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Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 01:59
by Hydro_PT
Well there isn't yet a topic like this, so I just created it. :P

This is the place to share your opinions after you have played Hot Pursuit. Basically, anything you want to say about the game should be here, so other users can agree with you or disagree with you and start an argument (a peaceful one :D ). Share your pictures or WTF moments or bugs or... eh you got the idea. :mrgreen:

So I finally played this game, for about 30 minutes and it hooked me. The handling is nice, yes the car feels a bit heavy and the handbrake is a bit too sensitive (the first time I used it, I ended up going in the wrong direction), but it is just a matter of time until you start enjoying it (it was for me at least). I will give it a try with my wheel though, see how good it is. Maybe it will be better, maybe not, but I must try.

Graphically it is very good, maybe not so good as in the screenshots and trailers, but oh well, it never is that good anyway. It ran perfectly fine at maximum settings, and the "takedowns" are awesome! Ramming the opponents is also a lot of fun, I just wish you could spin them (maybe it is possible, I didn't try hard enough). Seacrest County looks very good, I already raced on sun and rain, but not yet night racing. They could have improved the rain though, you hardly see it falling.

Now, to the bad things. There is almost no traffic in the race map, I was hoping to have a good amount of traffic to constantly be swerving left and right, trying to overtake my opponents while avoiding the civilians. That is not going to happen, only 2 or 3 cars appear from time to time. The sound effects like rain and wind should have a setting for themselves in the options, you can hardly hear the car when racing in the mountains or when it is raining. I stopped the car to rev it up and I couldn't hear it at all because of the rain. I hope Criterion fixes this, but I don't know how many players feel the same.

Well and that's it, I will definitely keep playing this game, and if all goes well, a genuine copy should end up in my house on December 11th. :D

Now share your thoughts on Hot Pursuit. :P

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 04:58
by junior6at
You must be on the earlier events in career mode still, because later (especially in rapid response events) traffic density increases. I also noticed low sound issues too like when the police tells you to pull over when they're chasing you.

My one true complaint is the lack of custom single player mode. I know a lot of the online players won't care for this, but for those who plan on playing this for many years (after people stop playing online), we need this badly. Career mode is completely rigid, making me miss the days when I could set up my own races; type of opponents, number of opponents, track location, time of day, weather, and the event. For me the single player experience is incomplete. Definitely add this feature in before expanding the map or adding new cars.

Other than that, pursuit chases are fun both on and offline.

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 11:30
by ElvenAvenger
Well, in short this game is awesome.

I've already reached cars like R8 and others, i must say that those events when you race against oponents and cops are so thrilling and actually challenging.
In addition i didn't see any catch-up stuff going on!

I have very few bugs and i dont understand the nerdrage all over EA forums and other forums....
Everyone is hating on ...everything.

Also im afraid the carlist on this site is wrong a bit.

I am playing as a racer, according to your carlist, i shouldn't be able to drive the GT500 Super Snake, but i just unlocked it.
If that matters, im playing Limited Edition on PC.

Sadly, it is right when it comes to xbox 360 exclusive cars..
Well, you can at least enjoy the fact that you can ram cops with a 750 HP GT500!
(Thats what the game says)

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 07:38
by sleepy eyed
five things I don't like about this game which can be easily fixed

-lack of manual transmission (there's already a tachometer right there, surely CG could've managed to easily implement it)
-needs better variety in cars (pretty sure they can fix that with DLC, and if they choose to model unique cars, which is iffy)
-no option to get rid of the takedown cam (I already know that I took out that cop, I don't feel like seeing his wreaked car)
-soundtracks in game can't be toggled on or off unlike in previous NFS games (what if I just wanted to listen to these songs and not the rest which happen to be far from my tastes? not that this particularly bothers me though since I often listen to a custom soundtrack list anyway)
-no custom race mode (again, previous games Criterion Games developed had it, why not this one?)

otherwise I just believe the rest of the game is very enjoyable and solid overall

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 29 Nov 2010, 05:37
by Zotic+
ive only done 23 races but the game is great. i dont plan on playing it too much right now because i got GT5!

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 04:21
by zedex
I bought it for PC, beat every single event
rented it on PS3, got Platinum Trophy, now busy with GT5 but still hop onto PC *after the patch too, it was amazing*

the graphics, in-game is MUCH better than GT5, photo mode's not as impressive, but good enough *compared to GT5 again* but it's good you can take it any time during a single player race, while GT5 you have to do it in replay... it's all rendered images, while Hot Pursuit's live rendering... that's impressive and it DOES look REALLY impressive

I find there's a MUCH bigger competition on PC than on PS3 in the autolog *that or it's because I got 5x bigger friendslist on PC, with people adding people's friend's friend's friends, etc... I started with only 1 adding me... and ended up with 80+ right now... after like 4-5 days...

I also use ATIpro to manually enable Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering and WOW it looks AMAZING...

I posted 2 videos of Bull Run on youtube
normal Bull Run
Bull Run again but in pitch black *lights out*

those were recorded pre-patch and pre-ATIpro so it had 0 AA and rain effects didn't work... but now with both on, it looks even better!

and here're a few screenshots =b:
(you can tell I'm quite excited talking about it lol... still just on break from GT5 as well...)

and here's 2 from GT5 just for fun XD:

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 04:25
by LITE992
Even though there is hardly any traffic, I always seem to crash into some traffic car placed in my path.

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 06:33
by Nitrodemon McLaren
LITE992 wrote:Even though there is hardly any traffic, I always seem to crash into some traffic car placed in my path.
You know, that's funny. I too crash often when a car suddenly pops out of nowhere, but when I was driving in the "Damage Limitation" rapid response on the highway just FULL off traffic, I only traded paint with a few vehicles and got some three second penalties, but still finished gold on my first run.

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 20:01
by Double Mac
sleepy eyed wrote:no custom race mode (again, previous games Criterion Games developed had it, why not this one?)
Well, it looks like there might be a tiny chance for this feature to be implemented if enough people complain. A friend of mine, tgomola, organized a Twitter-based “protest” (as the Criterion guys do monitor their account and even occasionally respond to feedback there). It’s basically a 5-minute job (including the registration process). Personally, I think it’s worth giving a shot.

You’ll find the details at NFSCars, my repost at NFSAddOns, and a dedicated thread on the EA Forums.

We’ve already received confirmation from EA about the suggestion having been passed on to the devs but, for all I know, it might have been a mere “pacifier”. Consequently, the more of us join the campaign, the greater chance we’ll have of getting what we want.

Naturally, I would also like to urge you to pass the info on to anyone who might care.

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 22:02
graphics 8/10
sounds 10/10
tracks 7/10
cops 5/10
no manual gearbox omgwtf 1/10

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 15:42
OK, first let me state that this is a fantastic game.

It just seems that it's not for me.

I'm already up to the 3rd tier of events and so far I've found the game to be a chore. And it all boils down to the driving model, which I don't like one bit.

OK, that last part isn't 100% true, I liked the driving model back when it was in Burnout, which has a different focus from NFS. The driving model works for Burnout, but not for NFS (although they took care to modify the model to better suit NFS, it still is a Burnout model at core and it would be better at home in one of those). I feel that the faster the cars become, the more I'm fighting against the model to do what I want to do.

Also, I hate the time trials, both racer and cop (due to the driving model).

But, I can see why this is a good game, and I hope that this isn't a one-off game to then go back to the underground/most wanted style for another 10 games, but I also hope that next time the driving model is more geared to NFS than a modified Burnout engine.

PD: Has anyone played the Wii version? I really enyojed Nitro last year, and I'm wondering if HPWii is similar to that.

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 17:08
by Nitrodemon McLaren
DMNBT wrote:PD: Has anyone played the Wii version? I really enyojed Nitro last year, and I'm wondering if HPWii is similar to that.
Oh man, if I were you, I'd forget about the Wii version altogether. Just go look up a video on YouTube. With graphics fresh from the Nintendo 64 and really primitive gameplay/handling, it's not worth it.

Here's a blurry screen from OT's video:


Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 18:22
by ElvenAvenger
Wow this looks somewhat like NFS 4 - NFS 5 level...but 0 reflections. NFS 4 at least had some reflections :D

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 20:36
Yeah, the driving model seems to be a messed up version of Nitro's (why the car fails to turn several times? o_o) and the graphics seem to be either the same level or worse than Nitro. Funny that, considering that HPWii doesn't have to worry about tags or customized cars...

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 20:55
by Nitrodemon McLaren
Nope, Nitro looked better:


The customization of NFS HP 2010 Wii is also directly ripped from Nitro, as mentioned in the wiki.

(also making it the only edition of NFS HP to feature customization)

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 06:49
by Zotic+
Seriously the graphics are pathetic. There is now ork put into the wii the version at all. I know the graphics could be better. The wii isnt an HD super graphic console but they can be better, i mean look at mario galaxy and makrio party 8 those graphics are great for the fact that there is no HD. EA, wither make no wii games or make them decent.

BTW online on hot pursuit is sooooooooooooooooooooo fun

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 22:29
by AJ_Lethal
^I wonder if the Wii version has the same screenshots as the HD version on the box. If that's going that way, it could be fertile soil for lawsuits.

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 10 Dec 2010, 17:03
^Nope, the back of the box has screenshots of the Wii version. I still can't figure out how Exient managed to screw-up the handling of the Wii version. Couldn't they just copy&paste Nitro's handling, considering they're using the same engine?

Re: Your thoughts on Hot Pursuit

Posted: 10 Dec 2010, 19:51
by AJ_Lethal
^Yes. What Exient has done is taking Nitro, stripping everything that made it a good game and then yelled: IT'S NOW DIAMONDS!