will call to attention many others, believe me! ;)
But MAINLY, the reason why I think this 2 items should be let in, is because you really don't have any way to VERIFY it... It's impossible. And so, the only way to have a competition fair and that people can trust, is really by allowing it. Don't make the mistake of thinking that nobody will do it... In 8 years on Internet based Competitions, all tries I saw of it, failed miserably.

Since we do 10 Lap Races, besides the Fastest Lap, we could have also the Total Race Time, because the most important in racing is not how fast you are, but how long can you maintain that speed! ;)

PS: My Corolla is havely tuned, maybe you should put it near my times! ;)


Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 18:32
by Bauke777
VG_Speed wrote:But MAINLY, the reason why I think this 2 items should be let in, is because you really don't have any way to VERIFY it... It's impossible. And so, the only way to have a competition fair and that people can trust, is really by allowing it. Don't make the mistake of thinking that nobody will do it... In 8 years on Internet based Competitions, all tries I saw of it, failed miserably.
yea agreed. We have no control over it, at all. So if we go through w/ it, everybody's fastest laptime MUST improve w/ a couple of seconds or we'd know that person cheated :D:D:D just kidding though...

So we would have 2 competitions in 1: fastest lap and fastest racetime over 10 laps, rules will be set to the rules of the original NFSU1 post:
GT3x24x7 wrote:
  • All times should be:

    Run Offline - Online times are not reliable.
    Cheat-Free - C'mon, what are ya? A sissy?
    10 Laps - To allow the best comparison of race times.
    Provide Proof - A snap of the stats screen will do nicely
That's all, u guys like that? Just do ur thing in 10 laps w/o trainers or cheats, and post a screenshot. I'll put up a new listing of results. I tried to pour in some html tables to align the results but that is not allowed in a post. Unfortunately. I could use the bbCode "code" tag that sets the fontfamily to 'courier'. That aligns perfectly but it looks like shyt. But so does the 86 in comprehension to the Supra/Lancer/Skyline... (lol, I insulted like a zillion ppl in 1 sentence :lol: ... sorry 'bout that)

I like it, anyone else in favour???

Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 21:58
by ibanezyaya
new record updated :D

Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 22:06
by ibanezyaya
Bauke777 wrote: Improvement space WHERE??? You can gain tenths after the traffic circle, lift a little so u can take the left-right corner clean w/ about 190 km/h and get the last corner right to exit it w/ 190 km/h... Where else???
well I think racing is not only consider on two corner in the tracks....

ur road-line and braek point also need to be consider, if u have play mountain road u will know.

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 00:32
by Bauke777
1. 23.35 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
2. 23.57 - VG_Speed - Corolla
3. 24.17 - Skroting - Corolla
4. 24.37 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
5. 24.57 - Bauke777 - Corolla
6. 24.61 - Zlia - Corolla (tuned)
7. 24.63 - ibanezyaya - 240sx
8. 25.05 - ibanezyaya - Celica
9. 25.46 - Mistral - Corolla
10. 25.92 - PSiCambio - Corolla
11. 26.14 - XxAmadaeusxX - Corolla
12. 26.94 - ibanezyaya - Skyline
13. 27.25 - XxAmadaeusxX - Celica
14. 27.53 - Bauke777 - Supra
15. 27.56 - Mistral - RX8

Lower Eastside
1. 49.17 - ibanezyaya - Skyline
2. 51.36 - Bauke777 - Corolla

1. 33.56 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
2. 34.44 - VG_Speed - Corolla
3. 35.56 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
4. 35.65 - Zlia - Corolla (tuned)
5. 35.83 - Bauke777 - Corolla
6. 36.14 - Claer - Corolla (tuned)
7. 38.37 - Claer - Focus
8. 38.83 - Bauke777 - Focus
9. 40.28 - Bauke777 - Supra
10. 40.78 - ibanezyaya - Skyline

Resort Loop
1. 50.51 - ibanezyaya - Corolla
2. 50.52 - VG_Speed - Corolla
3. 52.37 - PSiTorque - Corolla (tuned)
4. 53.23 - Bauke777 - Corolla
ibanezyaya wrote:ur road-line and braek point also need to be consider, if u have play mountain road u will know.
yea, I tend to set my brakepoints too late in the corner, so I have to reconsider those. To much greed heheh ;) It's good we have some distraction, so every now and then we can put our minds aside from the tsunami and flat through corners in UG2... Btw: that's some nice driving in Resort Loop ibanez-dude, u like close finishes eh :) How do u feel about altering the rules to allow nitro, walls, anything but cheats and trainers?

Look, here it is: the rules for the first post:
GT3x24x7 wrote:
  • All times should be:

    Run Offline - Online times are not reliable.
    Cheat-Free - C'mon, what are ya? A sissy?
    10 Laps - To allow the best comparison of race times.
    Provide Proof - A snap of the stats screen will do nicely
So we already know lots of ppl prefer these rules. We didn't have any rules for nitro and walls. It does eliminate the chance of someone sneakily using nitro...

:!: What do the other competitors (-to-be) think??? Follow on the exising rules or stay w/ our old ones? :!:

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 07:04
by ibanezyaya
Bauke777 wrote: yea, I tend to set my brakepoints too late in the corner, so I have to reconsider those. To much greed heheh ;) It's good we have some distraction, so every now and then we can put our minds aside from the tsunami and flat through corners in UG2... Btw: that's some nice driving in Resort Loop ibanez-dude, u like close finishes eh :) How do u feel about altering the rules to allow nitro, walls, anything but cheats and trainers?
I think using wallsliding is ok.... cause this is just a techique of gain faster time in UG2...
it also need some skill to use.... not just only crash into the corner and run..

but nitro ..... naaaa... I don't think it showing the racer's skill, it's show the car preformance only. :)

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 07:33
by Mistral
Well, if wall-surfing is allowed, remove my times please. I'm one of the best drivers on Gran Turismo and I am clean. I do not see why I should change that here. As I said, hotlap determine the BEST driver and the FASTEST too. There's so much random factor that can affect the time when wall-surfing all around the track. That SUCK, it's that simple. Racing clean push the player to overpass his limit, search the best racing line and keep the rythm, all around the lap, what only best driver can do over many laps!

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 14:56
by Bauke777

Code: Select all

Bauke777       no walls       no nitro
Mistral        no walls       no nitro
TheStig        no walls       yes nitro
PSiTorque      yes walls      -
ibanezyaya     yes walls      no nitro
VG_Speed       yes walls      yes nitro
Skroting       yes walls      no nitro
ur giving me a hard time here guys, either we stick w/ the existing rules or move the the rules from the 1st post: no rules?!?! This is harder than I thought...

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 15:12
by VG_Speed

A decision is necessary quickly! :P Even yesterday, when I was working on the setup, I did 23.1s on Freemont without nitro followed by a 21.9s with nitro and 49.6s in Resolt Loop followed by a 46.0s with Nitro and Wall-Riding! :P

If we stick with no wall-riding and no nitro, and since we can't check it, I don't think I will continue because one of 2 things will happen:

a) This competition will not survive, because some times will create so much doubt that discussions and miss-trust will kill it (even I, that consider myself fairly quick, have doubts about that 33.5s on Providencia... Maybe with a dedicated setup, very tight, and lower range in drivetrain can do it, but I know how difficult it was to achieve the 34.4s with my general circuit setup, and not touching a wall).

b) This Competition will not grow, and the people playing will be always the same, and so trust exists.

That's my point of view, at least! :P

Cya all!

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 16:23
by ibanezyaya
Bauke, can I use hit wall instead of wall sliding??? Is that consider asa cheat too?

I don't know other racer have used it b4 or not.
But last night I find out a new techique to pass the corners in a short time.
the method is use the " in-out-in-out" road line in corner, when " in-out" hit the wall a little to make the car have more turnning... if it made good, it can be fall oil to pass the corner.

this method make the car handling not stable, but it can keep the car out corner about around speed as when it going in the corner...
eg: 230km in.... I can keep 230 - 235 out, if the car turn good sometime can even do 24xkm

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 17:20
by VG_Speed

That technique can't be considered a found! :P And it's like wall-riding, at least for me... Now I understand the 33.5s! :P


Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 17:42
by ibanezyaya
VG_Speed wrote:Hi!

That technique can't be considered a found! :P And it's like wall-riding, at least for me... Now I understand the 33.5s! :P

Oops... I think u miss view something in my last message. "last night "
But my 33'5 was done 2 days already. U can't do it didn't mean other people can do it. lol

The world have more better racers than u.... espceally the people in Japan have got very good skill of playing racing game. :P (If people have play BG3, Initial D, GT4 they will know that)

So never said or act "u are the best" or "I got skill" in front of the world, man... :wink:

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:49
by VG_Speed

It was not my intention... I never said you cheated or that it was impossible. Don't get me wrong... And btw, I know that better then anyone, since I am the Manager of the Virtual-F1 World Champion Team and Trans-Am European Champion, and sometimes people, outside this championships, accuse us of having "tricks"... So, I learned never to say it's impossible, long ago and I know what it is to be on both sides.
In over 600 NFSU2 Online Races, there were at least 60 I lost because some other guys were just too fast for me, so again, I don't think of myself as the best.
I think you went a bit too far in what you said, especially because you don't know me and even more because there is nothing in my post that should point you in that direction ("fairly quick" hardly means "the best", I believe...). I understand you felt the need to defend yourself... I never expected anything else! ;) But, choosing to attack the other guy, is rarely a good defense...

Maybe I choosed the words badly... When I said I didn't understand, I meant I couldn't do it yes, but I would found out. This is the line of thinking when you are competing for so long Online as I am (8 years now). When I said I understood, it was exactly that... 33.5s with some "wall touches" is a good time, but not a great time... 33.5s without touching anything is a super-human time, I think.

Hope I was clear...

About the Japonese and other asian countries, maybe in Arcade games they are very good. But in Simulation, they are basically unheard of... Btw, I don't consider GT4 a Sim, for the same reasons as I don't consider NFSU2 a Sim.


Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 19:21
by ibanezyaya
VG_Speed wrote:Hi!

It was not my intention... I never said you cheated or that it was impossible. Don't get me wrong... And btw, I know that better then anyone, since I am the Manager of the Virtual-F1 World Champion Team and Trans-Am European Champion, and sometimes people, outside this championships, accuse us of having "tricks"... So, I learned never to say it's impossible, long ago...
In over 600 Online Races, there were at least 60 I lost because some other guys were just too fast for me, so again, I don't think of myself as the best.
I think you went a bit too far in what you said, especially because you don't know me and even more because there is nothing in my post that should point you in that direction ("fairly quick" hardly means "the best", I believe...). I understand you felt the need to defend yourself... I never expected anything else! ;) But, choosing to attack the other guy, is rarely a good defense...

Maybe I choosed the words badly... When I said I didn't understand, I meant I couldn't do it yes, but I would found out. This is the line of thinking when you are competing for so long Online as I am (8 years now). When I said I understood, it was exactly that... 33.5s with some "wall touches" is a good time, but not a great time... 33.5s without touching anything is a super-human time, I think.

Hope I was clear...

About the Japonese and other asian countries, maybe in Arcade games they are very good. But in Simulation, they are basically unheard of... Btw, I don't consider GT4 a Sim, for the same reasons as I don't consider NFSU2 a Sim.

haha good explaination of the competing, ya is good that u understand there have no impossible in the racing world. Um ya, I understand what u mean now.

About my 33'5s record, I having use the "wall sliding" things...
Only some corner have crash and gain more KM after pass the corner, and I feel that can get faster. So at last night I try to do it on purpose, by using this I can keep 34s.

About the racing game, well they are not only in the arcade game. Maybe u stay in the European racing world, so u haven't head about them. Anyway, is good to have differnce place of people to shared the idea or techique about the racing game. That can see what kind of road that other people foucs on playing. For me, my faovirte type of road is mountain road or sprint. Cause it's not just only a big road in front of u, it have many corners and up or downhill road. But when I start playing UG2, I started like Circuit in some how...

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 19:51
by ^Sparco^
Am I good or what? Image
My keyboard and I are a good team :D

Challenge me to a drift season and you won't laugh any more ;)

Lap1: Recognizing the circuit
Lap2: The action begins
Lap3: I didnt used NOS/Wallriding, just a perfect lap :shock: (luck)
Lap4: Normal lap
Lap5: I used a lot of N20 but that made me crash even more :D

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 11:18
by Bauke777
Peeps, the jury has reached a verdict: we will be racing according to the rules of the 1st post:
GT3x24x7 wrote:
  • All times should be:

    Run Offline - Online times are not reliable.
    Cheat-Free - C'mon, what are ya? A sissy?
    10 Laps - To allow the best comparison of race times.
    Provide Proof - A snap of the stats screen will do nicely
...and those rules only. I came to that decision b/c there simply is no way to check whether some1 used a wall or nitro. Maybe it was a bit naive to start off like the way we did, but we already had the first discussion about a laptime. So, in order to avoid distrust I say we play by the rules mentioned above and those rules only. Which allowes everything, including: nitro, walls AND the race-breaker option.

We will start off w/ 2 new result tables:
- 1 for the fastest laptime, and
- 1 for the fastest racetime (over 10 laps)

My appologies to Mistral, b/c we seem to be the only ones that want a clean race, no nitro and no wallriding. BUT Mistral, I invite you to join the fastest racetime competition w/ the racebreaker enabled. I will surely give it a go. Driving as clean as possible will let you gain lots of nitro to get a nice overall time...

Finally, I'm curious how fast we can go. We'll see who will still be competing and who will not. So, let's see those times!!!
^Sparco^ wrote:Am I good or what? Image
yea Sparco, u the man, make that 10 laps and I'll include you in the new resulttables!

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 15:23
by VG_Speed
ibanezyaya wrote:haha good explaination of the competing, ya is good that u understand there have no impossible in the racing world. Um ya, I understand what u mean now.

About my 33'5s record, I having use the "wall sliding" things...
Only some corner have crash and gain more KM after pass the corner, and I feel that can get faster. So at last night I try to do it on purpose, by using this I can keep 34s.

About the racing game, well they are not only in the arcade game. Maybe u stay in the European racing world, so u haven't head about them. Anyway, is good to have differnce place of people to shared the idea or techique about the racing game. That can see what kind of road that other people foucs on playing. For me, my faovirte type of road is mountain road or sprint. Cause it's not just only a big road in front of u, it have many corners and up or downhill road. But when I start playing UG2, I started like Circuit in some how...
I am glad this was sorted out! ;) About my Team we are involved in Competitions and/or Drivers from North America (USA & Canada), South America (Brazil), Europe (UK, France, Germany, Russia, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Spain & Portugal) and finally Oceania (Australia & New Zeland)! ;) But from Asia, yes, nobody! :S
Bauke777 wrote:Peeps, the jury has reached a verdict: we will be racing according to the rules of the 1st post:
GT3x24x7 wrote:
  • All times should be:

    Run Offline - Online times are not reliable.
    Cheat-Free - C'mon, what are ya? A sissy?
    10 Laps - To allow the best comparison of race times.
    Provide Proof - A snap of the stats screen will do nicely
...and those rules only. I came to that decision b/c there simply is no way to check whether some1 used a wall or nitro. Maybe it was a bit naive to start off like the way we did, but we already had the first discussion about a laptime. So, in order to avoid distrust I say we play by the rules mentioned above and those rules only. Which allowes everything, including: nitro, walls AND the race-breaker option.

We will start off w/ 2 new result tables:
- 1 for the fastest laptime, and
- 1 for the fastest racetime (over 10 laps)
I think you did the right thing mate! My arguments where clearly seen, due to my "a little on purpose" :P revelaled suspections! ;)

I am still tweaking my setup a little bit... I think I will be able to send times on 1st 4 or 5 tracks! ;) It will be interesting, because not only the fastest but also more consistent drivers will have their place, and they are not always the same! ;) Also, rarely we will see the fastest Lap and fastest 10 Lap Time on the same attempt, since usually the fastest lap would be achieved with Nitro Full Tanks, which will prevent the use of Nitro across the 1st laps! :)


Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 17:38
by Bauke777
VG_Speed wrote: I think you did the right thing mate! My arguments where clearly seen, due to my "a little on purpose" :P revelaled suspections! ;)

I am still tweaking my setup a little bit... I think I will be able to send times on 1st 4 or 5 tracks! ;) It will be interesting, because not only the fastest but also more consistent drivers will have their place, and they are not always the same! ;) Also, rarely we will see the fastest Lap and fastest 10 Lap Time on the same attempt, since usually the fastest lap would be achieved with Nitro Full Tanks, which will prevent the use of Nitro across the 1st laps! :)

I will suk big time on the fastest lap thing :s Never was good in putting down a full nitro lap. Nitro makes me nervous, so I crash into everything. Disturbs my overall pace orso. w/e: I for sure will give it a try! I'll work on it and put down some devestating lap-, and racetimes ;)!

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 17:59
by ibanezyaya
^Sparco^ wrote:Am I good or what? Image
My keyboard and I are a good team :D

Challenge me to a drift season and you won't laugh any more ;)

Lap1: Recognizing the circuit
Lap2: The action begins
Lap3: I didnt used NOS/Wallriding, just a perfect lap :shock: (luck)
Lap4: Normal lap
Lap5: I used a lot of N20 but that made me crash even more :D
what track are u played on?

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 18:16
by VG_Speed
ibanezyaya wrote:
^Sparco^ wrote:Am I good or what? Image
My keyboard and I are a good team :D

Challenge me to a drift season and you won't laugh any more ;)

Lap1: Recognizing the circuit
Lap2: The action begins
Lap3: I didnt used NOS/Wallriding, just a perfect lap :shock: (luck)
Lap4: Normal lap
Lap5: I used a lot of N20 but that made me crash even more :D
what track are u played on?
Can only be Freemont! :P

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 19:06
by Bauke777
no man he's rocking the Lower Eastside :wink: