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reaons why NFSC Really sucks! please post your comments!

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 18:35
by sugarqfx
1st they said minimum requirements are geforce ti cards, so why is it that other people with geforce 440mx card can run the game? it shouldnt run on those cards, there should be a warning before you run the game saying it wont run, rather than letting it run and getting white cars or something!

2nd the graphics require beter gfx, why is that? with my card a geforce 5500 nfsmw really looked great! why cant they make nfsc be more like nfsmw in terms of requirements! i know they can do it! they just want ppl to buy newer cards! (if only i knew they are in a tie up with video card manufactures, saying if you require this on your game we'll give you certain amount of profit per each new video card we sell ;-)

3rd alot of hangs and crashes

4th no more drag races!

5th where can you ever find a muscle car that can go well above 300 km per hour

6th they should have just stucked with in game hi resolution movies than having a guy with a car pass by and talk to you! soooo ugly animation (with regards to animated ppl!) also they should have just removed animated girl whos always up front when a race begins, so ugly! that wasnt in nfsmw

7th its funny that some video options like rain effects you cant turn on, on nfsmw while on nfsc you can! while some options vice versa!

8th i really think they rushed things! compared to nfsmw! the graphics engine of nfsmw was just fine, why ruin it! if i were only in charge! i would create nfsc with nfsmw engine! and everybody would be happy! no more worries about using shader 3! just to turn on road reflection, visual treatment! and so on!

shi****t why give us rain effects we dont need that! it would be better if they said sorry your video card cant support rain effects because it requires shader 3!

you know what this means! on the next release of NFS series goodbye fx cards i guess minimum requirements would be a direct x 10 card! just make it so EA! and we'll be shifting to midnight run or sreet racing syndicate!

one more thing is it me or is it that nfsc is alot faster to finish compared to nfsmw? its like ive been only running the game for like 4 days now about 3hours of gameplay a day! and im like 80% done!

which one is better NFSC or NFSMW? me NFSMW all the way!

also this is just my opinion, if anybody get mad or something, everybody is entitled to their own opinion! its just i really love NFS, and NFSC is a really big let down for me! that why i wrote this! when they announced NFSC I was really eager to pre order a copy!

now i got one, i am very disappointed!

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 18:49
by sugarqfx
one more thing, the vinyls are so ugly on NFSC! who want to put a flag on their car? stripes yuck! flame! tribal? soo ugly! is it just me or the vinyls are really ugly on this NFSC edition! also body works like bumpers and skirts! doesnt seem to look great on these cars! dont know why!

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 19:20
by vellu
Hmm, some of your points are valid, but I do not agree about the vinyl system. True the flag vinyls in particular are but ugly (they were in the previous games, and they are now), but you don't have to use them as they are. You can change their shape, color, size, location, angle.

The vinyl system blows every other game away; basically no limit to what you can do with vinyl editing functions.

Bodykits are poor indeed.

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 22:52
by WonkaVW
1. People would complain even more if the game simply didn't run at all. That's why it doesn't just refuse to run if you are under the minimum req's.

2. The graphical quality of Carbon vs. Most Wanted is much higher, hence the higher requirement. If you don't like it, buy a new card or turn down the settings. You can get a 7600GS AGP for about $150 US which is about 3-4 times better than the 5500.

3. Can't argue with that. Every time I play the game it crashes now. I haven't been able to have a proper session in the past 4 days.

4. Drag races were horribly implemented, probably why they took them out. I can tell you that by MW I was very sick of them. I hate the "perfect shift" crap, the traffic that is strategically placed in ways to screw you over, and the nearly impossible enemy AI. It seems that "catch up" in drag mode was bumped up about 5 times more than it was in other modes. Then of course things got even more annoying with the game forcing you to use the speed breaker in certain situations. Above all the fact you're stuck in pre-defined lanes is the most horrible part.

5. Do they do that in real life either? No.

6. I'm going to agree on this one, because I find those stupid cut scenes pointless and time consuming. I don't want to spend 5 minutes watching a bunch of cars stop me on the road, do some fancy burnout crap and then have some guy tell me I'm a loser and speed off. How does this even add to the game? I'm also not a fan of the animated girls at the start of the race. Should have done away with that crap after Underground 1.

7. Obviously they changed the way they were optimized or their graphical quality.

8. I agree partly with this one, they did seem to rush this version. If I remember correctly, it was announced like 3 months after Most Wanted came out. There was barely any time to enjoy Most Wanted before we had this shoved in our face.

You do know that the FX series of graphics cards is horrible, right? They never were any good, they were a huge mistake by Nvidia. Not implementing support for them is a wise move.

Bottom line though, I still pick Carbon over Most Wanted... just cause I really hated the stuttering and horrible performance in Most Wanted.

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 02:35
by YaelDjiel
the horribly designed menu is something thats pissing me off.....

Re: reaons why NFSC Really sucks! please post your comments!

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 05:14
by Frostbite
sugarqfx wrote:1st they said minimum requirements are geforce ti cards, so why is it that other people with geforce 440mx card can run the game? it shouldnt run on those cards, there should be a warning before you run the game saying it wont run, rather than letting it run and getting white cars or something!

2nd the graphics require beter gfx, why is that? with my card a geforce 5500 nfsmw really looked great! why cant they make nfsc be more like nfsmw in terms of requirements! i know they can do it! they just want ppl to buy newer cards! (if only i knew they are in a tie up with video card manufactures, saying if you require this on your game we'll give you certain amount of profit per each new video card we sell ;-)

3rd alot of hangs and crashes

4th no more drag races!

5th where can you ever find a muscle car that can go well above 300 km per hour

6th they should have just stucked with in game hi resolution movies than having a guy with a car pass by and talk to you! soooo ugly animation (with regards to animated ppl!) also they should have just removed animated girl whos always up front when a race begins, so ugly! that wasnt in nfsmw

7th its funny that some video options like rain effects you cant turn on, on nfsmw while on nfsc you can! while some options vice versa!

8th i really think they rushed things! compared to nfsmw! the graphics engine of nfsmw was just fine, why ruin it! if i were only in charge! i would create nfsc with nfsmw engine! and everybody would be happy! no more worries about using shader 3! just to turn on road reflection, visual treatment! and so on!

shi****t why give us rain effects we dont need that! it would be better if they said sorry your video card cant support rain effects because it requires shader 3!

you know what this means! on the next release of NFS series goodbye fx cards i guess minimum requirements would be a direct x 10 card! just make it so EA! and we'll be shifting to midnight run or sreet racing syndicate!

one more thing is it me or is it that nfsc is alot faster to finish compared to nfsmw? its like ive been only running the game for like 4 days now about 3hours of gameplay a day! and im like 80% done!

which one is better NFSC or NFSMW? me NFSMW all the way!

also this is just my opinion, if anybody get mad or something, everybody is entitled to their own opinion! its just i really love NFS, and NFSC is a really big let down for me! that why i wrote this! when they announced NFSC I was really eager to pre order a copy!

now i got one, i am very disappointed!
1. No comment...

2. The Shaders have been updated and the game is a little unoptimized

3. Only crash I got was from a No CD Crack now using ma CD and it works great!

4. Thank god couldn't stand 'em tbh...

5. I got a Mustang to go over 300km/h

6. It's kinda hard todo Vertex based facial animations when you have the guys head tilted on an angle =p Trust me!

7. New Shaders...

8. Carbon is on the "Most Wanted"'s just been updated a little...

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 05:29
by RavenGT
I'd just like to point out something very important.

This game supports Geforce 4 Titanium series. From what you've stated, people are complaining that their Geforce 4 MX440 doesn't work, well gee wiz! That the MX series is not the same as the Titanium series!

Oh and frostbite, I think EA are smart enough to use skeletal based animations. EA may suck, but they're not that stupid.

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 09:00
by dogstar
1) for what its worth, the MX cards barely supported games when they were NEW... now, two or three years later, you expect them to perform?? well...everyones got an opinion.

2) the graphics require better cards because they look better. would you still want to be playing Pong (google it youngsters :)) no, you want something pretty and nice to look at, so, graphical requirements go up. and i agree, the FX cards were pretty poor performers.

3) hangs and crashes are what brought me here, they are bad in nfsc.

4) the drag races... sometimes fun, sometimes very frustrating. i dont miss them.

5) 300kph muscle cars?? Big Red immediately comes to mind, a 1969 camaro that is capable of 220 MILES per hour, sustained. heres a quick link with generic info about the car, and the race

6) i like the girls, they add an authentic touch, although shes got thick thighs. its been my experience in races that may or may not have been on the street, that there are always girls around, usually not wearing very much clothing. girls are much better looking than guys, so id rather see a female flagger.

7) see number 2

8) i would just be glad if NFSC didnt crash all the time

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 09:36
by Jamaleni
One thing that annoys me most, and it gave me an idea for next NFS....

Basicaly, EA could make next NFS with 200 cars, but only 10 of them should be available in carreer, and others should be "impossible" to unlock because we should ned to do about 1 000 things to unlock them.

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 10:05
by Jackhammer
2.why the hell does some options in video gray out???? is terrible

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 17:13
by Dagon
There was a featurette on topgear about a vauxhall victor (a nearly compact-sized muscle car from the '70s,I think) that was modified to go faster than a Bugatti Veyron.

There's absolutely no reason why a muscle car shouldn't go fast IRL, especially the modified ones with alumnium or carbon fibre bodies. A well built alumnium V8, V10 or V12 bigblock with a super or turbocharger, good carb, gasohol or methanol fuel mixture and decent transmission will easily put out a huge amount of torque and horsepower. And, exotic cars really just use the same engines as a muscle car (IE: combustion-based four-stroke), they're just designed or modified for more performance than the standard engines in older muscle cars.

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 07:08
by sugarqfx
yup the tracks that came with EA need for speed carbon really suck! i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really definitely really hate need for speed carbon, but one thing that really annoys me is that EA could have done Need for speed carbon with NFSMW engine with no updating and it would have been still really great, why do they have to mess it all up! now i have everything grayed out on video options! but on NFSMW everything was ok! and also graphics wise i dont think theres any difference with regards to NFSMW and NFSC

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 14:33
by GT3x24x7
Solution: STFU and go play something else.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 07:40
by LewdConduct
I just wish they gave the girl at the starting line different outfits...LOL...In my mind, she became the dirty starting line girl that never showered or changed her clothes...she had a nice booty though...LOL...Most Wanted was better...!!!


PS Was it just me, or did the starting line girl wink at you just before she would start the race?...I need a girlfriend...LOL...

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 07:41
by darknight788
i hate her hairdew, but thats just me the girls were better in UG2 imo

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 08:07
by Wladylwk
Lolz ! I will take it on numbers ! :

1.Why not ?
2.I have GForce FX5500 and i am getting BETTER gfx than on MW
4.That is a minus ! Especially now when we have Muscles
5.There are muscles wit good top speed ( Corvette )
6.It is almost the same from Mw ... looks good IMO
8.Maybe they rushed things cauz in one year u can't get any big improvement at the engine of the game ...

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 08:24
by darknight788
cmon this is EA we are talking about, they rushed it so they can make lots of money as fast as possible

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 22:12
by fanth0mic
The only good thing in Carbon is muscle class. If someone could put muscle cars in Most Wanted and turn off the day light, it would be better then Carbon about million times! If you have Carbon I suggest you to use some trainer ( ) to unlock all cars and tracks (savegame could be useful too) and then go driving some canyon races!

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 22:21
by blah2
Ba fanth0mic ma sugi de pula cu reclamele tale. Cacat ordinar de muist bleg. Pisam-as pe toata natia ta.

Translation: Hey fanth0mic please stop with the adverts. You aren't very clever. Ah whatever.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 22:22
by krazyammo
english plz?

Posted: 01 Dec 2006, 02:37
by spectre01
the most thing i hate about Carbon is its freaking bugs!!!! jumps out of the game a lot! and that "new" patch can't fix it neither.

Posted: 02 Dec 2006, 03:16
by Grumpy
The only complaint I have w/ NFSC is the crashes. Quite a few times I was ready to start a race & poof!! all gone. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Posted: 02 Dec 2006, 13:51
by Abrams
I hate the EA link system. 24 hours trying to even get to downloading my game, still no luck.

Posted: 03 Dec 2006, 04:43
by xturbo
blah2 wrote:Ba fanth0mic ma sugi de pula cu reclamele tale. Cacat ordinar de muist bleg. Pisam-as pe toata natia ta.

Translation: Hey fanth0mic please stop with the adverts. You aren't very clever. Ah whatever.
Say what...? :roll: