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Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 20 Jan 2008, 05:51
by evilmegamonkey

Re: My dream

Posted: 21 Jan 2008, 05:29
by Stereo
I had a dream about putting on lots of condoms and then I got caught by a girl and banged her...

Really. :twisted:

Re: My dream

Posted: 21 Jan 2008, 06:23
by evilmegamonkey
I've had dreams like that.

I sorta had it again!

I was like oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz.

Then the music got louder, and I was like


Re: My dream

Posted: 21 Jan 2008, 06:26
by evilmegamonkey


Re: My dream

Posted: 21 Jan 2008, 06:31
by Stereo
I was at this huge race filled with mentally retarded people and mutants. There were only 2 bathrooms but two tough guys had just occupied it. I waited and then they came out an the race started. There were around 100 BMW Z-4s driving by before the racers began. Then I started jumping because some moron was after me for no reason. Every time I jumped and landed, I went higher. It was like I weighed so little. It felt really real and really cool. =D that happens a lot. THEN I hopped back to the bathrooms and took a shower. After taking a shower, I got horny after seeing a hot girl so I went to get some condoms from this kit in my hotel room. The box was tiny and had like 20 condoms. I put all of them on (I don't know why...) and then got caught by a girl. I was in the shower and then she got horny too so then :mrgreen:

ALSO I had this other dream where my family won a game show and we were sent to this dumb island in Florida that had a raging current all around it and there was this rusty abandoned house with a working kitchen, radio, TV, lots of beds, and an Xbox 270. (It said 270 right on it lol... Funky form) I played it all day and then I went to sleep but then I discovered all these things like a giant corpse and a really old picture of this scary face. I kicked the corpse and all this stuff came out of it. I found a gold rolex and keys. The keys were to a boat I found on a dock in the backyard. After a year of living there, 20 mexicans came into our house randomly and had a fiesta but then I woke up.

All these dreams DID get dreamed or whatever.

Re: My dream

Posted: 21 Jan 2008, 07:36
by xHaZxMaTx
evilmegamonkey wrote:Didn't work out too well ^
That's what the edit button is for, genius. :|

Re: My dream

Posted: 21 Jan 2008, 08:34
by powerof1000
I don't have dreams anymore.

Re: My dream

Posted: 21 Jan 2008, 08:59
by boganbusman
I had a dream where everyone died. That was a nice dream.

Re: My dream

Posted: 21 Jan 2008, 20:28
by evilmegamonkey
I dont have dreams unless I take medicine.

And I didn't feel like retrying that, only to fail again.

Re: My dream

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 16:39
by race_invader
Most of my dreams are about owning a Toyota supra or dinosaurs came back to life kinda like Jurassic park way and just roamed Australia while everyone was fighting for their life etc

Re: My dream

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 22:54
by donaldgladden
i recently had a dream where race_invader's sig was right and then i thought about xHaZxMaTx's post count...

It was terrible :cry:

Re: My dream

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 23:39
by Stereo
Sorry, but you're officially a fag.


But that is kinda... unright.

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 04:02
by xHaZxMaTx
lol hyper

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 06:19
by viper16
what would that be haz about 2ft

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 16:13
by S2000_Skyline12
It's 9:11AM here and I just finished reading about 2 dudes wondering about HaZ's sizing. I'm with Stereo on this one....It's wrong :?

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 15:33
by TheStig
Man last night I dreamed that there where no more useless topics on this forum, but then I got up and looked over here and found this, and remembered it was only a dream...

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 03 Feb 2008, 14:17
by ImJ
Haha =P

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 16:10
by race_invader
I have a dream seriously that i had my finger chopped off by a CPU Fan, could of been just a normal PC cooling fan though. :lol:

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 05 Feb 2008, 03:58
by evilmegamonkey
You had a dream there were no more stupid threads on the Can of Spam section?

Double Yew Tee Eff, Stig

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 14 Feb 2008, 02:03
by Jopuma
viper16 wrote:what would that be haz about 2ft
Just make sure you don't get an erection HaZ or you'd lose all your blood pressure and die........ on second thought try as hard as you can to get an erection. :lol: :lol:
TheStig wrote:Man last night I dreamed that there where no more useless topics on this forum, but then I got up and looked over here and found this, and remembered it was only a dream...
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Re: My dream

Posted: 14 Feb 2008, 10:22
by ImJ
donaldgladden wrote:i recently had a dream where race_invader's sig was right and then i thought about xHaZxMaTx's post count...

It was terrible :cry:

i didn't see that post :P

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 25 Feb 2008, 13:12
by race_invader
ImJ has a small one.. :lol: Oh btw i had a day dream thinkin who was the very first member to sign up onto Nfsunlimited. :)

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 25 Feb 2008, 13:26
by donaldgladden

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 10:00
by race_invader
:lol: Kewl so the first member besides admins was 'Erix' hmm.. strange.. he isnt around anymore i guess.

Re: Teh Dreamz Sooperdooperthread

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 12:57
by donaldgladden
Bojan's first couple posts are hilarious :lol: