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What you can do and what you can't do.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 00:46
by drftkng
I thout I'd make a topic saying what you can do and what you can't do with the Need for Speed games, so we won't get anymore new topics with questions like: Can I download cars for this game?; can i download body kits for this game? So here is what you can and cannot do:

Need for Speed Underground:

Cars: NO
Body kits: NO
Other parts for cars: NO
Vinyls: YES

Need for Speed Underground 2:

Cars: NO
Body kits: NO
Other parts for cars: NO
Vinyls: NO (the templates are different / there are no templates.)

Need for Speed Most Wanted:

Cars: YES
Body kits: NO (unless you remake the car)
Other parts for cars: NO (unless you remake the car)
Vinyls: YES

Need for Speed Carbon:

Cars: NO
Body kits: NO
Other parts for cars: NO
Vinyls: NO

Now that this imformation is here, please don't jam the forums with n00b questions. 8)

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 01:12
by arabnight
nice post up cause there is alot of ppl asking the same question up over and over again

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 01:52
by TokyoDriftRockz
Correction, not everyone. Just one idiot (ok that was a bit harsh, but :D) who doesn't seem to know how to POST all his stuff in one post. Stop spamming the edit board with all your " can i do this?" or "omfg i want this car in the game is it possible?".joystixLV, stop, or you're gonna be hated if you keep spamming. (not spamming, but creating useless topics that could be merged into one post.

EDIT: Just so you know there's an "edit" button for a reason. :wink:

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 02:01
by drftkng
I did not make this topic so that I could start spamming at one person because maybe they honestly didn't know. I made this topic to prevent other people from posting that type of stuff in the future.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 02:49
by Soupa
Ok, I have one question. How comes there are two vinyls done for UG2(Toyota Supra, Mustang) on this site, if it's impossible to make some?

Also, it's nice to know that there are red Noes with games, but why is it no?
Is it cuz of people got bored of searching how to do it, is it because you have to tweak with the game's core programing or is it because of something completely else?

I'm just saying that, cuz I also hang around the Carmageddon communauty and there were a lot of stuff we thought that were impossible to do 1 or 2 years ago that now have been proven to be possible to do (completly new peds for exemple).

So in résumé, my question is: are those things impossible to do because it's really impossible to do, or is it because peeps didn't really cared about those ideas?

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 03:36
by prince1142003
Firstly, people can be idiots at times. Are you sure those vinyls are for NFSU2 and not for NFSMW?

It's not impossible to do, it's just no public knowledge on how to do them. The NFSU2 bin format was cracked, but importing was never figured out. Extraction of models from NFSU2 and NFSU1 is possible, but there is no known method of reimporting the models. The Carbon format hasn't been cracked yet in terms of reimporting.

When dealing with NFS games, extraction is easy as the game files often contain superflous information in addition to the models. But reimporting is not always so easy because this superficial information is almost always crucial, and figuring out what it means is by no means easy.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 04:58
by Soupa
Well, I don't have U2, but those two vinyls were placed in the U2 vinyls section. Maybe it was a mistake tho, I don't know.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 18:21
by drftkng
Soupa wrote: I'm just saying that, cuz I also hang around the Carmageddon communauty and there were a lot of stuff we thought that were impossible to do 1 or 2 years ago that now have been proven to be possible to do (completly new peds for exemple).
Well, few years ago, we never thought it possible to convert cars to Most Wanted.