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Server.ini file...

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 05:10
by n3buzz4r
Does anyone know how can i change the server.ini file?
Cause i tried to do the rotation of maps, but didn't work...?
I'd like to know if the admin of this forum, knows anything related with this...
Please i need this, cause i play it often with friends, and i can't stand setting always the same commands ingame like "docountdown, finishtime, resultsdisplaytime, etc", every time i do the server, please HELP ME!
I tried writing "set docountdown 1", "seta docountdown 1", "docountdown=1", but nothing works in the server.ini file!
But what is more incredible, i tried to do the rotation of tracks the same way the told me in the README file...but didn't work at's frustrating :(
