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DXTex program...

Posted: 12 Feb 2004, 11:32
by hansip87
I've read another discussion that tells us that we need to install DirectX9.0 SDK to edit .dds files. After that I search that at to find that files. I realize that this files is a big files to be downloaded(200MB+)!!!!!!
After that I found that the tools that is needed to show the .dds files is DXTex. At first, I wanna ask if there is the differences between this program and Photoshop with .dds plugins?
Secondly, I wonder if somebody could tell me where the heck I can download this stand alone program(without needs to download the DX9.0 SDK)?
Best Regards,

Posted: 12 Feb 2004, 13:48
by UrQuattro
hehe, i had EXACTLY the same problem man. Here is a link to get the program. However, I couldn't use it once I downloaded it, got an error message (it's not like its a virus, I just feel I am doing something wrong). So please post here if you are able to use it. I needed it to edit tire textures - but still cant't!

What error?

Posted: 13 Feb 2004, 03:05
by hansip87
Ehm, I've already downloaded it. Thx. But Can you tell me what errors did you experienced? I actually have the same problem too:(. The error says that d3d9.dll is needed and the program can't find it. But though, I realize that my comp is still DX8.1. Now I'll gonna upgraded it first. But thanks a lot man? :)

What error?

Posted: 13 Feb 2004, 03:06
by hansip87
Ehm, I've already downloaded it. Thx. But Can you tell me what errors did you experienced? I actually have the same problem too:(. The error says that d3d9.dll is needed and the program can't find it. But though, I realize that my comp is still DX8.1. Now I'll gonna upgraded it first. But thanks a lot man! :)

What differences?

Posted: 13 Feb 2004, 06:44
by hansip87
Oh yeah, what are the differences of DxTex and Photoshop with .dds plugins?
Is that the Photoshop can't edit wheel's texture or what that we need to download DxTex rather than open the .dds with Photoshop?

Posted: 13 Feb 2004, 12:19
by UrQuattro
i don't know man, it's BS if you ask me. I worked without it and made some tire texture and it's just fine. So don't worry about it, you don't need it.
here is a pic of my work: Image

Posted: 13 Feb 2004, 12:21
by UrQuattro
in photoshop. just paste the ALPHA mask that's posted on that thread underneath the 4 Alpha Channels for the tyre texture. so it wil work.

Posted: 16 Feb 2004, 02:48
by hansip87
How Can I paste the Alpha Mask on the Photoshop. Please show me How? Thx.

Posted: 16 Feb 2004, 11:38
by UrQuattro
Copy the mask, and paste it into the image when you are viewing ALPHA CHANNELS (tab next to Layers)

Posted: 16 Feb 2004, 11:39
by UrQuattro
and you will see the place where that mask needs to be when you open your exported texture, make change to it, save it, and open it again. NOW you will see that where your mask is supposed to me, it a white square. That's where you paste the Alpha mask.