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NFSMW Online experience

Posted: 12 Dec 2005, 13:08
by Nemeseeesss
Okay so I finally get to go online after putting my kids to sleep and have my first real experience with online racing. It was great, a bit of lag but I could just be slow. I didn't do too badly either... 3rd place in race 1 and 1st place race two. Not bad for a "noob"

Just a few questions for the more experienced racers out there.

Is the menu really that simplified when you go online (pc version) such as no 'visual' search through available races like online fps games and selecting specific servers?

Waiting for the race to start in the pre race 'lobby', it has next top players names a colour coded bar system. Is that a handicap based on car or skill level?

When racing I also noticed that cars would 'jump' like a frog. I am assuming that it is a form lag but am not entirely sure.

All in all I am quite pleased with the game. The single player aspect was a bit short so I am almost through it a third time. With that in mind I figured it was time to go online and get beaten by real racers.
Anyway enough rambling, if anyone can help an inexperienced tool figure out what he is doing online it would be greatly appreciated

Posted: 13 Dec 2005, 15:17
by Bauke777
Nemeseeesss wrote: Is the menu really that simplified when you go online (pc version) such as no 'visual' search through available races like online fps games and selecting specific servers?
Well, I'm not really 'experienced', but u can go to this 'sessionrace' thing (dunno w/ it is called, got the dutch version). U set the filter on eg 'Circuit' and click through. Then you get in a view of created races. Downside here is the trackname isn't a value in a column! Only when u select a race, the track is displayed on ur right. I didn't find out about whether we have different servers or not. I hope not, or else we get the same drag in NFSU2 where US en EU were separated.... I realize that EA has to think about game patches, load balancing etc, but NFSU1 online was great! All communities and countries together!
Nemeseeesss wrote: Waiting for the race to start in the pre race 'lobby', it has next top players names a colour coded bar system. Is that a handicap based on car or skill level?
Never noticed that :) In NFSU2 it stood for the number of disconnects or disqualified. When some1 dc'd of got dq'd too many times ur name would go from white into yellow, into purple....
Nemeseeesss wrote: When racing I also noticed that cars would 'jump' like a frog. I am assuming that it is a form lag but am not entirely sure.
Jep, laggy connection :(
Nemeseeesss wrote: All in all I am quite pleased with the game. The single player aspect was a bit short so I am almost through it a third time. With that in mind I figured it was time to go online and get beaten by real racers.
Anyway enough rambling, if anyone can help an inexperienced tool figure out what he is doing online it would be greatly appreciated
lol I know w/ u mean :) but then again, everybody is doing the 1st track, very boring, I mostly host different, more exiting tracks like Little Italy, Camden Tunnel, Gray ...something... (love that trk!). I'm using the same name as on this forum, so mayb cu online!

(got a couple of questions myself: ur reactions are welcome :))

Posted: 13 Dec 2005, 20:33
by jeffr
What's annoying is the peformance matching. Ranked mode forces this option on, and most use it for unranked. This means that the faster cars, like the Lotus Elise and Porsche Carerra GT, both capable of running sub 1:35's at Rockridge and Union, are "de-tuned" to the level of the BMW M3 GTR, which can run about 1:40 at the Rockridge and Union. With the peformance matching on, you're better off with the M3, since it's not getting "de-tuned" like the faster cars, and has the right gearing and handling for the slower speeds.

I find this more annoying than the player's using +19 trainers (not kidding about the +19).

I played online for a couple of weeks, and now I've lost intersted, playing other games now.

Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 08:17
by Nemeseeesss
Cool thanks for the help

Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 10:51
by Bauke777
jeffr wrote:I find this more annoying than the player's using +19 trainers (not kidding about the +19).
Sorry, the what? +19 trainers??? ppl are actually running w/ trainers online? Here we go again... where is our NFSU1 cheat detector "a cheater has been detected, a cheater has been detected" :wink:

Can some1 post a link to these trainers?

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 01:06
by Nemeseeesss
I understand that some people want to be the best at games and I also understand the benefits of using trainers, on occasion, in a single player experience if for some reason you are stuck or can't beat a racer etc.

But to use them online is like saying

Where's the challenge in that? why can't people play honestly or is that too much to ask. I am not a good racer in fact my whole 2 races that I have played online I was surprised that I finished them at all, let alone one being a first place. But I know that my luck will run out at some point and that it will require skill and practice to beat the top players on the blacklist. ButI will get there long as my daughter doesn't destroy my computer first :P

All I am ranting about is if people want to use trainers or cheats or whatever else that will make them feel good, create there own server and make sure that everyone knows that they are using trainers or cheats. Or alternatively what about something like punkbuster or whatever the racing equivelant is. The best option, in my opinion anyway and I have a lot of opinions, is DON'T RACE ONLINE WITH TRAINERS OR CHEATS.

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 03:14
by Morty
I agree Nemeseeesss. I don't even like trainers for single player use, but if people can't race properly, then fine, it's their problem, just don't bother me about it. But online, that's different. I sincerely hate people who use trainers online. There was a dude in the IRC chat a couple of days ago, who said he used trainers for MW online. I didn't know you could do that on MW, and I surely hope he was joking. Shouldn't believe a cheater anyway. But if he was telling the truth, then EA has screwed up. Again.

And to online cheaters: Go to hell.

* Morty grabs an ice cold coke, and calms down again *

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 06:26
by James31278
We need a cheat detector that works, in the previous two games people were using trainers and cheats that the TJ Cheat Detector couldn't see.

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 16:20
by Nemeseeesss
What we need are honest people not using cheats. I still can't get over the fact that people do this. It is making me second guess the real value and enjoyment level of online gaming. Or maybe I am just finding an excuse for my suckiness at games in general. :)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 14:01
by Bauke777
Unfortunately, as long as there will be online games, there will always be cheaters. I think it's pretty sad too. I too can't figure out why not compete w/ the same cars that everybody else has. I mean, if you win, that is nice, gives you a nice feel, but if you win w/ a cheat I can't imagine it will be as good as a normal victory. But anyways, we've gone over this matter so many times, so I'll just accept it...

I don't know if online cheats r possible, hard to tell w/o a cheatdetector. But raced a guy on Graypoint or Ironhorse orso (circuit) yesterday. I don't quite master these tracks, but every now and then I finish first there, but this guy had, like, 20 seconds on me after the first lap :shock: So that makes me wonder a bit... was doing 220 mph on the straight, right b/4 u get to the entrance of the tunnel and he was driving past me like it was nothing. So either his car was just fast and had a faster entry on the straight, or....

But anyways: bottom line is: we just have to live w/ them poor sods :s

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 02:05
by Nemeseeesss
I guess your right Bauke. Maybe EA can look into a cheat detector ASAP otherwise I think I might start spending more time watching my kids when they're asleep instead of playing with my computer. Shame really, I just bought the new g15 keyboard and g7 mouse with the last of my money. bugger.

This isn't too harsh I hope but Online Cheaters are spastic!!!

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 04:48
by GT3x24x7
Nemeseeesss wrote:This isn't too harsh I hope but Online Cheaters are spastic!!!
I fear it's nowhere near harsh enough..

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 09:17
by Bauke777
Aah well, don't let cheaters take all the fun away from you... cmon w/ do u care! Online racing is fun! Imho it beats the single player. I know lots of ppl disagree, but I've always liked multiplayers.

At first, when u start playing online, u r a stranger in a strange land. But in time, u'll see that u will be a part of a group of ppl that races eachother. Same attitude, same respect. U know they don't cheat, bash u off the track, or close the door b/4 u even though u can overtake him clean and fair. There is this ea messenger thing where u can store 'buddies'. When u host a game, u just invite a couple of ur buddies to join ur game, or u receive invitations to join up w/ them. That way u'll have lots of fun races! Unfortunately, I've only met 2 buddies from NFSU2 in NFSMW, but this needs some time. Eventually, u don't even care anymore: u just race anyone :)

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 10:37
by Nemeseeesss
I guess i can get past all the cheaters and stuff....guess most of my online experiences have been not entirely the best. especially when they smack you down in the most uncomfortable of ways more then once just to make a point. But so far I haven't done too badly with this game. maybe it is a change for the better.

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 11:57
by Bauke777
yea, crashing u off the track is 1 of the most irritating things that ppl do. I mean, if u crash urself and u take someone else w/ u, then it is an accident, but some ppl just ram their cars into corners doing 200 mph+ orso. Fortunately the "wallsriding"-days like NFSU1 or NFUS2 are over, so ppl r kinda forced to drive 'clean' in NFSMW and not just slide walls to get in front of u. But I agree, it sometimes gets pretty annoying, when they flip u over for the so-many-th time (beginning right at the start), disconnect when u have just taken the lead after a fight for 1st place, and so on, and so on.... So yes: if it happens 3 races in a row I'm done racing online for that night!

Hope to see u online sometimes, what's ur nickname?

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 15:30
by Nemeseeesss
well just went online for a bit. not too bad. I have come to the conclusion that I suck, but I can't complain. Of the 8 or so races I managed to get into I came first in one. I was actually surprised that only one of my races seemed to have someone about 6,000 metres in front but I still don't know whether that was a cheater or I really really suck. My only real issue now is my damn internet connection. I can't even figure out what sort it is coz work pays for it and it goes through my fiancee's computer first. All i know is that it is some form of DSL or *gulp* ISDN. damn cheap nasty modems. Still can't complain when it's free.

well must go feed baby and then get some sleep

*Bauke - my nick online is the same as in here, is yours?
will hopefully see you online - if I can get the connection stable enough :P

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 21:37
by Bauke777
Jep my nick is the same as here. I mostly play in the evening/night, don't have time during daytime (wife, kids, work u know, the works ;) family comes first eh ;) cu online!

Posted: 22 Dec 2005, 01:55
by Nemeseeesss
Family is very improtant....I still need to teach my daughter not to have a bad dream as soon as I start a game online. She seems to wait until that moment. She knows......She just knows....dammit!!!

Posted: 22 Dec 2005, 09:06
by Bauke777
lol yea kids can do that :) but mine are a little older, we race eachother in LAN games :D And they r really fast and adaptive racers. In an unknown track, I mostly get my ass whooped ...

> "wow did you see me go daddy?"
< "erm yea good driving son...."
> "wanna go again dad?"
< "erm, well you know, mommy just reminded me you still have to clean ur room"


Posted: 22 Dec 2005, 09:47
by GT3x24x7
Heh, a lil' bird told me that's game was actually mostly finished by his 8yo brother.. ;)

Posted: 22 Dec 2005, 11:52
by Bauke777
lol my youngest son is 8 yrs old as well, my oldest is 11. lmao w/ my kids, and I'll tell u why:

As a parent I'm fairly young, so I am fully aware w/ goes on in their little minds when they r racing. When we play LAN all together on special occasions orso, some unsuspecting visitors want to give it a shot. After all, how hard can it be, this computer-game-thingy against these innocent little kids? Cuz we r the mighty grown ups, w/ ego's the equal size :) So they take their places on the grid. Then, just b/4 the start they just peek back at me (sitting on the couche w/ the mrs'ses, being social and stuff, u know the drill) and this huge grin comes on their faces... :D Man, lmao :D Then, there are 3 laps of sheer, mercyless racing. That's how kids r also (at least mine :s). When the roaring engine sounds have died down, I have to clean up the poor victims that thought to show off their hidden gaming-talent. Of course, my keyset configuration would be different, or something like that...

Posted: 22 Dec 2005, 11:58
by Nemeseeesss
that is usually the way. my almost 2 year old daughter loves to drive. we have a 2 seater pram where she gets the front seat and we have a steering wheel with horn, ignition, the whole nine yards. whenever we are in eb games waiting to buy a comp game she toots the horn waiting for the girl we know to serve us. she also helps to 'steer' with my steering wheel when playing NFSMW. I have learnt to leave the steering wheel unplugged and to use my game pad instead. she is beautiful and so is the other soon as she figures out what she wants to do!!! Ankle biters anyone???

Posted: 22 Dec 2005, 14:20
by Nemeseeesss
It's always the younger kids that seem to better at games these days. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!!!
On another note, EA should have made it so that instead of it saying you came last it should say you came fourth or third or whatever postion you finished in. I seem to be seeing 'you came last' thing quite a bit. Not bad if it was a girl tlaking to me but in a game like this it really confirms to me that I suck.
I'm just whinging coz I needed to vent after getting beaten lots. Damn good racers. Why can't I be one of them.......One day......You'll see.

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 10:18
by Nemeseeesss
Bauke777 wrote: there are 3 laps of sheer, mercyless racing. That's how kids r also (at least mine :s). When the roaring engine sounds have died down, I have to clean up the poor victims that thought to show off their hidden gaming-talent. Of course, my keyset configuration would be different, or something like that...
I love it....where i work, we have an arcade parlor daughter always goes to the Daytona and Initial D machine and groans until we put her on there. The other day someone didn't finish there second race coz they were losing heaps to some other guy, my almost 2yo daughter managed to climb on and with me holding down the accelerator she caught up quite quickly. She even took corners really well finding the apex on a couple of corners. Even I struggle with that!!!

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 11:29
by Bauke777
lol dude, ur raising ur kids well :) yes it really is amazing how much faster they can adapt than us 'old ppl' ;)