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Posted: 22 May 2005, 21:57
by AssassinationZ

Posted: 22 May 2005, 22:17
by mohsan1988
Erm.... sorry mate, I'm not helping you on this one.

If everyone gets their hands on a crack (hope their isn't one around for a long time) then it would just be stupid.

NFSU2 online is how it's meant to be...


BTW, welcome to the forums :D

Posted: 22 May 2005, 23:45
by Cpt.Razkit
dude, if you are using a pirated version of NFSU2, there is no way of playing it online, just save some money and buy it

Posted: 22 May 2005, 23:59
by mohsan1988
ooooh sorry, I thought you meant cheats....


Erm, Razkit is right, save up for it... not much now.