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Most Wanted Crashes in Vista

Posted: 06 Apr 2007, 04:04
by Jerrac
Every time I try to buy my first car after the first "blacklist 15" Most Wanted just crashes. This has happened at least three times. I am able to play everything in the career before that just fine, and the custom races and stuff all work fine.

I have a Sony Vaio laptop with two gigs of ram and an intel 945 graphics card. I don't remember exactly how much shared memory it has, 256mb, maybe 512...

So, has anyone run into this problem before? Or is there anything I can do to fix it?


Posted: 06 Apr 2007, 22:00
by Stereo
Maybe it's because 256mb isn't ok for Vista anymore... The thing itself hogs up 512...

Posted: 06 Apr 2007, 22:16
by prince1142003
Most Wanted is not Vista compatible anyways. So if you got it work, it was sheer luck.

Posted: 06 Apr 2007, 23:43
by snoopdogg879
i dont think it was made for vista so it probably wont work cuz the people at ea didnt know there was gonna be another operating system so they only made it for XP

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 05:43
by Jerrac
Stereo wrote:Maybe it's because 256mb isn't ok for Vista anymore... The thing itself hogs up 512...
That's system ram, not video ram. I was saying that the video has around 256 allocated to it from the system ram.

I know that Most Wanted wasn't made for Vista, I was just hoping that someone else had run into the same problem and fixed it.

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 15:06
by prince1142003
Your integrated card is probably the problem. Integrated is usually bad, no matter how much memory you allocate to it.

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 23:22
by Jerrac
prince1142003 wrote:Your integrated card is probably the problem. Integrated is usually bad, no matter how much memory you allocate to it.
Yeah true. But if it was the card I would think that the game wouldn't run at all. This just crashes at a very specific point. At a time when the graphics aren't in a huge amount of use. It just a menu....

Posted: 08 Apr 2007, 19:05
by Carcrazy
Mine does the exact same thing in Vista Home Premium, only mine crashes when I try to sell a car. I'll start looking for a fix on it... If I can find one.

Posted: 08 Apr 2007, 19:09
by darknight788
isnt there a compatibility mode in vista ? XP has it and it is useful for running old games like doom

Posted: 08 Apr 2007, 20:50
by Carcrazy
ya but then Most Wanted can't find the CD. But I could try using a no-CD hack and then running it. :?

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 02:32
by Jerrac
Carcrazy wrote:ya but then Most Wanted can't find the CD. But I could try using a no-CD hack and then running it. :?
Hmmm.... I forgot to say that I am using a no-cd hack... Precisly because it couldn't find the cd.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 07:23
by Carcrazy
Try overclocking... going to test it now.

EDIT: Didn't work... have you tried just downloading a savegame?

Re: Most Wanted Crashes in Vista

Posted: 12 Sep 2009, 07:42
by Cryle
Sorry for reviving an ancient topic, but I figured my own experiences with Most Wanted may assist.

I can confirm that it is the graphics causing the game to crash. I had an old i865 graphics chip in my computer and it would allow me to play the first few races up until I was to enter free-roam mode, then it would crash (where your game is crashing).

After recently upgrading to an ATI Radeon X1650 pro, the game worked quite decently, but now crashes at the main menu with a Radeon HD3850.


EDIT: The i865 experiences were on XP, whereas the X1650 PRO and HD3850 were with vista.

Re: Most Wanted Crashes in Vista

Posted: 12 Sep 2009, 11:25
by Jerrac
Heh, ancient is right. I actually gave up on the game entirely and sold it. If I ever play it again, I'll probably get the xbox 360 version now that my roommate has one.