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Unlock tracks for LAN Games (NFSU2)?

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 05:51
by PUNGh0Li0
Hi, I've searched and haven't found the answer (and the manual is useless).
I bought the NFSU2 to play multiplayer but most of the tracks are locked when
I create a LAN game. How do I unlock them? I beat the open ones in Quick Race.
I even tried the "opendoors" cheat to no avail. I'm not planning on playing career mode
so what are my options.

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 20:57
by PUNGh0Li0
I found the solution on GameCopyWorld.
I downloaded Shooter's "All Access Cheat #3." Now all tracks are open in
LAN and Quick Race. I just created a new profile and dropped it in the folder.
(the unlocker on this site didn't unlock all tracks)
