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Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 12:38
by RBA
Well, as all of you are aware, EA use now Twitter & Face Book to reach the players, leaving the forums without any answers. Well, now they've done it, as a new little flashy text thing have appeared above the topics/forums that say that the forums were now read only for the weekend for maintenance and reduction of spam...


I find that weird though, that this happens as more and more people around the World's forums are asking NFSLing, the new community manager to stop only using FaceBook and Twitter and reply on the forums!!!

Seems like EA REALLY hates theirs customers... And somehow I wouldn't be surprised to see all the posts that are asking Ling to give answers to peeps on the forums to disappear mysteriously...

Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 00:01
I sure hope you are wrong about that.

Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 01:36
by RBA
It wouldn't be the first time that a post disappears from EA's forums... Perhaps no post will be harmed this weekend, I'm no god and I don't know. Tho, if I was EA and wanted to clean the forum so that newbies don't know what is going on with World and that world have so much problems, I'd do something like this and when I'd put the forums back on "interactive", I'd make a sticky saying sorry, something wrong happened while maintaining the servers and all posts were lost.

That's what I'd do if I had a game that so much people complaints about all the problems the game has and that I wouldn't want to fix 'em, but keep on getting Speedboost from kids that don't know what happened previously.

EDIT: This what it says when you go to general discussion of the World's forums: This site will be read-only over the weekend as we undergo site maintenance to reduce spam in the forums. Thanks for your patience.

I know there has been an attack of spambots this week, but it wasn't as huge as the last one I saw (and the mods were able to get all of the shiznit out in around a day without having to put the forum into read only mode back then), and I think they took all of the posts about internet medecine down yesterday or so, so I'm actually wondering what they call spam...

Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 04:56
Tis okay if they go ahead and delete the threads that have complaints in them, google screen capture does wonders for stuff that has a tendency to disappear as does the back up servers where the duplicates are that the moderators cannot touch.

Besides that there is help on the way from the higher ups in management as to why players requests for fixes get ignored and developers do basically what they want and add to the game what they want.

There is a fan base out there that has had enough of the "One sided do what we want attitude" and they have sought help from someone who is going to lower the boom and lay down the law. This person has done it before with other games, and the results were exactly what the players wanted.

I know Black Box is not going to like what is about to happen, but they have brought it upon themselves.
It is time for the community to get the response for the money they are paying into the game.

Keep an eye on the game over the next few months and see if their isn't a 180 degree turn on the way it is going.

I have a feeling that the community will be pleased with the results.


Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 16:06
by RBA
I hope you're right! I hope the broom's gonna come down and fixes things! Cuz, if World had been done correctly, it would've been the firetruck' best game ever!

Oh, you know, about the orphans spikestrips that world often get? Well, seems like it's not a new problem from BB, I was playing MW friday and came across one! Oo lol

Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 20 Jun 2011, 17:59
by RBA
Sry for double post. Any of you have been able to post on the World's forums? I've seen a lot of posts dating from yesterday and today and even from the 18th, but for some reason, I still get the: "This site will be read-only over the weekend as we undergo site maintenance to reduce spam in the forums" above the forum and don't have a reply button to reply to...

I find it weird, because that mean some people are able to reply and all while I just can. I know I was one of the people that asked quite loudly for NFSLing to do her job. Maybe that's the way the peeps of BB have found to make people that complained and had good arguments shut up...

Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 20 Jun 2011, 18:30
There hasn't been any posting by members since around 11:00 PM PDT Friday 17th.
jsskppnn (one of the moderators) has been able to post over the weekend, however that is because he is a moderator.

Just as a note of interest it is currently 12:25 PM EDT for me and the notification
This site will be read-only over the weekend as we undergo site maintenance to reduce spam in the forums. Thanks for your patience.
is now gone however as I suspected there is no option to post any New Topics and there is no option to reply to any topics.

It may be just a glitch in the restart of the forums, but I have this nagging deep down feeling that posting on any EA forums anywhere may now be gone forever.

They want us to use FaceBook now as their platform for feedback to the games and ignore the very basis that forums were created for.

Which is absolutely ludicrous given the fact that posting on FaceBook does not offer any good platform for the feedback.
What have they done?


Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 20 Jun 2011, 19:45
by RBA
Hey, Mad, that higher-up guy you were talking about in your last post, you can contact him/her, if the buttons to start new topics or reply don't re-appears? If he's/she's really gonna go kick BB's ass, then I think he/she should know about that too...

Re-EDIT: Forums now work correctly.

Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 13:02
by Dr Houbenheimer
They want us to use FaceBook now as their platform for feedback to the games and ignore the very basis that forums were created for.
That's quite humorous in the sense that sites such as Facebook are a lot more prone to spam/ non-constructive comments. Moderating and reviewing player feedback would be a lot easier on their own forums I would think.

Re: Oh yeah, now they've done it!

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 13:49
by RBA
Dr Houbenheimer wrote:
They want us to use FaceBook now as their platform for feedback to the games and ignore the very basis that forums were created for.
That's quite humorous in the sense that sites such as Facebook are a lot more prone to spam/ non-constructive comments. Moderating and reviewing player feedback would be a lot easier on their own forums I would think.
Yeah, but if they did that, forums would be empty, they'd delete every critics they get...