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Slow motion in NFS PU!

Posted: 11 Apr 2003, 18:45
by toonboy
Hi all, my first post

I am having trouble running NFS PU in WinXP, it will start ok but when I go to actually drive it seems to be running in slow motion. It takes about 4 seconds realtime to 1 second gametime!

I have tried all the different suggestions on this forum gimme.dll, pagefile reduction, various settings on my graphics card and sound card and I've tried various settings in-game. Nothing makes any difference at all.

AMD Athlon XP1800+
512 MB DDR Crucial
Geforce 4 Ti4200
Maxtor 80 GIG 8MB cache
MS Sidewinder Game Pad Pro
Hercules Gamesurround Sound II
Win XP Pro

All drivers updated apart from video, anything above 30.82 seem to give other games problems.

any help much appreciated

Posted: 27 Apr 2003, 19:07
by Lord Hellspawn
Wich GeForce 4 TI4200 Card do you have? Gainward, ASUS, MSI?

To make a ASUS card work best with NFS6HP2 You need to download Vgart and ASUS Driver's for the ASUS 9280 From ASUS.COM, and also with MSI card go to MSI and download the Nvidia driver's from MSI to get the full compabillity driver's. Gainward is a bad card.

But then again i don't have that problem with my 3DLabs Wildcat IV 7210 128+256MB DDR AGP8x card.

Posted: 07 Jul 2003, 03:45
by Nitro
This is from the original game readme:
"nVidia GeForce
Please ensure that the latest drivers are in use. Problems have been identified with slow frame rate and game instability on driver releases prior to 5.x."

I don't know if it helps at all cause i ain't got a GeForce so i don't have a clue about the current driver version.And i don't know if this applies to all the GeForce cards...