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Battle Machine 350Z Challenge

Posted: 28 Feb 2008, 07:11
by EA Torque
The first global championship race day at the Chicago Airfield sponsored by is now live at! The race day runs from February 27th to March 3rd.

There are three types of events adding up to a total of five races. You must use the Nissan 350Z (Z33) for every event. Any and all scores using other vehicles will automatically disqualify a driver.

There will be a winner for each of the three major platforms: XBox 360, PS3 and PC/DVD. I will not tally results using the race day's overall score for a driver. Instead, individual records will be tallied to ensure the 350Z is being used as a vehicle. Winners will be annouced on March 4th.

That being said, get on, get tuned, and get going! See you on the track!