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Something is not fair!

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 04:07
by Pelado
Why some of you people vote 10 for your own vinyls? Do you think this is fair? To me is s**t. I will not upload any more vinyls.

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 04:09
by korge
sry,but no one cares that you wont upload your vinyls,but downvoting is a problem and im sure bobyx is going to take care of it soon...

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 04:11
by VPNeverLoser
if you think it's not fair than do it yourself but i never done it.

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 04:11
by KekumRulez
If I made a vinyl I would vote it a 10, otherwise I woud'nt made and publlise it...

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 04:14
by Pelado
Just put the vinyl on the site and eliminate the votes.

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 17:08
by exonn
down voting sux... and about upvoting... if i made a car it is 10 car for me.... so why shuld i not give her 10

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 19:07
by Sp3aK
People do not understand how hard it is for us to guard against up and downvoting. This isn't something that we have a way to automatically detect, and it's not something that we watch all day every day. What we do here at the site is a hobby, something that we plan in after we take care of our every day stuff. There's 200 pages of votes with 100 on every page. We literally have 20,000 votes, how are we supposed to check every single one? We look very often for people voting a bunch of 1's or a bunch of 10's... But even then, aren't they entitled to their own opinion?

Just because you put up a vinyl doesn't mean that people are going to like it, and if you can't deal with that then stop submitting vinyls and grow up, because no one else really cares.

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 19:52
by exonn
:shock: i culdn't say better... thats the reality.... 8)

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 22:49
by Pelado
That´s the problem in this world,nobody cares nothing.So Im not surprised.....

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 22:59
by ^Sparco^
I use to vote my own cars in showroom. Believe me or not, but sometimes I vote myself 7 or 8 because I look my work and consider that it is not really perfect. Many other times I vote myself 10points.
When you make a car, or a vinyl, you make it in the way you like it so logically once uploaded you see it and like it :D. I am very careful to take good screenshots/collage works to put them in showroom, so I dont think voting yourself 10 it is bad.
The bad thing is to call 14friends and ask them to vote 10points to your cars/vinyls....

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 23:14
by Pelado
Im not saying its bad, I say is not right.Let other people vote for your work.And if they said that it worth 10 points,no problem.

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 23:32
by Sp3aK
You shouldn't be submitting vinyls just so that you can get people to vote 10's and crap, that's not the point. You should submit vinyls because you want to share what you have created with other people.

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 23:49
by Pelado
[quote="Sp3aK"]You shouldn't be submitting vinyls just so that you can get people to vote 10's and crap, that's not the point. You should submit vinyls because you want to share what you have created with other people.[/quote]

Are you saying the first part of your comment to me? If it is so you are 100% wrong. And about the second part I agree 100% with you. But I see nobody understand the essence of the point I made, so end of discussion for me.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 00:03
by ^Sparco^
I don't care ratings. Obviously I feel better if ppl like my works, but no problem in the opposite case.
End of discussion to me too ;)

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 00:53
by Morty
Pelado: The most important is that you like them. If other likes them, it's a bonus :)

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 01:58
by Stereo
Pelado... you need to THINK! If you love your own vinyl or car wouldn't you rate it a ten? I think you would. So It's not a big problem... You have to understand that it IS fair and what is NOT fair is downvoters. So, thats all I have to say.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 21:45
by UrQuattro
I voted 10 for my own vinyl because I think they are the best... Hope you got an answer you were looking for, you evil smiley poster!

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 17:35
by Pelado
I said end of discussion for me , but let me clear this post. I dont´t care about votes, to me the most important thing is downloads.It said if a vinyl is popular and the people like it. But please read the first post and think. Forget about the eye catching sentences ( maybe I was too far with it ), some of you take this as the primary subject, and it isn´t. Maybe I didn´t pick the correct words ( I don´t speak english on daily bases ), If you want change fair for right. Do you think is right vote for your own work? It´s not right to me. And let me give you a couple of examples.You are in the Olimpics as a gymnast or as a swimmer. You work hard for many years and you give your best.You think it worth a 10. But it dosn´t count.Other people will vote for your work, and maybe is not a 10. Another. You have to do a special home work for the school. You work hard for 2 weeks and up late at night to end it. You think it worth a 10. But it dosn´t count.Other people will vote for your work, and maybe is not a 10. So that´s the point.
BTW I achieve my goal that is to know most of you guys opinion. Do you have answered my question without the eye catching sentences? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe wasn´t the best way to do it.
Most of you guys don´t agree with me. You don´t have to. And that´s DEMOCRACY.

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 17:37
by Sp3aK
People only give themselves 10's because they can. The option for voting is just left open for the PUBLIC. When we ran the TC people couldn't vote on their own cars, same witht he Showroom Challenges. Things that are more important are stricter, but no one really cares that much about some stupid public vote on a website with hundreds of different people and items.

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 17:46
by Bojan
I'd also like to point out that only voting in Showroom is moderated. Copying the same voting system to the vinyls section was a mistake I shouldn't have done.

And there's also the other type of people who come here complaining how it isn't fair that you're not allowed to vote own cars.

As I said then, I'll say it again: we can't please everyone, but we're trying our best to make the site friendly to the majority.

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 17:51
by Pelado
Fine for me.

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 19:00
by samurilos
I'd say just stop submitting if no one appreciates your work, on the other hand its nice to see your stuff on a website, so do as u wish.