Future nfs idea

2006 Need for Speed Carbon

Do you think they should give you a whole state to play with?

Yes i could cause more havok on the road.
no i drive at sane speeds
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Post by Morty »

Lan.Evo.III wrote:
hugh750 wrote:Not if they included some sort of gps type of map that you go use to locate yourself.
Even if there were GPS you would still be travelling for bloody hours. Noone wants a map that is 800 miles long. As Korge said, noone wants to have to memorize 800sq miles of road to figure out the easiest way around.
I do, but I realize it's not going to happen. Not because people doesn't want it, but it would be too much work. At least I think so. But driving from let's say Oslo to Trondheim, and actually spending hours on it like in real life, that would be awesome, and it could also end all the childish behavior on the roads, as people would get to fulfill their speed dreams in a game instead. Could of course backfire tho, people wanting to do the same in real life as in the game, but that's a whole different discussion :P
korge wrote:
Morty wrote:And that's a bad thing? My ultimate dream for a NFS game is the world we live in, with the same distances between each city. I know that will never happen, it would take a LOT of time to make it, maybe 15-20 years... GTA San Andreas is a step in the right direction, but it's far from big enough, as you can drive around it in 10-15 minutes with a fast car.

A state sounds great. Cities for those who like to drive in those, and a lot of countryside roads for people like me. Everyone would be able to race in their favorite areas, and hopefully, a few mountain roads covered in snow. The Alps in NFS Porsche are so much fun, and with 2010 technology, it would be awesome.

SP4RCO is right, we would love to drive over a whole state :D
I dont care. You are just being stupid with that post.
Can you imagine how much memorizing of all the roads and every single path would have to happen? An ENTIRE STATE? You are nucking futs. Why on earth would I want to get lost in a racing game going around in circles and only realize, Oh yea, I still have to travel 800 miles just to get to my race location.
First off, you're not being any smarter. Raakone mentioned waypoints from Diablo II, something like that could work, maybe as airports. You drive to an airport in New York, see a small cutscene, and a few seconds later, you stand in Los Angeles. If I were in New York tho, I'd focus on races there first, and maybe work my way to Los Angeles. Or just use "jump to location" if I was lazy. I would actually race the 800 miles tho, would be fun to see how many hours it would take with a Bugatti Veyron :D
Then memorizing? Why would you have to memorize? Use a GPS system or something. It'd be fun to try without too tho, see if I could get somewhere without getting completely lost on the way...
The only reason people are good at racing games arent becuase they have fast cars, but jsut know the track very well. Memorizing and learnign and practicing 400 trillion track variations is pointless.
I agree, that's why I want it. I'm really lousy on memorizing tracks, where to find the perfect line and all that. In a racing game like Toca or Gran Turismo, that's ok, but in a game that takes place on streets? No way. I was hoping the shadows in NFSC would save the NFS series a bit for me, but when I realized just how much behind everyone else I was, I soon gave up. I want to race for having fun, and being beaten with 15 seconds on a 50 seconds track isn't fun. At all.
Yeah it sounds cool, but it isnt a very economical move for a video game studio. Not to mention it would probobly just weewee people off.
After shifting games so much into city streets, it will have to take a while to get true racing back, but I've been a fan of long races for a very long time. I see TDU is mentioned, I still haven't tried that, still not a fan of demos and betas, I want the full game, but I think a Hawaiian sized island would be a good start, but that doesn't mean it'll be enough. In a few years, and if TDU is the success I hope it'll be, maybe we'll see an even bigger game in a few years.
I don't see why it would weewee people off tho (I know what you were trying to write, please don't try to go around the word censors). In a game like this, everyone gets what they want. The NFSU generation can get city racing in the major cities, other people can drive around on the Interstates. A win-win situation, the way I see it :)
You just have to realize that the amount of sqr miles that you are talking about serves no real purpose. It takes too much time to make, Is a killer on the game size and load times (and dont say "in the future technology")
I wrote that it would be too big to make, did you even read everything? I'm not saying this is a game we're ready for today, but gaming development won't stop. "With the future technology" new worlds could appear on our screens. Think about it. When you were gaming in the mid 90s, would you have imagined we'd be playing a racing game online on Hawaii in 10 years? People like you stop evolution...
GTA San Andreas didn't have any loading times between the cities, so that shouldn't be a problem. Game size however, could be an issue. But eventually, 10 Mbit internet connections will be looked at like 56k is today, and then it could be possible to just stream the entire thing. Ok, maybe I'm dreaming here, but eventually, there will be games that knocks our socks off, and I'm still believing a game like that could have "Need For Speed" in the title.
Not to mention people have lives and dont want to have to put up with such a big massive video game just becuase a couple players wanted to go on a summer cross country drive in a video game.
I don't remember seeing a rule that says a game must be possible to complete, and afaik, WoW isn't, and isn't that one of the most popular games in human history? A game like this would end this whole "who can complete the game fastest" crap, and instead let people focus on having a good time. You don't have to play for 5-6 hours straight, just because you can. Again, if based on the real world, there would be motels and similar in the game, so you could just stop there for a while.
It wont happen. Closest thing would be MS Flight Simulater, but that is still a different story. You arent dealing with fully detailed terrain, traffic, and just the fact that planes travel distance much faster than an automobile so an entire state isnt a big deal.
It probably won't happen yet, but again, you're trying to stop evolution here. Just don't.
If you want to go "any where you want in the world!!!", get your car keys and jacket and walk out your door.
Not sure if you've noticed, but this is a pretty big world, and most stuff costs money. Including traveling. As you might know, I'm Norwegian. I want to see a lot of American places, and I've also thought about a coast-to-coast trip when I can afford it (NY-OR-CA-FL-NY). The problem is, I'm gonna have to save up for a trip like that for a long time, I'm just hoping I can afford it before I'm too old to enjoy a trip like that 100%. Having the option to see a lot of those places in a game would be awesome, and a LOT cheaper. And in real life, I can't drive at full speed, without risking my own (and everyone else on the road) life, in a game, I could blast thru intersections at 300 kph, and only have to worry about AI cops and AI traffic cars.

I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to bed now, but I hope I'm not being stupid again. [-o<
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Post by korge »

Lol. Aslong as you arent mad with me with this arguement, I respect your views.

But as a online type open ended game like you mentioned, it would be great.

Im just not so fond on the idea of MicroSofts Drive Simulator 2010. :P I tried TDU... Way too big for me, AND the fact that the "Realistic" streets are a bunch of 90 degree urns (unlike blended tracks in Carbon), Its hard to speed and make the sharp turns at the same time.

Ahh.. Time for we to go take a good weewee.

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Post by hugh750 »

Granted it would be easy to get lost in the game but it still would be fun to do things on the road you always wanted to do in real life but didn't because it would endanger peoples lives, And also it would be againts the law. Also if your where in some free rome mode in the game you could explore the state or see what road go where and what scenery would you see. Plus if you had car troubles in the game or had to stop for fuel or rest stops would be cool.
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Post by Morty »

korge wrote:Lol. Aslong as you arent mad with me with this arguement, I respect your views.

But as a online type open ended game like you mentioned, it would be great.

Im just not so fond on the idea of MicroSofts Drive Simulator 2010. :P I tried TDU... Way too big for me, AND the fact that the "Realistic" streets are a bunch of 90 degree urns (unlike blended tracks in Carbon), Its hard to speed and make the sharp turns at the same time.

Ahh.. Time for we to go take a good weewee.

Nah, I wasn't mad, but I didn't want to go to bed after reading I was being stupid :P
The whole key to the game I'm trying to describe tho, is that it's gonna be a MASSIVE online multiplayer. Maybe I should have been a little clearer on that in the beginning. :)

I still haven't tried TDU tho, so I can't really judge that yet, but I like the fact that it's big, and that 1 hour race I read about is very tempting, since I like long races. I would hope for even longer races too tho :P Not too happy about the 90 degree turns, a few of them would be ok, but I hope it's not too many of those, because sharp turns is something I struggle a lot with...
hugh750 wrote:Granted it would be easy to get lost in the game but it still would be fun to do things on the road you always wanted to do in real life but didn't because it would endanger peoples lives, And also it would be againts the law. Also if your where in some free rome mode in the game you could explore the state or see what road go where and what scenery would you see. Plus if you had car troubles in the game or had to stop for fuel or rest stops would be cool.
Considering EA has experience with a lot of different games, they could expand the GTA style, with adding other stuff into the game. Like Sims and SimCity, and maybe those sports games. You drive to a baseball stadium, and you can play EA MLB or something. I'm getting kinda lost in ideas here now tho, I really doubt they will ever drag it that far, but I'm still gonna have dreams :)
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Post by Raakone »

Hmm. Well, I'm not sure if I'd like a "Strictly" MMO, but one with much better online components would be cool, such as rather than going through a lobby-interface, you actually cruise around the entire area looking for other players, and you can even have the GPS track your "friends."

In the case of the career mode, with the waypoints, there'd be effectively two maps. The one of whatever city or town you're in (N/A when you're in a rural area), where there's a waypoint for each available race, safehouse, dealership, other, the other would be of the entire region/state/whatever. In this case, there's a waypoint for each town/city entrance (but only those you've been to), as well as all available races that aren't within "city limits", and things like service centres. Of course, "jumping" should not be available if the cops are in "red alert" or "blue alert" (or maybe even "yellow alert"...that is, the patrols in the area become momentarily more vigilant because of something you may or may not have done...red alert is a chase, blue alert is cooldown).

In the case of career mode, you have "crew", in the case of MMO mode, you can have fellow members be the "crew", you can customize "abilities" for your auto (and maybe the more epxerienced you are, the better abilities?) in order to help your crew-members (for races that allow this!)

Another Idea I had, is that for some high-level MMO races, some near-end Career races, and maybe a couple of really advanced challenges you'd have the "Grand Race", something that could easily have been inspired by Cannonball Run...maybe not. But the Grand Race entails both sections of city and inter-city racing, for obvious reasons it's a Sprint. (ok, maybe there may be a one-lap Grand Circuit). You'd have some bottlenecks and rough roads and "canyon" roads. It's the ultimate test for those who think they have what it takes. Maybe it could even be a "Grand Race Wars"?

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Post by Morty »

Raakone wrote:Hmm. Well, I'm not sure if I'd like a "Strictly" MMO, but one with much better online components would be cool, such as rather than going through a lobby-interface, you actually cruise around the entire area looking for other players, and you can even have the GPS track your "friends."
Well, it doesn't have to be strictly MMO, but I would definitely want some heavy improvements on the online part. I feel it's the right way to go :)
The lobby interface is too boring for me, I want to drive around online, and maybe drop by races. It'd make the whole online experience a lot more interesting, and it would open for online free roam challenges. Imagine driving against a friend while trying to avoid crashing with other players. It could be a lot of fun :) I do realize not everyone share my POV tho, so having the lobby-interface as an option is ok, I just like the possibility to choose how I want to play a game.
In the case of the career mode, with the waypoints, there'd be effectively two maps. The one of whatever city or town you're in (N/A when you're in a rural area), where there's a waypoint for each available race, safehouse, dealership, other, the other would be of the entire region/state/whatever. In this case, there's a waypoint for each town/city entrance (but only those you've been to), as well as all available races that aren't within "city limits", and things like service centres. Of course, "jumping" should not be available if the cops are in "red alert" or "blue alert" (or maybe even "yellow alert"...that is, the patrols in the area become momentarily more vigilant because of something you may or may not have done...red alert is a chase, blue alert is cooldown).
That would be great :D
In the case of career mode, you have "crew", in the case of MMO mode, you can have fellow members be the "crew", you can customize "abilities" for your auto (and maybe the more epxerienced you are, the better abilities?) in order to help your crew-members (for races that allow this!)
Yeah, a crew online would be much better than a crew with AI drivers. I didn't like the crew system in NFSC, but it'd be nice to play against other people with some friends. But I don't want to be forced to have a crew, I also like to play alone against other people.
Another Idea I had, is that for some high-level MMO races, some near-end Career races, and maybe a couple of really advanced challenges you'd have the "Grand Race", something that could easily have been inspired by Cannonball Run...maybe not. But the Grand Race entails both sections of city and inter-city racing, for obvious reasons it's a Sprint. (ok, maybe there may be a one-lap Grand Circuit). You'd have some bottlenecks and rough roads and "canyon" roads. It's the ultimate test for those who think they have what it takes. Maybe it could even be a "Grand Race Wars"?
Lovin' it. :D
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