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Who the hell am I making cars for now then?

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 06:56
by StoneBullet
My personal style when making these cars is to use lots of wild colours and make them as mad as possible, without going over the top. Now my point is that if I make them like this then I get a lot of people moaning about it and generally slagging them off. Now, don't get me wrong I know most of them are not perfect - far from it in fact.

It's just that it seems to me the only way to get people to vote 10 is if you keep re-making the same old cars. Many of the top cars here look the same. The whole clean white look with stripe vinyls is boring me silly, but still they get the votes. If we are all going to make the same cars then what's the bleeding point eh?

Also I am starting to ignore cars with Photoshopped backgrounds. Now I generally like them, and they give the artist a chance to show off their skills which is good, but the whole thing seems to be centered around that and not the cars themselves.

I am still undecided about whether the admin should ban them. Yes, it's not my site, so that's not my decision but still...

I have noticed when people give you low votes it's because they don't like the mirrors or because you took a screen shot on the wrong track. You know the lame excuses.

My philosophy was to vote high for cars I liked, even if they had a couple of small faults. Imagine a car that is 95% perfect, but you had a couple of small issues with it. Well I would still vote 10 and not 9.

I feel that the new voting "rules" have given some people an excuse to DVote your cars, and if you say anything bad to them they still come after you so to speak.

This is not the fault of the admin or any particular person in general, but I feel it points out a few things that may be wrong or slightly unfair.

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 07:27
by T-man
I think a ban would be a little harsh! I like the new vote system myself. I found in the old system I would give out 10's to easily. Now cars really have to me close to perfection to get a 10.

Re: Who the hell am I making cars for now then?

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 07:32
by vellu
StoneBullet wrote:It's just that it seems to me the only way to get people to vote 10 is if you keep re-making the same old cars. Many of the top cars here look the same. The whole clean white look with stripe vinyls is boring me silly, but still they get the votes.

I have noticed when people give you low votes it's because they don't like the mirrors or because you took a screen shot on the wrong track. You know the lame excuses.

My philosophy was to vote high for cars I liked, even if they had a couple of small faults. Imagine a car that is 95% perfect, but you had a couple of small issues with it. Well I would still vote 10 and not 9.

I feel that the new voting "rules" have given some people an excuse to DVote your cars, and if you say anything bad to them they still come after you so to speak.
On a site with this many members and this many cars it's no surprise that certain type of design tends get higher ratings (the one that pleases the most "average" users). True, it does get a little boring.

Not voting ten or nine because some minor detail is very subjective. If you would follow the new policy strictly a ten vote would require a truly perfect ride (in ones opinion). I sure don't mind the wrong mirrors or lights or what ever. And if I think a car is 95% good, I most likely give it a ten (still). As fas as background go, only if they interfere with the car itself, I think it's bad (usually too dark). Don't mind fully photoshopped bg's.

I guess it's a little too early to say if the downvoting problem quiets down.

Naturally all this matters only if you make cars for ratings, and not just for the fun and let other people see what you like. I sure do.

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 08:42
by JEX420
I know what you mean Stone :( I've lost a lot of duels because they liked their backgrounds instead of the car :( but, I do respect the people that vote my car on the way it looks instead of the background :D

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 13:47
by Sweeper
Well I feel a bit hit by your post (Not a bad way as you may think) Because I am one of those who rarely hands out 10's but 9s, 8s, 7s to be exact.
The reason I do this is because it is nice to have a perfect car for a perfect 10 score.
But with a very minor detail and if the rest looks good, it may still get a 10, but I often leave stating it in my comments.

Now I do not let the Photoshop skills on the image affect my judgement nor where and how the picture was taken.
Maybe perhaps the closest I do is when I can't see a specific detail clear enough (Too dark, angle is bad to show what I really want to see and so on)
But generally most shots tends to show off cars from the best direction, so I rarely have to go to that point.

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 15:47
by 2Pacaveli
I was waiting til somebody would say that!!! i was saying it back before NFSU2 was relesed!!!
if somebody makes a boring car he gets high votes, but if someone uses some diffrent color then other ppl use then he gets low votes!!! and not to mention giving high votes for the presantation!?!?!?!?! wtf? what if i dont have pic editing skills or a kickass video card? its not fair!!!
this situation must change!!!

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 18:32
by Sp3aK
Quit cryin it's just a game. So what if people don't like your cars, it's call freedom of speech/voting.

Even back when I was an admin here we had this problem, but there's nothing we can do if someone really doesn't like your car. And they are doing you a favor by telling you whats wrong, because alot of times they just vote low with no reason given.

You can't make anyone like your cars, just make whatever and submit it. If they like it, woo... if they don't, big whioopin wowie. Banning people left and right because they don't vote 10's and say that your car is freaking amazing isn't the solution, maybe your cars just suck and your the only one that doesn't realize it.

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 19:05
by 2Pacaveli
i see your point, but we are talking about when sometimes its really a great car, and u know its great, and still u get low vote and the guy that made a car that sucks compared yours get all the high votes, and happands alot
but i think we should ignore all of this, i mean, if u think that your car is good then thats it, because thats what U think and no one can tell u its not good (even though this contradicts what i said before)

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 19:11
by StoneBullet
Well yes I agree with the last two comments, but I still feel that some have missed my point completely. Yes, I know it's only a game and yes I know it's supposed to be a bit of fun, but the thing is I seem to be losing a certain sense of humour I had when I started here.

And yes, my cars may well suck, this is true. I often read comments in peoples garages saying that they re-built cars 'cos others told them to. If someone is going to tell you how to build your cars then what's the bleeding point eh?

I think that just proves my point.

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 19:14
by Sir Ibi
hahahah, i just can't get enough of stonebullet's avater.... lol

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 19:19
by C8H10N4HO2O2
The Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles....... My bubbles.

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 20:59
by DarrenR21373
I have to admit that I rarely give 10's either. However, the cars that get 10's from me tend to be ones that other people rate low and vice versa. Now, that is NOT me being obtuse, but my taste is obviously very different to other people's (as I've seen in some of the comments on some of my challenge cars).

I also hate Photoshopped BG's. In fact I often won't rate an over-PS'ed image, because it is unfair on those who have sod-all artistic skills (like me) or lower quality GFX cards.

The worst score I've ever given was a 3, because the car was absolutely abysmal IMHO. Normally I won't go below 6, because 99.9% of the cars are worth at least that mark, even if they are not to my taste.

Just don't take it personally - I used to until I realised that, as stated above, my taste is completely different to other people's. I personally don't like the upgrade manufacturers' names on cars, it looks tacky IN MY OPINION - hence why I rarely use them. Again others love them. Each to their own opinion.

Re: Who the hell am I making cars for now then?

Posted: 14 Feb 2005, 22:46
by Pelado
StoneBullet wrote:It's just that it seems to me the only way to get people to vote 10 is if you keep re-making the same old cars. Many of the top cars here look the same. The whole clean white look with stripe vinyls is boring me silly, but still they get the votes. If we are all going to make the same cars then what's the bleeding point eh?
Because.....all that cars has style? :roll:

Posted: 15 Feb 2005, 15:21
by Grez~Supra_RZ-S
The only thing I dont understand is how some people like the hideous cars that get through.

Regardless, different opinions make the world an interesting place. You cant expect everyone to vote 10s on your car. I think banning is a bit extreme to say the least. On the subject of photoshop backgrounds, they do look great, and in my opinion do have a heavy influence on 98% of votes. The cars I generally see in the top spots have great backgrounds, but the cars to me look...well, crap in all honesty.

My best advice - Dont get worked up over it. When all said and done, how much does it really affect you?

Oh, and off topic, but why wont my RX8 submit to my garage? Ive uploaded it several times now but its still not there.


Posted: 15 Feb 2005, 15:31
by GT3x24x7
I expect the problem is with the pic dimensions. They aren't quite 4:3 ratio so the site automatically rejects the pic. Just resize it to exactly 800x600 and it will upload fine.

Please post this stuff in Help and Support next time.

Posted: 15 Feb 2005, 23:00
by Just Me
Like Grez said. I only use my garage to upload the car which I personally like very much. I do invite other people to share their comments, but if they don't..........They don't. Big deal

And personally I don't vote for cars with an Photoshopped background any more.
It has nothing to do with the original concept off the Showroom, which (to me) was show your rides straight out off the garage.

Posted: 15 Feb 2005, 23:16
by ghost_4ce
Yes i agree with what everyone is saying here. Well some bits of it anyway.
Thought I'd tell you the new future of our showroom: ... garage/C_W
Getting bored of all the photo-shiznit? Dont like cars with less than 5 vinyls? Nothing less than catostrophic body-work is the only way for you?
Be in despair no longer! here comes the next generation of cars for your viewing pleasure! In fact ,if I hadnt uninstalled the game, I would have started pimping such rides right now!!

PS: I am not trying to hurt anybody btw, to be honest, After all the downvoting and shiznit going on, I think its great that someone has the balls to make cars for fun and not bother about anything else.

Posted: 16 Feb 2005, 02:09
by GT3x24x7
I couldn't have said it better myself. But hey, I'll give it a crack anyway!

The only person you need to keep in mind when making cars is yourself. The game, the site, the showroom, the duels, all of the culture and hype that surrounds this thing, none of it is terribly important.

Forget the ratings, rankings and rep. Make cars that you like, even cars that you really like. Post 'em in the showroom, enter 'em in the comps, race 'em online, whatever. If other people like 'em, great! If not.. meh - they're entitled to their opinion and that shouldn't bother you in the slightest.

The whole point is simply to have fun. As soon as that stops, you need to change things up.

Posted: 16 Feb 2005, 03:01
by Sir Ibi

Posted: 18 Feb 2005, 01:39
by StoneBullet
GT3x24x7 wrote: The whole point is simply to have fun. As soon as that stops, you need to change things up.
Yes, you are are right.

I did not intend to imply that my cars are better, nor did I intend to offend anyone here with my comments.

It's just me having a rant again. :cry:

Posted: 18 Feb 2005, 06:26
by GT3x24x7
I'm sure you didn't imply that, nor did you offend. I was glad to have the opportunity to say my little piece there actually - thanks for bringing the topic up. :wink:

Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 08:15
by StoneBullet
Great, and you would be right.