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Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 18:47
by Fasterthanyou
I am level 31. I think I'm relatively fast. However, in multiplayer races I sometimes get with a group that are sooo ridiculously fast that they DNF me. Is my car too slow? I use an older pc (dell dimensions 4700, xp service pack 3, 4gb ram), is that an issue? Are the cars of my opponents just that much faster than mine? Are they hacking me?

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 02:33
by RBA
Well, it's your first post here, so I'm the first to welcome you abroad!

Though, it's normal that people have faster cars than you, even if you were lvl 50, had the best car and the best part around, they'd still be faster. Why? Cuz they're cheaters. Cheaters have plagued World for a while, the cheaters have been reported times and times again to EA, but besides making sure that the Speedboost cheat/hack wouldn't work ever after people pointed it out, they don't do a thing about the other cheats. So, some use speed cheats that make theirs cars go into hyper drive, some other use some "hover" type of cheats. Just go on Youtube and type NFS World and cheaters and you'll get a nice list of people who caught cheaters doing a lotsa stuff.

Ya, it suck. Ya, people told EA. Ya, EA doesn't care about that, only about the money that come out of selling speedboost.

I'd like to say that what I just said is some early April's fool, but sadly, it isn't. :cry:

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 15:50
by Fasterthanyou
That make a lot of sense. What a bunch of losers. EA for not stopping the hacks, and the hackers because their to slow to win legitimately. I appreciate the info. I will continue to race because, win or lose, I love it! Now I want be bothered by the occasional loser/hack because I know if they raced me for real they would eat my fast Nissan's dust.

Thak you very much for the reply, RBA!

To all of you who race for real, meet me in multi-player and we can find out if I'm Fasterthanyou!

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 03 Apr 2011, 03:55
by THUG_DragoN
Not allways is "cheaters". I started to play few days ago and i dont have a car that i can call "too fast".. Note that im at level 12 or 13, but many times i fight toe to toe in private races with ppl with cars to better then mine.. And no, i never use any kind of cheat..

There are many aspects that can become an issue, like: your pc settings, your internet connection, some car parts gained in cards, some race routes taken, and many others. If you have an old pc just try to play in a lower resolution and/or try to improve your connection.

Im not much into that EA stuff, but i just wanted to point that isnt allways "cheats". We just have to continue to report bad players and keep a clean game. Lets hope they will do their work.

Anyway, maybe we can do some races in these days.


Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 03 Apr 2011, 17:00
by RBA
THUG_DragoN wrote:Not allways is "cheaters". I started to play few days ago and i dont have a car that i can call "too fast".. Note that im at level 12 or 13, but many times i fight toe to toe in private races with ppl with cars to better then mine.. And no, i never use any kind of cheat..

There are many aspects that can become an issue, like: your pc settings, your internet connection, some car parts gained in cards, some race routes taken, and many others. If you have an old pc just try to play in a lower resolution and/or try to improve your connection.

Im not much into that EA stuff, but i just wanted to point that isnt allways "cheats". We just have to continue to report bad players and keep a clean game. Lets hope they will do their work.

Anyway, maybe we can do some races in these days.

Yeah, this true, but when you collect parts, they influence the numbers of your car (top speed, accel, handling). So, whenever I enter a multiplayer race, I check those numbers as well as the level. So, I can say that a lot of people cheat, as they have lower numbers and lower levels than I do, I don't crash into things and they finish before me? Nope, sorry, but there's some cheating somewhere.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 03 Apr 2011, 21:49
by THUG_DragoN
Yes. But that was what i was trying to say, even with better cars (in numbers) than mine i can fight toe to toe with them. Ofc when a beast (like a M3) join in i cant beat it, unless he dont get much into NOS rage.

But i belive in you guys when you say there are too many s(c)hiters outhere..

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 16:53
by foxera
Hi this is my 1st post, this topic most interesting for me...
I also often experience this kind of issue, at early i don't want to have a bad thinking for them who got "speedfreak", i just accept im not good enough for them, then one day i start test my self to race in single player, which the opponent have a similiar car spec (speed, acc & handling) & driver level with people who got that "speed" in multiplayer, the result i won 75% the race with no technique at all, then after that time i start to suggest they are cheater, and this thread is bold for my suggestion. Hopefully someday EA make some super strict Anticheat, just to avoid this kind of issue.
And one more thing, i believe the problem is not in my hardware/software/connection which 'cause my car run slow among the "Speeder", because i already compare my system with Recommended System to play NFS World, which offcially anounced by EA...

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 15 Apr 2011, 15:07
by RBA
There's one thing I noticed on Team Escape, is that, maybe because of sync, sometimes you are hit by cars that the other players can't see. Ya. Sometimes, a copcar is after you or another and everybody who is close by won't see the police car that is ramming you or the other player. If you get rammed in TE, look at the way the "rammer" rams you. You'll quickly be able to make the diff between a REAL rammer and a guy that is rammed by an invisible police car.

Also, in TE, sometimes, the police go all over one of the players and mostly leave the others alone, therefore, a lower level/stat player still can finish before you if the police just wanna take you down. THO, I still stand with the fact that when you don't hit stuff, don't get hit by the traffic's weird AI or by police cars AND race correctly, a lower level/stat player shouldn't win.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 08:02
by HeruDK
Oh God...
i'm new in this game & before that i'm very sick with this kind of cheaters ( like in Point Blank )
but... what can we do ? haha...

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 18 May 2011, 17:31
by CLARA91
Maybe that cus of the Pro Parts or different level,like lvl 50 have great boost skill.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 00:55
by nlracingteamJRT
hi everyone
My name is eagelwarior and nlracingteam.
me and my son are the ones using the game full potentiol.
Whe dont cheate others do cheat thats fine by me.
The thing is cheaters is making me sharper then ever.
its races my skills in away all get better and better in using their cheating and invading.
you mide say iam a pro on that consider the state cost and place number 1.
I thanks the cheaters that i have the abillity to beat them when they cheat and they complain bad because their bin beaten whit some one who dont cheat but learning to adapt the abillity of cheating in game by invading and using their speed so
they crach in to the backside of my car and give me a boostjump love it learn how to use them agains them.
dont use it as a cheat to win the race that is not alowd be shure if the person dont have a lagg problem.
Some times pakets over internet connection can have a delay so it looks like apearing from spot to spot.
Droping from above on front of you is wallhack.
Becarefull whit this people hate it when it occurs.
if you can not fight them then learn from them please.
it comes all down on driving skills
greetings from eagel and nl darkstreets racing team one of kind.

remember whe play fair.
whe now how the game upset is programd to play their alot of asset of the game you dont now.
whit persuit same thing is a hole differend game learn how to use it learn to invate.
learn to draw cops to you and to invade.
learn to use cops to let them to crach in to other cops.
these hints are vital to live long in persuit dont forget its hard working.
for me my last score has taken all thogher 6 hours strait.
watching invading drawning destroi stopping pffff hard work to get to the top.
by and greatings

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 11:02
by iS0FiX
I agree with you mate,

Yesterday I ran against 3 / 4 cheaters on Paradise Hotel and Country Club.

It was easy to beat them because most of the time I win without using powerups
(I drive 100% free of powerups like honke).

Then if I am forced to use the powerups I become unbeatable.

So a trick against cheaters is report them first and second try to stick them in the ass :lol:.

That's it, Good Luck @ All.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:34
by nlracingteamJRT
thanks mate for the commend

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 19 Oct 2011, 23:44
chearters do irritate me, cus im sure a silvia cant do 259mph as stated after the race lol also been accused of cheating which irritates me also, i beat a guy in a 350Z on silverton way in my AE86 by 8 seconds fair and square and he abused and reported me when it clearly states after the race my max speed was 138mph lol, some people just cant admit when theyve been outdriven, and just to note honke1 is fast, was lucky enough to meet him and 1 on 1 some of his owned lol........

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 18:29
by Bauke777
the cheaters, the cheaters... I haven't seen lots of cheaters yet, but then again, i'm "already" at level 9. I've been called a cheater once but they actually flatter me with that. I beat a porsche the day before yesterday in my mazda3, which was good fun. What can I say? If you fly towards a 90 degree corner, you should at least try to brake at the right moment at the right side of the corner. It helps to make the turn :)

We should get a TJ cheat detector like back in the NFSU2 days

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 22:06
by wiiwille
im leval getin my ass beat by more than40 sec. by leval 2 and 3 players .whats up with that im new but i think im a fair player.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 11:56
by aline1996
if you have the fastest car of the whole game doesn't guarantee u win.

your skill set up can make a mile of difference.

your racing skills (how YOU drive your car) is the most important. don't hit cars.
hit one car and you can loose the whole race if the other doesn't.

and of course the parts setup many people tune their car for the best top speed but acceleration is maybe more important.

i drive my Porsche 911 gt2 (997) (667,648,616 stock as u buy the car)
my friend has the same car with stats over 700 and i can keep up with him, just because if he hits a car i can overtake him. but if i hit a car i can forget ever to overtake him that race. or with cornering too wide or short.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:00
by Bauke777
Plus don't forget to pick the right tier 1 car. I spent a lot of time driving the mazda. Later on I found out that the Sylvia was a lot better. And even more later, I found out that an MR2 can kick the shiznit out of lots of tier 3 cars. Maybe you got the free boosts EA gave away, with that you could buy 1 of the MR2 cars. I'm now level 44, driving a M1 Procar, but I still love driving the MR2, the handling is amazing. Annoying the crap out of the tier 3 cars if you win, lovin' it :)

Some guy has the best slogan until now: "MR1 in my MR2". Priceless, he should sell it to Toyota :)

But anyways, ask around, I'm sure there is another (new) tier 1 king available.
i drive my Porsche 911 gt2
dam that new gt2 is fast. It accellerates like crazy (with some parts i guess)

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 06:06
by wiiwille
like i said im new.only been playin about 4 days.will persuit skillmod work in race.i know juggerknot and escapes wont mean the 1 that makes my car heaver in a crash.i hav leveled up more and winning some but im still seeing some cheeting.ill stay with them for a short time then all of a sudden there gone.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 06:13
by wiiwille
and i had 1 today that just sat at the starting line.i would lead allmost the hole lap and it would show me in first then a little way from the start finish line it would put him in first and he never moved.this is why i like playing on a closed the races where there was no cheating i won or took second every time.i think im a pruty good driver but good driving kant beat a cheater so all i could do was make a new driver whose name is cheetersrpusys.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 08:26
by Bauke777
wiiwille wrote:and i had 1 today that just sat at the starting line.i would lead allmost the hole lap and it would show me in first then a little way from the start finish line it would put him in first and he never moved.
This would be lag of some kind, or a bug. I've had it several times, and even had that comment on myself as well. It looks like you stalled at the startline. Everybody takes off, but you are not moving. They can even see you standing there when they pass start/finish. But you yourself never notice anything. I drove together with the other guy for the whole race, but apparently he never saw me. Bad thing about this bug/lag is that you can actually crash into the car stalled at start/finish.

As for cheaters, I've only seen 2 kinds: 1 that win and end the race within a couple of seconds after the start. The 2nd 1 has insane speed. The problem with the last one was I never could tell exactly who cheated and who didn't. Now that I have a decent car on a higher level I can tell. You see the arrow flying over the mini map. And afterwards, they mostly used no nitro. But I still am never really sure. I didn't comment on the GT2 for nothing. I had to race 1 with 699/700+/700+ and that thing was really fast. It's accelleration looked like cheating, it pulled away from you like crazy. I talked afterwards with the guy, and I believe he just had a good car. I've also been called hacker or cheater too (mostly with MR2 :)), and I never cheat.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 28 Aug 2012, 06:10
by wiiwille
been playing week or so now.the game it,s self is ok but it sucks how ea acts like its trying to get rich off this 1 game.i kant get any thing good with out speed boosts.and that.s a gip.i try.ed get,in the free ones that u earn but mostly there a rip off too.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 28 Aug 2012, 18:19
by vellu
Unfortunately true. If there ever was a "pay to win" game, it surely is this.

Fun nevertheless, if you can get around the fact there will be (lots of) stuff you won't have access to.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 29 Aug 2012, 06:03
by wiiwille
i understand they cant do all this for free.but still you should still be able to get more with in game cash than what you can now.i,m close too a million and cant do anything but fix my car.

Re: Ridiculously fast?

Posted: 29 Aug 2012, 20:56
by wiiwille
i tryed more earn speed boosts they are a rip off.about all u end up with is spam......