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NFSU2 Game Crashes After Splash Screen

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, 22:28
by ic3m4n
Basicly what the title says. I just reloaded my NFSu2 wanted to play it again. haven gotten kinda bored. But it gets to the Opening Splash Screen and then closes back out to the desktop.
Now i know my system isnt the best But it loaded and worked fine before.
Underground 1 works fine and NFSU2 works fine on my other machine with a 64mb onboard video. i would play it on this system but it doesnt have a AGP alot to move my Gefore over to that computer. THanks for any help.

Geforce FX5200 128mb
AMD 1.4ghz
512 pc133

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 05:30
by corvyz6
uninstall it and then go ancheck if they are siome files that weren't deleted. go and delete the EA games folder! and then try and install the game again!