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Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 08:48
by Hellraisingdoc
my 1st post LoL

getting fustrated with NFS shift

has anyone noticed the amount of people doing strange things on NFS shift lately, like cutting corners and not getting a time penalty or even slowing down seems they have road grip on grass etc , they keep going as if its part of the track climbing the walls/barriers etc while staying at top speed ?
if i do it i spin out and im not meaning cutting parts out like on donnington and silverstone that is easy to do also ive noticed a few going off track then it looks like they reset the car back onto the track but they start at full speed when i do it i start from 0 mph they dont even have to come to complete stop to restart and tonight this guy went straight through me but when he passed me i flew up into the sky he never lost control or even a little wobble like what normaly happens ????? there was no lag in gameplay either as that is what i 1st thought then one person that i usually thrash have raced many times he suddenly is matching my times it is now a struggle to beat him while he is doing all of the above .....

is this the so called cheating that ive heard rumers about if so i hope EA or SONY can do somthing about it on xbox when gamers are caught cheating they can have there boxs blocked from going online ,they have to buy a new xbox with a new gamertag aswell ....

if anyone else has noticed these things maybe if enough of us get together and name and shame the guys doing it maybe we can get it stopped or get the guys blocked from racing online with us honest drivers out there ..

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 21:23
by ninojenks1963
Iv'e notice these cars that fly around walls, something should be done about it. It is a bit demoralising when you want to have a fair race and there's cheating going on!

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 22:15
by Cliffyboy1962
I have an online friend who hosts all his races. He warns (through his profile) that if anyone cheats, in any way, he will simply drop out and shutdown the lobby. He does exactly this , and that way, he avoids the frustration of being beaten by a cheat.

I personally, am too lazy to set up all my own races and so race alongside cheats on a regular basis. All you can do is try your hardest to beat them. A lot of cheats, do so because they are not really very good at racing, and it's surprising, sometimes, how easy it is to avoid their clumsy attempts to smash you into next week.

When it comes to track cheating i.e. barrier running, corner cutting and simple modding of the software, all we can really do is remember they aren't really racing, and so can be discounted, in our minds at least, from the result.

I hope that in future titles, the software producers recognise the desire for some of us, to have fair, clean racing, and provide software that will accomodate us, whilst still providing the slash and smash nonsense, for those that like that kind of thing.

Incidentally, it is possible to get on the grass and off again without losing too much time, through careful use of throttle and steering. This may appear to some, as some form of cheating, but its really just being very good at driving.

Keep driving clean, and don't let the b_____ds grind you down.

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 04:04
by Zotic+
WASUP guys welcome to nfsunlimited (i feel like such an admin)
i see how people cheat, such n00bs need s 2 be fixxed or something

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 26 Mar 2010, 11:00
by Cliffyboy1962
Here is a controverial question. Do the guys at the top of the leaderboards, use cheating to get their times ? I don't mean those on the official leaderboard with silly times, they obviously cheat.

I have driven close to a few of them, and without naming names, some definitely use the barriers on hairpins and a few i have seen cutting chicanes out completely.

Would love to hear the comments of a few of the top guys, to confirm or deny my suspicions.

Does this mean, that in order to get up in the rankings, i will have to cheat also ? I don't want to cheat. I prefer to race the tracks as proper race drivers do.

How can i know if my times are competitive, if i don't know who cheats and where ? And what about driving assistance settings in the game such as steering help, Braking help and stability control etc ?

Does everybody use a handheld controller like me ? or are some people using fancy wheels and pedals and racing chairs ?

Need to know facts like these, to understand where i fit in, in terms of skill level. I am sure the top drivers are actually much better than me, but some of the top times seem almost impossible without cheating in some way.

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 00:36
by Hydro_PT
You are maybe taking the game a bit too seriously, ain't you? There are always people cheating, so the leaderboards are a bit useless. I don't even look at them...

If you want to know if you are competitive or not, go online and play. If you keep winning and doing great times, that means you are good. If you keep losing... well you get the answer. Oh and never forget that there will always be somewhere out there who is a bit faster than you, and that doesn't mean cheating. Btw, wheels and pedals are a must have if you really want to "race the tracks as proper race drivers do". With a handheld controller you won't go far. :)

As far as I know, all kind of assists slow you down, so don't use them if you want to be fast. ;)

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 04:10
by Cliffyboy1962
Thanks for your reply.

I guess your right about taking it too seriously. I am surprised that, to do well, you think a wheel and pedals are essential. I am doing fairly well with my thumbs. I raced alongside some top names tonight, and yes... they all employed some pretty unashamed cheating. I wish there was some way of getting them to do certain tracks without cheating and see how close their times would be.

Come on you people, you know who you are !

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 16:22
by lemein2
If so called racers are winning by obviously cheating they should be banned instantly-their gamertags are posted with their times! its easy to spot them! As per usual -if you're bad, you're good in this world.WTF? I hate cheats. On the other hand, this particular game REWARDS bad driving as well ,so that needs to be addressed in online racing.

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 22:00
by Cliffyboy1962
Whilst I am dissapointed with the game, because it has been designed with cheating built-in, I am sure the designers would like me to remind everybody what a great gaming experience they have created.

I would love to see a version/update/new game that becomes pure sim, with no way of cheating, but understand that accomodating the minority of us who want that, may not be cost effective for developers.

The guys at the top of the leaderboards, I have much respect for. I am sure that without cheating, they would still be up there, and I would still be where i am (probably) Obviously to be at the top, you have to do whatever the other guy is doing to achieve their times. If one person takes advantage of all the cheats, all the others will have to, to keep up.

Just hope the future brings a gaming experience that is as brilliant as SHIFT, but 100% sim. Then if i still can't get up that leaderboard, I'll have no one to blame but myself.

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 22:30
by Hydro_PT
@Cliffyboy1962: No matter how well you build a game or how secure it is, there will always be people cheating or finding a way to cheat. SHIFT is especially "fragile" when it comes to cheating. Not only are people able to mod it without much effort (because of the game engine used) but the game itself was done in a way that you can be faster only if you cheat. Let's take a look at the London track for example, you must slide around that big corner if you want to win. If you just take the corner normally, you lose, because everyone else will use this shiznit trick (online, of course, the AI drives correctly :P ).

The same goes for tracks like SPA and Donington, where you can easily cut the chicanes and gain advantage. Even though you have those 5 seconds penalty, you can still get ahead of someone who is racing properly. Another track that has lots of problems is Silverstone GP, I mean you can cut almost everywhere on that track...

Yesterday I was having a lot of fun with another guy (the host), it was just him and me, 4 laps at Silverstone GP in Manufacturer Mode with different cars every race. As you know, in these races the cars are the same, so it all comes down to the driver. Well let me tell you, it was one of the best racing experiences I had in SHIFIT so far. The guy was really good and we were keeping things fair: no bumps or shortcuts, just proper racing. Not to mention we are always close to each other, like 1 or half a second apart, during the 4 laps. One mistake and you were out. :D

Anyway, suddenly some more players came in, but we kept racing. Then another player started bumping the host and I found myself in 1st place with them about 6 seconds behind. During the last lap, I was approaching the last corners, ready to win, when suddenly I saw them both cutting the track and beating me! I was so firetruck angry that I didn't even finish the race. If the developers had implemented some proper penalties, people wouldn't do this and ruin a race...

If you want a real racing game for true competition, don't play SHIFT. Plus, SHIFT isn't even a proper simulator. I recommend GTR Evolution, I have that game for a long time and it's a real simulator, very challenging and there are lots of add-ons for free that you can use. The game features GT, Formula 3000 and WTCC cars most, but there are realistic add-ons such as DTM or F1 that make for great racing. Plus, the AI on maximum difficulty is really hard to beat, so you have a nice challenge. And if I'm not mistaken, the fan base created their own leaderboards, so every cheater will be detected and banned. ;)

Also, a wheel and pedals, as I said before, is vital for racing games (especially simulators). You just don't have the same input with a keyboard or handheld controller that you have with a wheel. I have a Logitech MOMO racing wheel and pedals ( ... h_momo.jpg), and it is just awesome. I wish I could have the Logitech G27 though, because it features a clutch pedal and a true gearbox (6 speed sequential). Still, my wheel is fairly good to be honest, and I'm really happy with it. Been using it since ProStreet was released, and it couldn't be better. All racing games were much better with a wheel. :)

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 02:20
by Cliffyboy1962
Thanks for your reply. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it :D .

Got loads of questions but it's late. Firetruck Angry ! LOL. The feeling of rage when youv'e sweated blood to win a race, and some guy just cheats you out of it, by knocking you deep into the sand and tyres on the last bend, is totally intense. You need to get out, approach his car and fire some choice words into him, but you just can't !

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 03:50
by Hydro_PT
Ask those questions tomorrow then. :D

Yeah, the forum keeps transforming my swearing hehe... I admit that "firetruck angry" is actually funny. :mrgreen:

I hate people who bump into me (on purpose). It doesn't matter if it's the first corner or the last one, it always pisses me off. That's why I don't like to start in the first places, I'm always sure that someone will hit me hard. Still, I usually manage to avoid the crash, because most players are really obvious lol, and it's damn funny when you brake sooner, turn in the corner and see the guy behind going at full speed into the barriers. It's a good technique, instead of following the proper racing line, you brake a bit earlier, take the inside of the corner and you're good to go. :)

I wish I could face the players that weewee me off online. I wouldn't just let the words do the talking though... if you know what I mean. :lol:

EDIT: Oh nice, "weewee me off"... haven't see that one before. :D

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 21:32
by Zotic+
everyone here on PS3 right? on the playstation forums(boards, watever you call them) theres a big group of people looking for clean racers, im thinking of starting sesions of CLEAN racing maybe every saturday. wat do you guys think? interested?

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 00:10
by ninojenks1963
Only started gaming in mid January, wife bought me PS3 for Xmas- where have I been- I have to say it is difficult not to take the game seriously, it is annoying when there are cheats about, because of these cheats I have started to suffer from road rage, the air turns blue in my front room. The only remedy that I have found that helps on occasions is a beer or two, but this doesn't always help. I have become an angry drink driver, can anyone help? hahaha

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 12:02
by Cliffyboy1962
I have to confess, i am not a PS3 but an XBOX360 person. Cheating is clearly the same, whatever the platform. Wish i could join a group of clean racers, but online play isn't setup that way is it ? Allcomers are welcome in any lobby, as i understand it. Lobby allocation is random.

Note to Hydro_pt

I have done a comparison of our times, and they are pretty similar. Xbox controller against wheel and pedals. No difference really.

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 12:07
by Cliffyboy1962
All cheats are firetruck doodieheads and are usually shiznit drivers. I think the firetruck doodieheads should eat their own shiznit and firetruck off with all the rest of the shiznit doodle suckers.

Just wanted to see what would happen. LOL

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 20:39
by Hydro_PT
@Cliffyboy1962: Well that's because I rarely post good times while racing online. If I really want to get a record, I do that in Quick Race. No opponents, just me and my LP640 going around the track over and over (some 10/15 laps is a good start). I don't do this very often in SHIFT though, I prefer true simulators to learn a track/car and set good records. In fact I don't remember the last time I raced in SHIFT just for the sole purpose of getting a better time in a certain track. :mrgreen:

I just race online for fun and to have a better racing experience, because the AI is not a real challenge even in HARD. Setting records online is not my thing, besides it's pretty hard to so, because you have all other players around and anything can happen (lag, someone bumping you, etc). Sure, that guy behind you doing some pressure always helps to make you go faster, but sometimes it can also make you go too fast or get too nervous and lose control.

Anyway, I can assure you that with a wheel and pedals you have much more control over your car, and this results in better lap times. Of course that you must be a good driver too. But really, there's no denying that a racing wheel for a proper racing game is vital (I'm not talking about arcade games, those are fine with a keyboard/controller). The other day I tried Race Driver GRID in my friend's Xbox 360 and god... how can you be accurate with a controller? I simply couldn't control the car properly, each corner was a crash. #-o While on my PC with my wheel, I race flawlessly and much faster.

I don't know if you drive in real life... but can you imagine driving a real car with a controller? How much precision would you have? :D

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 21:56
by ElvenAvenger
Hydro_PT wrote:@Cliffyboy1962: Well that's because I rarely post good times while racing online. If I really want to get a record, I do that in Quick Race. No opponents, just me and my LP640 going around the track over and over (some 10/15 laps is a good start). I don't do this very often in SHIFT though, I prefer true simulators to learn a track/car and set good records. In fact I don't remember the last time I raced in SHIFT just for the sole purpose of getting a better time in a certain track. :mrgreen:

I just race online for fun and to have a better racing experience, because the AI is not a real challenge even in HARD. Setting records online is not my thing, besides it's pretty hard to so, because you have all other players around and anything can happen (lag, someone bumping you, etc). Sure, that guy behind you doing some pressure always helps to make you go faster, but sometimes it can also make you go too fast or get too nervous and lose control.

Anyway, I can assure you that with a wheel and pedals you have much more control over your car, and this results in better lap times. Of course that you must be a good driver too. But really, there's no denying that a racing wheel for a proper racing game is vital (I'm not talking about arcade games, those are fine with a keyboard/controller). The other day I tried Race Driver GRID in my friend's Xbox 360 and god... how can you be accurate with a controller? I simply couldn't control the car properly, each corner was a crash. #-o While on my PC with my wheel, I race flawlessly and much faster.

I don't know if you drive in real life... but can you imagine driving a real car with a controller? How much precision would you have? :D
lol dude i woulnt enter a car that had controller instead of steering wheel. your hand slips a little and you are heading towards that tree over there.

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 15:09
by ninojenks1963
Is this cheating: In a race last night, at the green light, the car in front reversed into my car, he then took me out at the fist corner, as I straightened up he forced me into a wall, passed me and was waiting to collied with me again. Why!!!

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 20:54
by Cliffyboy1962
Yup. That's cheating and Road rage. Don't get mad. Get even :twisted: .

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 21:06
by Cliffyboy1962
ElvenAvenger wrote:
Hydro_PT wrote:@Cliffyboy1962: Well that's because I rarely post good times while racing online. If I really want to get a record, I do that in Quick Race. No opponents, just me and my LP640 going around the track over and over (some 10/15 laps is a good start). I don't do this very often in SHIFT though, I prefer true simulators to learn a track/car and set good records. In fact I don't remember the last time I raced in SHIFT just for the sole purpose of getting a better time in a certain track. :mrgreen:

I just race online for fun and to have a better racing experience, because the AI is not a real challenge even in HARD. Setting records online is not my thing, besides it's pretty hard to so, because you have all other players around and anything can happen (lag, someone bumping you, etc). Sure, that guy behind you doing some pressure always helps to make you go faster, but sometimes it can also make you go too fast or get too nervous and lose control.

Anyway, I can assure you that with a wheel and pedals you have much more control over your car, and this results in better lap times. Of course that you must be a good driver too. But really, there's no denying that a racing wheel for a proper racing game is vital (I'm not talking about arcade games, those are fine with a keyboard/controller). The other day I tried Race Driver GRID in my friend's Xbox 360 and god... how can you be accurate with a controller? I simply couldn't control the car properly, each corner was a crash. #-o While on my PC with my wheel, I race flawlessly and much faster.

I don't know if you drive in real life... but can you imagine driving a real car with a controller? How much precision would you have? :D
lol dude i woulnt enter a car that had controller instead of steering wheel. your hand slips a little and you are heading towards that tree over there.
I am prepared to listen to your wheel versus controller argument but you need to remember that the control resolution of a wheel controller is no greater than that of a handheld controller. The analogue thumbstick simply delivers it's resolution, over a much smaller distance of travel. It takes a lot of practice to obtain precise control with your thumbs but i assure you I can drive with great accuracy this way and i am sure a lot of the other racers can too.

Yes, I drive a car, I have driven many cars. I have done since i was 17 and cover an average of 40 to 50,000 miles a year as my job requires travel. I would expect that my experience on the real road is a long way in advance of most drivers of your age.

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 16:51
by Hydro_PT
You are thinking only about the "basic" principle of a wheel. I know that the analogue thumbstick in a handheld controller also has its resolution, it's just much, much smaller and I honestly can't believe it is as precise as a wheel. Most wheels feature a 180º or 240º rotation degree, while some achieve 900º. The analogue thumbstick just moves a little bit, so in the end, the inputs you give with a controller aren't as precise as the ones you give with a wheel. The same goes for the pedals, especially the ones built with realistic springs.

And then you have the Force Feedback, which nowadays gives a lot of vital information about your driving. The kind of surface you are on, the traction you're having, etc, etc. A controller also has FF, but I'm sure it isn't so precise. With a wheel, you can feel the car starting to lose traction, for example, or feeling it oversteering/understeering, etc.

Oh and about driving in real life, I just asked because I don't know how old are you. I guess that "1962" in your nick is the year you were born. If so, then of course you have much more experience driving in real life than me. I just got my drivers license 2 months ago and haven't driven that much. :)

And just imagine this: a real car has pedals and a steering wheel. If you are playing a game that simulates a car, why can't you also play with pedals and a wheel instead of a small controller or a keyboard? It gives you much more immersion...

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 21:37
by Cliffyboy1962
I have had various driving wheels and pedals in the past for PC, PS1, Xbox, but i have never found any that i could use successfully in the confines of my living room. PC wheels used to bolt to the desk, but the pedals would always move around. console wheels just never felt comfortable and would move around all over the place. The only situation i could imagine where the wheel and pedals would be stable enough, would be in an arcade style frame setup, where everything was bolted in place with a proper racing seat and a monitor fixed to the front.

Is this your setup ?, or do you do it some other way ? Would be interested to know.

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 01:28
by Hydro_PT
Nope, my setup isn't so realistic hehe (I wish it was). My wheel is simply bolted to the desk and my pedals are on the floor. The pedals don't move around because they have a little piece that holds them to the floor (some kind of little "spikes"). When I don't want to use the wheel, I just remove it and put it next to my monitor, where is enough space for it to be quiet and don't bother me. I also have something to cover it because of dust, just like my printer.

Of course that this varies from room to room and from desk to desk. If you want I can show you a picture of how I have everything placed, in case you're thinking about getting a wheel. :)

Re: Cheating on ps3 NFS shift ???

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 19:29
by Cliffyboy1962
I am fed up !

Went on Shift today at lunchtime and after 5 minutes, I shut the console down and went off in a huff.

I had a quarter final in Driver duel. Two Corvette Z06's at Tokyo Club. Won the first race fair and square with about 2 seconds lead. Started the 2nd race and braked for the first right hander....BANG ! Hit up the bum and sent spinning. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh !! I hate that ! Lost 2nd race. Started the decider....same thing. Nearly recovered but panicked, dropped it into neutral, and by the time i found the gear, It was all over.

Sent the offender a rude message, and tried a quick race in ranked mode. Four drivers at Silverstone national. Absolute chaos involving corner cutting beyond belief. Approached the 2nd corner alongside another driver, flick of his thumbstick and i was Off in the sand. Got back on and was hit massively and ended up stopped facing the wrong way.

Turned off the console and went off and sulked.

Some days just get you down.