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Which was Harder

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 16:53
by isues
underground 1 was harder 4 me

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 16:58
by ^Sparco^
Underground 1 was a little harder. Specially a 7laps race in the last stage.

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 17:04
by Dragster
U1 was harder for me. I remember having trouble with a dude that drove a white RX7 with gold tinted windows, he was a member of Eastsiderz or smth like that :?

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 17:10
by vellu
1 for sure. Had several "game stopper" races that took several tries. NFSU2 only had one (a magazine/dvd race towards the end).

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 17:17
by Andre_online
U1; There're couple of races which happens to be tough nuts to be cracked open... ;)

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 17:27
by nfsdriver
definetly underground 1 cause it took me awhile to get used to the game..

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 18:30
by Dragon-of-Rune
I say nfsu1 i hated that long endurace race.

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 18:40
by Jopuma
Underground 1 without a doubt. On U2 the cars launch slowly except for yours. On U1 the cars launch quickly except yours. The oppenents are challengeing even on easy. U1 wins this most definitely.

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 19:03
by StoneBullet
Yeah, I vote u1 too. There was one race against a white RX7 that took me ages!

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 19:17
by master m
I don't have U1, only U2. But that wasn't that hard for me.

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 21:33
by Pinecone
Even though the opponent's cars are slower at launch, U2 seems harder then U1. In U1 the race courses are made up of parts that you have gone through before, and there is no need to spend 5 minuets going from one race to another, since it's instant.

Posted: 30 Jun 2005, 00:10
by jeffr
U1 was harder beceause catch up mode in a few of the races was buggy and meant that the AI cars would go faster than possible to stay aheady of you. In the 7 lap race 103, this was really tough, as there was no traffic for the random crashes, so you had to hold them off by blocking for 7 laps. In race 103, the AI were set to stay ahead of you by about 1.5 seconds. One method to make the buggy AI races easier was to downgrade your engine to level 1 or level 0 components, which also slows the AI cars down.

Also in U1, you have cars going across the courses, worst case being some of the drag tracks, and this doesn't happen in U2.

U2 had more tracks to learn, but no buggy AI catch up mode, and no cars going across the road.

Posted: 30 Jun 2005, 00:24
by S2000_Skyline12
Dragster wrote:U1 was harder for me. I remember having trouble with a dude that drove a white RX7 with gold tinted windows, he was a member of Eastsiderz or smth like that :?
that member was Kurt of the Eastsiderz, he was hard but not that much

Posted: 30 Jun 2005, 06:36
by xHaZxMaTx
UG 1's endurane races can bit me. :evil: UG 2 was a lot longer though. I beat UG 1 in 3 days and it took me 6 days to beat UG2.

Posted: 30 Jun 2005, 08:30
by isues
looks like U1 is winning hands down because of the 6 & 7 lap races.

Posted: 30 Jun 2005, 09:54
by TheStig
yeah U1 hands down... the race against curt in chinatown (race 9x) and race 103 with the 7 laps around the airport where really hard even on easy they where a challenge.

U2 on the other hand never had any real problem with it.. won almost all races instantly!
one timetrail was hard to get but it wasn't like it took me as many times as some races in U1


Posted: 30 Jun 2005, 13:42
by Kid Cro
Each one is hard but U1 is harder becoue that was first tunning game of NFS series and we had deal with that! Then come U2 wich is easy becouse there is no oponent wich is hard to evry driver like in U1 on 103 race. Only thing that is (hard) borring in U2 is URL races. That realy doesnt make sense... Racig that long and easy I dont see the point.

Posted: 01 Jul 2005, 00:23
prob u1, there was a race or two that took me quite some time to beat, where as on u2, the hardest race maybe took 2-3 times to beat, but suprisingly enough, calebs was prob one of the easiest races, i lapped him!

Posted: 01 Jul 2005, 00:24
by jemc
nfsu1. i remember that i had lots of problems with the last race, while i won by more than a lap in the last NFSU2 race

Posted: 01 Jul 2005, 00:25
by R34GTR
Yup UG1 was hard, i beat Caleb by about 17 seconds in UG2 :lol:

Posted: 01 Jul 2005, 00:26
by ^Sparco^
TheStig wrote:yeah U1 hands down... the race against curt in chinatown (race 9x) and race 103 with the 7 laps around the airport where really hard even on easy they where a challenge.
Yeah that's the race I was talking about! :D

And the chronometer races...
P.S. Are there chronometer races in nfsu2? :roll: Just realized there arent :roll: :roll:

Again: Crappy game.... :lol:

Posted: 01 Jul 2005, 13:35
by Andre_online
TheStig wrote:yeah U1 hands down... the race against curt in chinatown (race 9x) and race 103 with the 7 laps around the airport where really hard even on easy they where a challenge.
I thought it was at Terminal (reverse) track?

Posted: 01 Jul 2005, 14:55
by chemicalcode
U1 deffinatley harder, I don't think I hardly had to restart any races in the second game. Most of the restarts were in the drag races cos they were so annoyingly bad

Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 05:16
by ghetto fabulous D. Jazz
Ill have to go with U1, it was way more challaging