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Just Wonderin..

Posted: 15 Aug 2004, 05:05
by Sweet-16
Have any of the staff on this site heard news on the person that was working to be able to add cars to NFS7? I have been wanting to hear about it for a logn time cuz i'd like to be able to add new cars to Underground 8)

Posted: 15 Aug 2004, 10:21
by Bojan
That unfortunatly won't be possible. The models are too complex to recreate.

Posted: 15 Aug 2004, 19:19
by Sweet-16
has this site heard the news of the camaro in Porsche Unleashed? the same guy who is working on Underground put the first new car in porsche unleashed lol. so i was jsut wondering if anyone has heard about his progress on it.

Posted: 15 Aug 2004, 19:45
by TheStig
I also don't think that there are many people who want extra cars in NFS underground cause Underground 2 is around the corner with much more options, like more cars in the garage etc, maybe someone will try it for NFS U2.

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 13:59
by exonn
anyway it wuld be nice to know that ther is a way to import some new cars to nfsug ;)

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 14:53
by UrQuattro
It's been asked and answered before many times: but here are 2 main reasons why you don't see cars imported into NFSU2

1. Too many parts - up to 300 with all the modification that go into a single car. Noone will bother with that, given how poor that game itself is on physics. Just not worth the time.
2. Noone knows how to IMPORT cars into the game - they all know how to export models, but Importing is much more complicated.

RE: Porsche - the last thing I heard they found out a way to export tracks from PU to other games - but really, that just shows they either went off track on their main mod, or will release it when it's done.

General rule of thumb - a mod is released when it's ready - because noone will give you any definate dates. If you give a date - and don't follow it - you are bound to get 100s of PMs and emails from users who say "when is it ready?" and "is it done yet?". Keep in mind, when someone is 12 yrs old, it's a little hard for them to grasp that modders create these projects as a hobby, and do them in spare time. Worse, people who are like 18, do the same thing and ask the same question. Because of all this, you probably will always hear the same answer "the mod will be done when it's ready". My advice is find smth else to play, and when the mod is out, you'll know about it.

Posted: 17 Aug 2004, 02:50
by Sweet-16
what's the the attitude, mods? jesus christ.

Posted: 17 Aug 2004, 03:16
by Sp3aK
What do you mean attitude? Quote me a section of one of the mods post with attitude in it. And if your refering to UrQuattro, he isn't a mod for one thing, and for two, there's no "attitude" in his post.