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How did you get into cars

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 04:45
by flatblacksleeper
Just wondering here, i got into cars about 5 months ago, have learned a lot since, I really did not want to get a import till i started to learn about them, how id you guys get into cars, thought it would be a interesting conversation.

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 04:57
by boganbusman
I think I got into cars after the first time I went to see F1, when I was a little kid. I still remeber seeing Ayrton Senna go past me on a scooter after he DNF.

Ever since then I watch a lot of racing and read car magazines etc.
That's how I learn most of my stuff.

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 05:21
by VPNeverLoser
well when my brother was really young, maybe 9, dad bought him grand theft auto 1 and then i saw him playing and i started playing. Since there's so many cars in GTA, i got into them, especially the fast ones. Then the 2nd and 3rd and vice city came out....and all of those NFS games that i played made me like cars so much. But NFSU made me like cars even more :D now the second one will come out.... :P

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 07:10
by Andre_online
When I started playing NFS High Stakes... :)

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 14:48
by PSZeTa
My brothers told me I loved cars already when I was very young.. I had most of the car brands and types in my head.~_~

Also, I have a need for speed, I want to go fast.^_^

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 15:09
by ViperJay
well, I think it all started when I went the first time on my daddy's Peugeot 205 Rallye....its sound was so exciting that I suddenly felt in love...from that moment I've loved cars like a maniac :D
I think I was just 5, or something like that...I don't remember well when, I only remember that fantastic motor sound 8)

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 16:11
by ^Sparco^
Well I have always liked cars.

When I was 2-3years old I played with little cars and that. Later (5-6years old) I collected some RC cars, I had a red monster truck my german uncle bought me, it was a very expensive 'toy'. Also some cheap ones, and my favorite: a yellow buggie model from Nikko... I have no clue where it is now :( I used to play with them all the time. I had to recharge each night the batteries to be able to play the next day :D

Oh yellow buggie where are you now?? :cry: :cry:

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 19:19
by A-spec
I got into cars when my dad bought a Jeep Wrangler (YJ). It was an camel green. Since then I was only into Jeeps. But as I got older I got into other cars. :) Now people call me the dude who loves cars :oops: :lol:

Posted: 30 Oct 2004, 19:23
by Sweeper
I ran into 3 people, one of them was a computer guy who knew all about watercooling, so after a while we started talking cars, and I was in stage 1, not so much hooked.
Then I met this guy who was a track racer, we started talking abit about cars.
Sadly he came a bit late, everyone came a bit late, I was offered a car that I really liked as my first car, but I turned down my dads offer since I wasn't that interrested in engines back then :(

Today I regret it, well since those days I have met other people, learned about rotary engines, heck I know rotaries more than a piston engine, I learned what a camshaft was for like 3 months ago ;)
But I allready knew how a rotary worked ;) and every part of it.

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 14:52
by Scotty_
I started to become interested in cars when i was like 8 or 9, my dad builds edge racing buggies so i liked to help him build engines. I started to play my dads racing games like the grand turismo series etc, so that really got me into cars and then when i played NFSU i got interesed in turing ricers and stuff but i still love european sports cars and Blown v8 etc.

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 20:05
by Grez~Supra_RZ-S
Always been interested, but when I was 14, my brother bought an RX7. Thats when i really started to learn how cars worked, how to tune etc. Since then, been going to drag events every year to learn things from all the top tuners.

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 20:52
by jobo9
I've been interested for all my live...
But since NFS3, Hot persuit I really started to get interested in racing etc.
Since Underground i'm crazed of tuning :P

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 02:52
by GSR2000Civic
When Gran Turismo Came Out For Playstation... Started Playing With All These Cars I Had Never Heard Of.. I Had No Clue Wut A Supra Wuz... I Live In Florida And I Still See One Like...2 Times A Month

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 03:04
by thunderbolt
when i first watched the jackie chan movie "thunderbolt" hence my nickname as well. :D

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 04:38
by boganbusman
Is that the movie where he is driving the Evo while he is handcuffed?
And then he drives it down stairs and stuff but the car shows no signs of damage.
Is that it?

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 07:19
by thunderbolt
uhh, i dont think so, he does a bit of track and street racing in it so he can help the police arrest this illegal racer on the hong kong streets. i think he does drive an evo on track races though. i forgot wat he drove on street.

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 00:12
by nightrider
since i was born. lol. i always enjoyed playing with my hotwheels when i was a kid.

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 00:55
by Dr-CiviC
my bros used 2 take me 2 the races as a kid and i really started 2 notice cars then :)

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 00:58
by Stereo
High stakes was by biggest addiction ever! My friend played it split-screen so much! I loved the "Rocky Ridge" level... of some other one it had a desert scene to it...

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 01:09
by f360spyda
my friend bought a pulsing neon for his SUV a while ago n he showed me n im like "HooooLY CRAP" so i guess that made me ricer-ish

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 01:50
by Flameking
I always liked cars too. I fancied them but since i moved up north, more racers are here and they inspired me to be a racer too ^,^

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 02:34
by Crazy nfsu2 kid
I got in to cars when ( this may scare some of you) when I watched the fast and the furious :cry:

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 02:43
by flatblacksleeper
Crazy, as long as you dont talk about Motech exhause andmake cars like them thats cool in my book :P , as long as we all learn lessons from that movie

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 02:49
by M_S
when i was abot 12. i cant remember wat sparked it. probebly my dad

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 23:38
by fastfo0dguy
when i was like 11 (6 years ago) my best freinds older brother had a crx and i loved it and i really got into to street racing and i finnally turned 16 like a year and a half ago and i got a rx-7 wich i had wanted since 7nth grade and now look at it (my sig) not done with it yet though.