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Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 16 Sep 2009, 22:24
by TheNoobofFerraris
This thread will be like an archive. If Shift gamers find any videos (most likel from youtube) or images showing problems within the game, they should be posted here. If there is a glitch that you've found and there isn't a video/image of it, normal feedback is welcome.

Okay, this isn't really a glitch... it's more along the lines of a funny (but really bad/depressing) physics problem. It's something that you really wouldn't want to see when you get your copy of the game to your home console.

One thing that I'm really hoping for is that glitches in Shift will be patched with urgency instead of ignored. If I am correct, Undercover had quite a few problems, and if you have Burnout Paradise (like me), you will understand why I hate glitches and bugs so much.

More physics nonsense.

Moderator edit
A few game problems with possible solutions are explained on the official forums:

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 01:50
by Hydro_PT
I found something on the PC version that is quite annoying. I enjoy driving in the cockpit, however, I cannot see the track line properly. This way I can't predict the type of corner and thus I cannot drive well until I know the track. This picture will show you exactly what's the problem:

See the track indicator on the left lower corner of the screen? You can barely see the line, most times it's completely black, which is something quite annoying. I've tried 2 cars already and it's always the same thing. I hope it gets fixed soon. :(

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 07:04
by turbo lag
This is for the PS3 version:

I've found a few bugs so far:

- In Quick Race, Drift, there's no engine sounds at all.

- Some races in Tier 3 have a very loud, annoying static noise during races. No other game or sets of races have this problem.

- A.I sometimes gets stuck on a wall after crashing.

- FFB randomly cuts off, however this has only happened twice.

- The wheel moves with the car on replay mode when it hits a rumble strip.

- The wheel sometimes does a full spin after a race, and when you start off the race the car will fly off to the side.

- Absolutely no way to complain about any of these problems, EA website won't load, EA forums won't load, NFS website won't load, basically anything to do with the EA profile won't load, etc. This also means the Photomode on PS3 is pointless. And before anyone blames my PC, I've tried from the PS3, a different computer, proxies, different browsers, the lot. On that note, can anybody else log in to any of the EA sites?

EDIT: BTW I'm using a G25.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 07:20
by chute
sorry for the repost:

Shift for the PC seems bugged for me, I went through the whole first tier, but when I go to do a time attack, the main timer just sits at 00:00 from the very beginning, and the race never ends. Also, there's a normal race indicator at the top left, even though current position means nothing in time attack. is this how it's supposed to be? anyone else seen this?

I have a g25 racing wheel and had to fiddle with a bunch of crap to get it to work, but I don't think anything that would have broken time attack.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 09:56
by Summ
Just got this piece of CRAP game this morning and have a few things to report. Here goes:

-The game is firetruck UNPLAYABLE! How about that? This is Shi(f)t for the pc, running on this system:
Core2Duo E4500 @2.24 GHz
4 gb ddr2 ram
ATi HD4870 1gig (Catalyst 9.9, latest drivers)
40" Samsung LE40A767 @ 1920x1080p 60Hz
G25 racing wheel
Windows 7 x64 with all the updates and everything.

This rig runs ANYTHING at that resolution, no problems whatsoever. Shift? fps below 20 with maxed settings, stuttering all over the place. Settings on absolute minimum, still fps around 25 and below. It wouldn't be unbearable if control accuracy wasn't a factor, but hey.. this is a racing game and guess what, absolute fps smoothness and 0 input lag is absolute KEY to the whole experience! Before anyone goes off flaming and telling me my rig sucks, the net is FLOODED with complaints about HORRID fps. People with all kinds of systems have been reporting this. A guy running a Core i7 processor with 12 gigs of ram and an HD4870 x2 has the same stuttering bs fps that I get. It's unplayable - as simple as that.

That's not the end of it however. I wouldn't go past the first race, but a BUNCH of people are experiencing crashes, both random and not, at game launch, at the first practice lap, at the first race and so on. Check the following links to get an idea of how many are suffering from these two issues: (the big one.. just look at all the bugs reported there) ... pid=957699
These are just a few. Proverbial tip of the iceberg.

-Input lag. I don't know if it's a consequence of the sloppy fps or it's the game itself that has an issue with my G25, but turn the wheel and you will see a SIGNIFICANT delay in the animation of the wheel onscreen. That's right, I need to steer somewhere in the vicinity of half a second in advance of what I would normally do. Again, unacceptable.

-Input errors. If I have my G25 connected, without touching anything, the menu jumps like crazy. By this I mean that the game senses an 'up' input, like if I were holding down the 'arrow up' on my keyboard, that IS NOT THERE! I'm not touching anything and the game goes bonkers. I tracked the problem down to my POV knob and had to physically tape it in the down position to be able to choose menu points with my keyboard.

-Engine sounds. Throaty and nice, agreed - but it's impossible to scale the value of NPC engine sounds! This means that when I'm in between two cars or in a pack, I CAN'T DISTINGUISH MY OWN CAR from theirs!! How the hell am I supposed to shift gears, if I can't tell what revs I'm making?! Which brings me to...

-Disappearing UI elements. You know the gear indicator, lap counter, position in the field, times and such? It's all on at the start of the race, but some ten seconds or so into the race, they disappear. I haven't quite noticed whether they fade out or simply disappear, but I have noticed that the next time I looked around to check what position I was in, it was nowhere to be found. Track map is also in this category, btw.

-Can't turn motion blur off. If I can't hear my own engine and I can't see the UI and you even firetruck BLUR the goddamned dials, you're just asking me to either quit or run an automatic gearbox.. which would be like cutting the balls off any car.. nice touch, EA. Really.. take away any way to actually play the game.

-Physics ARE odd. People are right about that. For what little I was able to experience in the M3, it did not behave like a car should. Low speed handling is horrible. Throttle feels either on or off, with no real graduation at all - yes, I checked my settings, it's set to the pedal and it responds to pedal. The car sails across the circuit in places, where it should not. The ffb is basically non-existant - you're just struggling against a firetruck heavy wheel. You don't feel the bumps or when it loses traction at all, have to go by ear instead.. which, in the middle of the pack is impossible as the sounds of tire squeals get drowned by engine noise.

I'm a systems developer for a living. I have programmed software the past 7 years of my life. This game is TRASH. It's a console port and a horrible one at that. In its current state it is unoptimized, buggy and, at its best, an alpha stage program. This game has NOT been tested enough. This game does NOT run well for most people out there. For a large spectrum of the player base it DOES NOT RUN AT ALL!

Forget this game. Forget EA. Sorry Bojan, you'll probably be out of a 'job' next year, 'cause this is probably going to be the last - and by far WORST - FLOP in the history of the NFS franchise! It's a disgrace. Period.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 11:14
by Danyutz
Sadly, but so true, I got an Ath64 X2 4300+ with 4gb ram, 8600GT, win 7 x64 and i experience the same issues like Summ. Rushed port version, untested and unoptimized.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 12:24
by <Jeroen>
Its a problem of Ati cards, Nvidia cards dont seem to have such problems with it. Just hope and pray ati/ea fixes it soon.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 12:30
by Summ
^At first it was believed to be so, yes. That theory was later discredited by examples like Danyutz, who has the exact same problems as me. He has an nVidia card, if there was any doubt. It's an nVidia GeForce 8600 GT. So yeah.. down the toilet with that theory.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 13:02
by Bojan
The performance issues should definitely be reported to EA support. You got the EA Store PC downloadable version I presume?

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 13:05
by t3ice
Ive been running the game on max settings, but the resolution is at the default desktop resolution ( 1680x1050 ), and i get decent 45-55 fps.

Don't think my pc is over powered.

specs :

- Core 2 Quad 9650
- 2x Nvidia GTX 260 SLi
- 4GB DDR 2 @ 1062 mhz
- nforce780i SLi mobo

Although ive had the game crash to the desktop randomly sometimes.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 13:52
by zedex
yeah apparently it's an ati thing...

then there's also the whole NFS thing... i've had trouble running ProStreet, then undercover smoothly since the start... HD4850 here

so i didn't really notice it or thought it was normal...

also i haven't really had any of the problems you had summ... maybe you happen to hit the "HUD" key by accident? they switch from full view, to limited view to hud off...

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 13:53
by Summ
@Bojan - it's already on EA's official boards. They should well be aware of the problem by now. But yes, I do have the PC downloadable version.

@t3ice - your pc is a powerhouse. It IS overpowered. What psu have you got running in there? 1 kw?

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:01
by VG_Speed
Hi guys!

For those with G25 problems, try to go to Wingman Team Site and get Clear Calibration Utility. Run it and then set the Wheel again in Control Panel/Profiler and then choose the right preset in-game. If this doesnt work, you can delete all in the Temp directory (which I still didnt checked but someone told me its there in the My Documents) and set the game again...

About performance issues, this game is somewhat heavy, but quite ok... Nonetheless, dont expect to run it 100% even if you were doing it in Undercover... Also, there are many performance problems with ATI cards. A new Catalyst should solve it. I see here someone talking about 8600 also having poor performance and its Nvidia... Well, the 8600 is low-end card, very low-end nowdays, so I guess it was to expect. I have Core2Duo E8400 and 8800GT and I cant max out the Game if I want consistent fps. Also, turning off VSync might help...



Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:05
by Summ
8600 should be fully within the specs, really.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:07
by VG_Speed

Within specs is not the same as "yes it should max the game". Minimum requirements, which 8600 should match, mean 1024x768 and low quality usually... But maybe there is a problem also with Nvidias... So far I have seen always ATI.



Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:15
by Summ
Check the EA boards. It's mostly ATi, but it's nVidias too, here and there. I don't know what settings Danyutz tried. Ask him.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:24
by Hydro_PT
The 8600GT is already outdated, so it's normal it cannot run SHIFT at the highest settings and resolutions. My 9600GT runs the game at the highest settings, 1024 X 1280 and AA 8x with a decent framerate. I might lower the AA to 4x though.

"-Disappearing UI elements."

Maybe you pressed the wrong button? There's a button that makes the HUD disappear and come back again.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:42
by Summ
^I don't press buttons when I'm driving. I shift gears. That's it. Please don't take me for stupid. If it was just a question of buttons, I wouldn't have posted it.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 15:12
by Danyutz
Hydro_PT wrote:The 8600GT is already outdated
Maybe, but I ran FEAR 2 on high details with 1152 resolution. I can't play NFS with 1280 and medium .. I wouldn't mind the stuttering, i`ll drop the details, but i do mind the crashes!

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 15:23
by Hydro_PT
Summ wrote:^I don't press buttons when I'm driving. I shift gears. That's it. Please don't take me for stupid. If it was just a question of buttons, I wouldn't have posted it.
Sorry mate, I didn't intend to make you look stupid. :(

It's just I occidentally pressed that button and everything was gone, and I was like WTF just happened? Is it a bug?

It might have happened with you too, that's why I posted that.

@Danyutz: It's different games, you can't compare them. I can also run Crysis with everything at HIGH, 1024 X 1280 and AA off, but I cannot run GTA IV with the same settings. Different types of games, different game engines, different graphics.

If you want you can compare it with GRID or DiRT or even DiRT 2 (which isn't out yet). Still I think that the 8600GT isn't powerful enough to run SHIFT at the highest settings and a good resolution. :wink:

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 15:32
by Danyutz
Trudat, but still, it shouldn't stutter like that on the settings I play. GRiD allows me to play on 1280 with most of the settings on High. This is the result of an unoptimized and rushed port. Not my fault.

Here's a new one I noticed: stuttering sound when I miraculously finish a race without CTD. It's the part where it shows how much stars and reputation you got. It's like the game is taxing the CPU so much computing rep so there's not enough CPU cycles left for sound, hahaha. It might be caused by my Realtek built-in audio but I doubt it. I'll try using my Audigy 2 later and see if it fixes anything.
Noticed this last night, it happens to me too.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 15:39
by Hydro_PT
Ah yes, that's true. I just thought you were using the highest settings, sorry my fault.

If you can play GRID with high settings, you should be able to do that in SHIFT too. Not max it out, but play it with decent graphics. I can't say it's a bad port, because it runs perfectly fine on my PC, but if most people is complaining about it, then it's obviously a bad port. I guess I was lucky.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 15:51
by Danyutz
Not trying to max it out, trying to have fun with a game i've been waiting for an year :) oh well, looks like i'll have to play Batman, until/if EA releases a fix.

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 17:35
by Freeman
I think this is the best game with the most bugs an glitches i ever played, i've read that some of you have FPS problems,my sistem(Amd Athlon 6400,Nvidia geforce8800gtx,4gbDDram2,Vista X64)runs it perfectly with everything set at max weirdly because Undercover,Prostreet wouldn't run as good as this one.
Problems until now:
-sometimes the game won't start,ya it get's stuck in one of the loading screens(before the main menu,before a race,after a race), and it need a restart of the sistem.
-didn't get a picture of it but one time i had grass over the track and you cand see it because it was over the car.
-get stuck while being in the replay,ya the game forgets and i'm not joking it forgets to load the replay menu and replay the replay over and over and over.
-at really high speed on a flat surface the car jump,how can a pagani zonda at 300 km/h on a flat surface jump like a kangaroo(not joking).
-at the begining of a race some cars on the racing grid have their front wheels of the surface of the racing track(it isn't something importnat because after the start it recovers).
-the background sometimes is black.
-sometimes you have music whyle racing i don't know about drift because theres music all the time in that mode but while circuit racing......not every time.
-The cars while racing get's new rims.
-Can't move the camera in my version.

This are the problems i found until now gues making a good game needs a lot more time just the normal 1 year we get eith the NFS series,hope the next patch fixes some of these because like normal EA will release 1 or 2 patches then moves on to the next game and totally forgets about the last one.

P.S.:sry for my bad english

Re: Bugs & Glitches in Need for Speed: SHIFT

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 20:21
I've played it aproximatively 4-5 hours and I didn't notice many bugs.
The worst I found, was that when I put the textures, shadows and motion blur on minimum... I could only start the race, but after like 10 secs, the game crashed.
I have a nVidia 7900 GS, 2 gigs of RAM, Intel Core 2 e6300 (@ 1.86 GHz) and win 7 RC. It runs fast enough for me. I don't understand how Summ can have such a low framerate uon such a PC...

Anyway, I love the physics. :D