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What I hope to be in the next patch

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 00:54
by Racerzrealm
* - EA enabling moderate traffic on tracks
* - TJ Part download for PS2 users
* - Voice Chat
* - Server configured to catch cheaters

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 00:57
by Ico
Yea hopefully traffic is enabled cause the traffic make it more challenging and thats i crash into anyway
I dotn know abotu voice chat iwouldnt use it but yea it would be useful because you can type while driving

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 01:22
by UrQuattro
dude, u got the same topic twice.

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 02:03
by Albert Has
Yeah. He did..
Voice chat would be awesome!

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 03:02
by Ico
what do you mean same topic twice, pacodog

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 03:35
by SuperRacer
I removed the 2nd post. It had some new stuff in it that wasn't in this one so I edited this one.

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 03:38
by Ico

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 04:23
by Stereo
I hope that the crowds and Motion blur could be enabled for GeForce2 cards. And that the game won't restart your computer randomly.

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 04:29
by Ico
lol yea well thast a facotr for any game not to restart yea buit hopefully they haev a motion blur that works on mx cards

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 05:56
by Albert Has
Yeah, the motion blur would be cool. But for the stuff to work on Geforce 2???? No way in hell, buddy. Get a better 3D card...

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 08:32
by CustomZ02
I don't know why you guys drool over the motion blur. I think the game looks better with out the blur. And why do you want crowds for? Crowds only appear at the begining of the race then dissappear. Then only show up agian when the race is over. I leave both motion blur and crowds turned off on mine. It's just extra crap you don't need.

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 09:40
by Albert Has
Yeah, I don't know why people are so obsessed 'bout crowds...why do you want badly generated models standing and cheering. You can still hear the cheering when they are turned off, 'nyway. I only want motion blur so I can see what it's like...

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 11:20
by UncleBob
What makes me sick, is that firewall problem I have while trying to play online. I have a very good connection, but there's a damn firewall installed in our network and I cannot work around it. It seems quite stupid that I can connect to the EA server, can join rooms, even can chat with ppl, but each time I try entering a game, I fail... ...being connected to the server I still can't play.

I think alot of guys over here have the same prob, and I think (quite hopeless tho) something can be done.

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 11:22
by CustomZ02
Does hosting your own games even work?

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 11:29
by UncleBob
Neither hosting nor challeging

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 17:40
by CustomZ02
:( I don't know what to say man. Where is this firewall at ur house? And if so who installed the firewall?

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 17:59
by MafmaN
UncleBob wrote:What makes me sick, is that firewall problem I have while trying to play online. I have a very good connection, but there's a damn firewall installed in our network and I cannot work around it. It seems quite stupid that I can connect to the EA server, can join rooms, even can chat with ppl, but each time I try entering a game, I fail... ...being connected to the server I still can't play.

I think alot of guys over here have the same prob, and I think (quite hopeless tho) something can be done.
Me too. Very annoying. Even when I challenge someone, I pop out... Thats really frustrating.
And search for persons would be nice too. In what room is (s)he and if not where is (s)he playing....

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 18:24
by UncleBob
CustomZ02 wrote:Where is this firewall at ur house? And if so who installed the firewall?
In the office by evil network admin LoL :twisted: . I know it's all coz of firewall stuff, but what I meant in my post is that I found it stupid - I'm connected to the server, but cannot play.

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 19:38
by CustomZ02
Well give the evil network admin a 60gig HD and tell him to hook you up :D

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 21:50
by jackal_
It's easy to configure a firewall to allow NFSU traffic, but if the firewall is beyond your control then it's not much you can do.

Give the network admin a pack of Jolt and ask him nicely if he wouldn't mind opening up TCP ports 10900-10999 and UDP ports 3658,3659

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 21:51
by Gussy
hehe..that may work ;)