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S2000 Contest

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 07:32
by Turbocharger
Ok post you S2000 Vinyl Entries for the Competition here so we dont cram up the Custom Car Thread, Heres the rules:

"Now, as a little promotion for my first released MW conversion, i'm proposing a vinyl making contest for the S2000! You heard right, an Vinyl Making contest for Most Wanted. In 512x512 bmp's, create your most desired design for the S2000 and post it like this:

Name of Vinyl:
Type of Vinyl: (A.K.A Stripe Vinyl 2-Colour, Stripe Vinyl Single Colour, Coloured Unique, Body Vinyl)
Preview of Vinyl: (In-Game Pic)
Download Link: (Upload image and show in full size here)

You will have till the 31st of March (When i get back from my holiday ) to make and post your Vinyl Designs. Remember they can't be too detailed because then you will lose some colour when imported into the game. The car the S2000 replaces is the Clio but the Clio dubg map is too small for the S2000, so use a bigger car, I suggest the Murcielago. So get designing and i hope to see ALOT of vinyl posts when i get back. Also if you don't post your vinyl in the way i showed above, your vinyl will not be entered. So please do it right.

The 5 top competitors will have there vinyls in the game, replacing the five Contest Vinyls of the S2000. So get cracking everyone and i'll (hopefully) be watching from my Hotel Room


P.S. You can only enter 2 vinyls. They can be the same type or different, but only 2 allowed for each member.
Also NO MOVIE VINYLS or Vinyls that you have seen it TV shows or anything, design your own, you can get insirpation but you cant create vinyls seen on Tv, In Movies, or made by Famous Companies."

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:29
by race_invader
Im entering! :P as you know...

Atm ive got 1 done but im trying to fix it and smooth it out or may even start again

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 15:11
by blah2
I'll try.

Posted: 23 Mar 2007, 16:14
by blah2
Somebody please post a 521 picture of the murcielago debug please. Since the MW CD's are at my cousin, i can't install it now. (he doesn't have internet, so he can have my game)