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edited underground vinyls

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 13:54
by viper_gts
i was just checking out the new BinTex for editing the textures in nfs:underground.................and it's pretty simple :)

nothing special.

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 14:19
by T-Shine
Saaawweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet !!! 8) hehe

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 14:25
by TiM
Cool! 8)

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 15:56
by Bojan
Hey, that's great! Thanks to you we now have an official NFSUnlimited vinyl!

Now I gotta go edit all my cars :)

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 17:22
by UrQuattro
I was about to save, and the error message came up. I follow the directions, but did I miss anything? I selected the color format and and 'genereate ...' and still get that error. Any suggestions? How did you save yours?

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 19:45
by viper_gts
thx guys, once i get the time........i got some really good ideas for unique vinyls :wink:

@pacodog.........that's the only bit i got slightly confused at. you need to save it in P8 format as shown below.

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 20:39
by UrQuattro
HMM.... wierd. I did save it that way. I load the game and nothing changes... Say I was modifying a Wilwood vinyl - so I did, saved it under that name FOCUS_WILLWOOD and FOCUS_WILLWOD_MASK. Load the game - nothing. Does this work only with certain types of vinyls?... I am lost, this sucks, since I had a bunch of ideas... Now i am stuck!

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 20:42
by viper_gts
each car has it's own vinyls.bin.............if you change the vinyl.bin in the skyline folder, it will only change for the skyline.

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 20:50
by UrQuattro

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 20:56
by viper_gts
lol..........don't worry, it happens to the best of us.

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 21:00
by UrQuattro
Ok, now it's all done. Sorry for the questiosn. Here is a little example.

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 21:02
by viper_gts
no probs.............i thought i should looks into the program incase anyone posted any questions about it anyway. nice car. :)

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 23:19
by UrQuattro
guys, this is interesting. I've been browsing through all the vinyls for one car (ford), and I found already included FORD LOGO vinyl, hood and sides. Very interesting, since I don't think anyone managed to unlock those. Looks like they kept some stuff out or something. I bet there's a manufacturer's vinyl for all the car makes. EA!

ok, after some more searching it appears there's about 38 types of uniquie vinils, and bunch of other great stuff we don't see. Man!

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 23:30
by viper_gts
either a mistake.......or EA's crew being lazy AGAIN!!...........thanks for the notice, i think i'll try and get through asome of them later and see what's there.

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 01:17
by Grez~Supra_RZ-S
pacodog, that focus is a beast. well done :D

Help Me about binTex

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 01:46
by D4rkRacer

I want some guy xplain me how i do my own vinyls for nfsu...

Anyone can help me?i can just do that with adobe photoshop??

Thx ][][ :D


Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 07:56
by Stazak
Not to be stupid ... But will everybody see your new VINYL if you are playing ONLINE ??? ... or its just for yourself?

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 11:06
by UrQuattro
no they won't see it unless they have it installed as well. Just like with any other mod.

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 17:13
by itamkutet
Hi ... my first vinly... u know where it came from ... just like melissa's eclipse from the intro (hope this image link work)


Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 01:15
by Gussy doesn't...

this program is really worth looking into... :)

i've dl'ed it but haven't really used it yet...will try more during the week, and come up with something ass-kicking ;)

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 14:24
by Ultron
Does anyone have an palette with underground colors for photoshop?

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 14:27
by Gussy
yes...that'd be great... :)

think the colors is my problem too...

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 14:36
by UrQuattro
.... well, you only need 3 colors for editing the vinyls (RED, Green and Blue)... And it recognizes a small deviation from that. So it should be fine... on the unique ones -... I don't think there is a paletter from that, but if you open one of them - Photoshop imports it's pallete and anything u'll be further importing into that file will automatically convert into the right palette...

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 17:13
by The Gamer
viper_gts wrote:thx guys, once i get the time........i got some really good ideas for unique vinyls :wink:

@pacodog.........that's the only bit i got slightly confused at. you need to save it in P8 format as shown below.

I dont have the save option: Palette RBG (8 bit)???

I use adobe photoshop, with the nvidia plugin.

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 18:09
by Omni
The Gamer wrote:
viper_gts wrote:thx guys, once i get the time........i got some really good ideas for unique vinyls :wink:

@pacodog.........that's the only bit i got slightly confused at. you need to save it in P8 format as shown below.

I dont have the save option: Palette RBG (8 bit)???

I use adobe photoshop, with the nvidia plugin.
Same problem here... Do you guys use Adobe Photoshop?

BinTex says:
"Texture has a format error! (Make sure P8 textures are in ?8R8B8G8 format.)"

When I select "8:8:8:8 ARGB (32 bit)" while saving in Photoshop, the error is gone, but he doesn't import the vinyl. :? What's wrong and what can I do about it? =/