Motorcycles and nfs, wtf lol

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el bruja gato
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Motorcycles and nfs, wtf lol

Post by el bruja gato »

Show yourself all ye strange folk who dream of going fast on 4 wheels yet have only have the number of rolling appendages in the real world XD

Well there's nothing wrong with it here, cars are horridly expensive here in Singapore and all they do is get stuck in the next traffic jam. Picture a Lambo doing like... 5 kph, its massive V-10 groaning loudly at not going anywhere. Sports cars have no where to run here... in a country that is smaller than some global cities, and most tuners are ricers that are very obviously configured by someone with no sense of aerodynamics... much less anything else. If they are tuned right, they won't be going more than 90kph on the highways because its just too expensive to risk, or they get caught by the awesome Subaru Impreza police interceptors - that don't have restrictions :) It's very funny, how once upon a time the roads were plagued by speeding rally-style cars, and now the police are using them (much cheaper than the old BMW interceptors and just as good), and now most local speedsters you see are elegantes that won't be driven fast for common sense reasons - there's just no gain in street racing or showing off how fast you can go!

So the only thing I have of personal property right now is my 6 year old motorcycle, very humble stock single cylinder 125cc that's handpainted with a crew back in my school days... zero accidents, zero reliability issues with half-past-six maintenence, and (here's where the fun begins) so long as the moving bits have been properly checked out it does naught to sixty (mph) in something like 5 seconds and cruises at 80mph because believe it or not it's UNSAFE to be stuck in a pack of bloody huge clumsy cows piloted by people who jam on the brakes the moment they see such as:

1) an interesting object on the road, including run over animals
2) accident vehicles, so they can take down the license plate number to use in the lottery
3) a bend in the road

So I've become used to being Jeremy Clarkson on 2 wheels. Out of frustration at trying to be civilised and reasonable.
And if I were to get a car it would probably be riced out to bits just like my NFS ones but configured as a highway cruiser, cos that's where the fun is. So long as you don't break the speed limit too much. What too much is, is subject to prevailing conditions and the phase of the moon. Because this tiny thing i have goes more than 100mph... easily. Somehow.

I used to be scared of all that power, really, I had my share of accidents in driving school and it put me off. That's why I read up on automotive physics, and that's why I play NFS. I don't like full blown racing sims simply because it gives me a headache. It's not immersive enough. But in NFS it's sort of just right with all the assists turned off. There's understeer, oversteer, weight transfer and suspension tuning. That's most of the knowledge I end up using in the real world, anyway! Who cares if there's twice the number of wheels, its fun and safe and doesn't use up fuel xd.

Well, that's sorta what I do in life behind the wheel, use it as you will ^^
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Re: Motorcycles and nfs, wtf lol

Post by boganbusman »

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Re: Motorcycles and nfs, wtf lol

Post by TheStig »

I don't get it...
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Re: Motorcycles and nfs, wtf lol

Post by bashderq »

He just wants to know who on the forums owns a bike and is willing to shall his enormous well of knowledge of all things on two wheels.
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Re: Motorcycles and nfs, wtf lol

Post by Koenigsegg_Rox »

You lost me at "bikes"....

My mum has a bike, does that count?
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