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SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 19 Oct 2009, 13:19
by GT3x24x7
Post here whenever you pass a milestone of some kind in NFS SHIFT. That might be something clear in the game, like reaching Tier 2 or beating the NFS Live tournament, or something more personally significant, like completing a lap of Nordschleife in every car, or posting a top 10 leaderboard time.

For me, I hit 2 million profile points just now. :)

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 19 Oct 2009, 15:27
by Hydro_PT
My milestones are simple: beat the game "100%". Something I love to do in all games. Win everything. :P

- Getting all stars in all events: DONE :mrgreen:
- Getting all epic badges: NOT DONE, I'm still missing the online ones and US/Japan Cars
- Tune all cars at least once: NOT DONE, only a few left - not enough garage slots :(
- Reach Level 50: DONE :mrgreen:
- Reach 100.000 points: NOT DONE, I have about 780.000 :(

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 19 Oct 2009, 15:44
by GT3x24x7
600 online wins just now.

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 19 Oct 2009, 18:08
by ElvenAvenger
tuning a car visually(vinyls) by myself instead of picking the pre-set vinyls out of lazyness: done :D
beating nfs live and 51/51 stars on first try: done :D
being happy with garage space limit: NEVER :/ first i complained "how am i going to buy so much cars!" now it is "not enough space! too much money! WHINE"....i guess humans are never satisfied..
feeling stupid because beating all the skylines 2000 gt's and 240 sxes with a tuned 350z

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 19 Oct 2009, 18:45
by Hydro_PT
I can't wait until someone adds more car slots to the garage. Why the heck can't we have all cars? At least a section to tune and race with our own cars, like in previous NFS games. :(

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 04:20
by zedex
Beat world tour to get M3 GT2: done
Do ALL events at least once: working on it...
Get all stars: working on it...
Master ALL corners, and get epic Clean Race trophies: missing the 4 Nurburgring tracks/variants... all the rest done =) *working on this at the moment*
Achieve Level 50: just got it today !! ^^
Make a Gulf Decal DBR9: trying... got the Reward cars for Career unlocked with a mod, applying a few basic vinyls, but realized some are missing... like british flag, PROPER numbers, and Michelin decals........... sigh I guess I'll have to replace Michelin with another one... and obviously the "Gulf" decals...

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 12:43
by GT3x24x7
zedex wrote:Achieve Level 50: just got it today !! ^^

I went for the 'all stars in all events' thing too, but gave up on it when I found I had to deliberately crash into the AI to get them. That's not an achievement IMO.

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 14:04
by Hydro_PT
That's a pain in the ass. Those were my last three stars, the ones where you must spin out the opponents. It's possible though, just very hard. :P

It's the same for epic badges, you must also overtake some opponents and crash on them to earn the "dirty overtake" badges. I don't like that either, but well, I want to win everything. :D

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 17:00
by ElvenAvenger
Hydro_PT wrote:That's a pain in the bumbum. Those were my last three stars, the ones where you must spin out the opponents. It's possible though, just very hard. :P

It's the same for epic badges, you must also overtake some opponents and crash on them to earn the "dirty overtake" badges. I don't like that either, but well, I want to win everything. :D
dirty overtakes are not usually meant by me...but it often looks like: im sitting on opponents tail, he slows down, me too, but 0.01 s later. results in touching his rear bumper(literally.) then overtaking him about 10 seconds later. result: Dirty overtake! WOW YOU ARE A BEAST!!

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 17:55
by zedex
lol yeah... dirty overtakes sometimes aren't avoidable =b

and thanks GT3x24x7!!

I just sort of finished making my Gulf DBR9...
posted in the Showroom =b

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 17:39
by zedex

now need to re-run Nurburgring just so I can get that Clean Race Master Badge... didn't get it for some reason... I never went off-track during the entire lap when I mastered the remaining 3 corners in 1 lap

after that, I'll go back to career events to get the remaining stars!

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 18:48
by ElvenAvenger

now need to re-run Nurburgring just so I can get that Clean Race Master Badge... didn't get it for some reason... I never went off-track during the entire lap when I mastered the remaining 3 corners in 1 lap

after that, I'll go back to career events to get the remaining stars!
it seems that you cant even touch sand anyhow...or fly above it...
last time i raced at Silverstone trying to get the badge and guess what? i went 3 laps. first 2 were overtaking opponents so it could not be clean. last one i went perfectly everywhere and just touched sand once with one wheel. and they refused to give the badge :(

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 19:12
by Summ
Clean race does not mean clean lap. It means clean RACE. It means any kind of contact with walls or opponents will cause a forfeit of that particular reward. If you want a guaranteed clean race, I suggest standing still at the start and letting the AI plough ahead, then taking the race slowly, without caring to win. The reward mechanics are made lax enough that you can divide and conquer your goals quite easily.

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 19:37
by ElvenAvenger
could i get it on a track by just racing it alone ?

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 19:42
by Hydro_PT
Yes, amazingly, you can. Just start a Quick Race, choose a track, set the opponents to 0 and just 1 lap. Take your time and voilá, you win money (40.000$) and the badge for that track without effort. Amazing, eh? -.-'

That's why I set up an additional challenge for me: get all 3 "Clean Track" Epic Badges with a 2 laps race and 10 opponents. It's much more challenging and rewarding in the end. What's the point of "racing" alone (if you can call that a race).

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 10:03
by Summ
For someone like me, there's lots of incentive in racing alone ;). Hotlapping is a sport out there, you know =).

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 15:00
by ElvenAvenger
oh, btw, to explain calling racing alone "racing", you are always racing against time, not always against opponents...

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 15:45
by GT3x24x7
700 online wins =)

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 16:32
by ElvenAvenger
good job, are you playing on a wheel? keyboard users stand any chance against wheel or is it openly pointless?

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 19:03
by GT3x24x7
I use a standard PS3 pad, and have been using pads in NFS since NFSHP2, so it's completely natural to me. I don't expect too many keyboard users would win against an analog guy, but you could get lucky I guess. Or you could just buy a pad and git wit da program.. :P

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 21:32
by Summ
Depends on the level of assistance. Dumb down the game enough and the playing field will be levelled between single-input controls, like a keyboard, and the full scale analogue controls, like a wheel. The pad is somewhere in between. Not exactly a good interface, but better than a keyboard. Not as precise as a wheel, but you get used to it. Put everything in full simulation with no assists and I should think a wheel racer will have an easier time than a pad racer. Of course, experience can tip the favour in any competition, so take this with a grain of salt.

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 24 Oct 2009, 00:29
by vellu
Agreed. Doesn't matter how good ones controller is if one can't drive worth s#!t. but a bad controller (ie. keyboard) will limit even the most experienced "computer" driver.

As far as milestones go, I've got nothing but milestones left since I'm only about 50% in to the game (level 27 atm). I do have the "ten wins in a row" elite award thingy done, I guess that's something (so far).

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 24 Oct 2009, 02:10
by zedex
the Spin opponents in Willow Springs is proving difficult to me... Managed the Spa one after 4-5 tries... but the Willow Springs is just a PITA!

and I REALLY hate that track too... you go off a bit, and you're off for a LONG time... and no light RWD you can knock out...

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 24 Oct 2009, 04:17
by Cpt.Razkit
Milestone: Got bored of Shift (in record time of any NFS game)and traded it in for Borderlands.

Re: SHIFT Milestones

Posted: 24 Oct 2009, 04:22
by zedex
sigh finally got that star... but I cheated a little...

went to tweak my physicstweaker.xml and changed AI's Grip multiplier to 0.6 and mine to 2.5 ... lol

but even with that, I still had trouble getting spins... mostly tap outs or just plain old "trade paint"... sigh... at least i'm not sliding all over the place