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How to edit GlobalMemoryfile.bin NFSC Car Performance.

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 01:36
by gabojosue2
How edit Car Performance in globalmemoryfile.bin from Electronic Arts\Need for Speed™ Carbon™\GLOBAL.
There is a mod made ​​by NFSPatrick on this page NFSCARS BMW M3 GTR TURBO CARBON... search in google...
But the author only modifies the BMW M3 GTR with the hex editor.
I want to edit the same, I want to learn to edit with hex editor in globalmemoryfile.
But this time with different cars, like the Dodge Viper, which is very fast, i want to put more handling and top speed.
Please I want someone who knows a lot about this, as this game is best for me and amuse me greatly if it could do anything. I know edit with Hex Workshop V6 ...
But I can not find where the code performance, and I've found at (Offset): 0000A6AE
Where it says VIPER (Text String) ... I do not know what the codes performance.

Please I need someone to help me with this, thanks. :(